Dr Brian Nantais of Nantais Family Chiropractic shares the reasons behind arthritis patients being prone to injuries from even minor falls. Contact us today!

Arthritis is a condition affecting most elderly and middle age populations worldwide, causing pain, inflammation, and limited mobility. It’s not just the discomfort of arthritis that patients have to contend with; they also face an increased risk of injuries. At Elevation Health Clinic in Canada, under the guidance of Dr Brian Nantais of Nantais Family Chiropractic, we delve into the intricacies of why arthritis patients are prone to injuries and the strategies that can help mitigate these risks.

  1. Understanding Arthritis and Its Impact
  2. Strategies to Reduce Injury Risk in Arthritis Patients

Understanding Arthritis and Its Impact:

Arthritis encompasses a group of diseases involving inflammation of the joints resulting in pain, stiffness, swelling, and decreased joint mobility. The most common types are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Dr Brian Nantais of Nantais Family Chiropractic explains that these conditions affect joint cartilage, which acts as a cushion between bones, and the synovium, a thin membrane that produces synovial fluid for joint lubrication.

The inflamed and compromised state of joints in arthritis patients contributes significantly to their susceptibility to injuries.

Let’s look at the reasons:-

1. Reduced Range of Motion: Arthritis restricts joint movement, causing a reduced range of motion. This limitation makes everyday activities and movements more challenging and increases the likelihood of accidents, slips, and falls.

2. Muscle Weakness: The pain and inflammation associated with arthritis can lead to muscle weakness and atrophy. Muscles play a vital role in stabilising joints and preventing injuries. Weakened muscles can’t provide the necessary support, making patients more prone to strains and sprains.

3. Altered Gait Patterns: Arthritis-related pain and joint deformities can alter a person’s gait. This change in walking patterns places uneven stress on different body parts, ultimately increasing the risk of overuse injuries and imbalances.

4. Instability: Joint inflammation and cartilage damage can compromise the stability of joints. This instability can result in sudden shifts, leading to accidents that cause injuries.

5. Medication Side Effects: Some medications used to manage arthritis pain, and inflammation might have side effects that impact balance, coordination, and muscle strength. These effects can contribute to an hightened risk of injuries.

Strategies to Reduce Injury Risk in Arthritis Patients:

While the challenges are evident, there are several strategies that arthritis patients can adopt to reduce their susceptibility to injuries:

1. Exercise and Strengthening: Regular, low-impact exercises can help maintain joint flexibility and strengthen muscles around the affected joints. Consultation with a professional is crucial to design a safe and effective exercise routine.

2. Proper Footwear: Wearing appropriate footwear can significantly improve stability and minimize the risk of falls. Tailored Shoes with good arch support, cushioning, and proper grip can provide better joint support.

3. Assistive Devices: Walking aids such as canes, or walkers can aid in maintaining balance and preventing falls. These devices can also alleviate joint stress, reducing the risk of injuries.

4. Joint-Friendly Diet: A balanced diet rich in nutrients, particularly those that support joint health like omega-3 fatty acids, can contribute to overall well-being and possibly reduce inflammation.

5. Regular Check-ups: Arthritis patients should have regular check-ups with their healthcare providers to monitor their condition’s progression and adjust treatment plans.


In conclusion, the link between arthritis and increased injury susceptibility is a complex interplay of joint inflammation, reduced mobility, muscle weakness, and altered biomechanics. At Elevation Health in Canada, we understand the unique challenges that arthritis patients face. Under the guidance of Dr Brian Nantais, Nantais Family Chiropractic, we emphasise a holistic approach to patient care. Contact us for more information.

Apart from Chiropractic Care, Dr Brian Nantais of Nantais Family Chiropractic also suggests taking certain vitamins and calcium into your diet for arthritis relief.

Finding relief from arthritis might be closer than you think. Apart from chiropractic care, incorporating certain nutrients into your diet can significantly improve arthritis symptoms. Dr Brian Nantais of Nantais Family Chiropractic, an esteemed expert at Elevation Health Clinic in Canada, recommends focusing on calcium and specific vitamins to alleviate arthritis-related issues. In this blog, we will go through the benefits of these nutrients and how they contribute to managing arthritis.

  1. Understanding Arthritis
  2. The Role of Calcium in Arthritis Management
  3. Vitamin D – The Sunshine Vitamin
  4. Vitamin C for Collagen Formation
  5. Omega-3 Fatty Acids for Reducing Inflammation

Understanding Arthritis:

Arthritis is a group of conditions involving joint inflammation, causing pain, stiffness, and reduced mobility. The most common arthritis types include osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. While medical treatments are available, adopting a holistic approach that includes proper nutrition can be invaluable in improving the quality of life for those with arthritis.

The Role of Calcium in Arthritis Management:

Calcium is popular for its potential in maintaining strong bones and teeth. However, its significance in arthritis management is often overlooked. Dr Brian Nantais of Nantais Family Chiropractic explains that adequate calcium intake helps slow down bone loss, benefiting those with arthritis, especially osteoarthritis. Ensuring sufficient calcium levels in your diet can help preserve bone density, reducing the risk of fractures and joint deterioration.

Quality dietary sources of calcium are dairy products such as milk, yoghurt, and cheese. For those who are lactose intolerant or prefer plant-based options, fortified plant milk, tofu, almonds, and leafy greens like kale and broccoli are excellent alternatives.

Vitamin D – The Sunshine Vitamin:

Vitamin D works hand in hand with calcium, as it aids in calcium absorption from the digestive tract and regulates calcium levels in the blood. This powerful duo is crucial in maintaining bone health and joint function, making it essential for arthritis management.

While we can get vitamin D from limited dietary sources like fatty fish (salmon, mackerel), egg yolks, and fortified foods, sunlight is the best and most natural source of vitamin D. Spending time outdoors in the sun can help our bodies synthesize vitamin D, promoting healthier bones and potentially alleviating arthritis symptoms.

Vitamin C for Collagen Formation:

Vitamin C is renowned among experts and is recommended for its immune-boosting properties, but it also plays a vital role in collagen synthesis. Collagen is a crucial component of cartilage, the flexible tissue cushions our joints. Ensuring an adequate vitamin C intake supports the body’s ability to maintain healthy cartilage and minimize joint pain associated with arthritis.

Citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruits, and strawberries are excellent sources of vitamin C. Incorporating these fruits into your diet can provide the necessary nutrients for collagen formation and joint health.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids for Reducing Inflammation:

Omega-3 fatty acids is known for their anti-inflammatory properties, making them particularly beneficial for individuals with arthritis, especially rheumatoid arthritis. These healthy fats help reduce inflammation, decreasing joint pain and stiffness.

Fatty fishes like salmon, mackerel, and sardines are rich sources of omega-3s. Plant-based options like flaxseeds, chia seeds, and walnuts can also provide these essential fatty acids.

Bottom Line

When it comes to managing arthritis, a comprehensive approach that includes both chiropractic care and proper nutrition can make all the difference in your quality of life. Dr Brian Nantais of Nantais Family Chiropractic at Elevation Health Clinic in Canada encourages incorporating the above nutrients into your diet to support joint health and reduce arthritis symptoms.

If you want to get effective Chiropractic Care in Canada, contact Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic at Elevation Health.

Millions of people throughout the world suffer from arthritis, which causes pain, stiffness, and limited joint movement. The term “arthritis” refers to a collection of inflammatory joint illnesses rather than a single illness. The most prevalent type, osteoarthritis, is brought on by cartilage degradation in the joints as a result of wear and tear over time. Traditional therapies frequently concentrate on symptom management through medicine and physical therapy. Chiropractic Care, on the other hand, adopts a different strategy and aims to treat the underlying causes of arthritis rather than merely addressing the acute symptoms.

Chiropractic Treatment takes a holistic approach, and treating the underlying causes of arthritis entails more than just treating the damaged joints. Many people got effective and productive results after taking chiro care for arthritis. Chiropractors employ different techniques to treat the underlying issues. If you want to get Chiro care in Canada, contact Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic. He is a reputed and skilled Chiropractor who can offer you the best-fit treatment at Elevation Health.

Let’s look at the ways how chiropractors approach the underlying causes of arthritis:-

  1. Spinal Alignment
  2. Improved Joint Function
  3. Reducing Inflammation
  4. Muscle Stabilization
  5. Increasing General Well-Being 

Spinal Alignment:

Chiropractic care aims at the spine, which is the main support structure for the nervous system. Subluxations, or misalignments, can interfere with the brain-body connection and cause a variety of health concerns, including joint disorders. Chiropractors restore normal alignment by making exact spinal adjustments, which improves the nervous system’s performance and supports the body’s inherent capacity for healing. 

Improved Joint Function:

Chiropractic Adjustments assist damaged joints in regaining their proper function as well as relieve pressure on them. Joint mobility increases as misalignments are fixed, relieving pressure on surrounding tissues and promoting a more effective healing process. 

Reducing Inflammation:

Inflammation, which causes pain and tissue damage, is a major factor in the development of arthritis. To lessen inflammation and encourage blood flow to injured areas, chiropractors employ a variety of soft tissue techniques, including massage and trigger point therapy. This mitigates further joint damage and helps the body’s natural healing process. 

Muscle Stabilization:

Chiropractors understand that strong muscles can provide better support and protection for the joints. They recommend specific stretches and exercises to build the muscles around the injured joints. Stronger muscles support joint stability and lower the chance of developing arthritis-related problems in the future. 

Increasing General Well-Being:

Chiropractic Treatment does not just address the physical symptoms of arthritis. It takes the patient’s general health and way of life into account. To support joint health and encourage a proactive attitude to control arthritis, chiropractors offer insightful dietary counsel and lifestyle suggestions. 

Ending Note

By treating the root causes of arthritis, Chiropractic Care differs from traditional therapies. Chiropractors enable patients to take control of their joint health by restoring spinal alignment, enhancing joint function, lowering inflammation, and emphasizing general well-being. In addition to addressing the acute symptoms, chiropractic care takes a holistic approach to joint health, aiming to improve long-term joint health and lessen the burden of arthritis on daily activities. Consider investigating the advantages of chiropractic care as a healthy and efficient way to alleviate and increase joint mobility if you or a loved one is suffering from arthritis. If you want to get effective Chiropractic Care in Canada, contact  Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic at Elevation Health.

Knee arthritis is the most common type of arthritis that affects people of all ages. Here’s Dr Brian Nantais sharing its impact on the patient’s life.

As we age, our bodies undergo various changes, and one common condition that affects millions of people worldwide is knee joint arthritis. The knee joint, a complex structure of bones, cartilage, ligaments, and synovial fluid, plays a vital role in our mobility and daily activities. However, when arthritis strikes, it can significantly impact a patient’s life, leading to pain, limited mobility, and decreased overall quality of life. In this blog, we will explore how knee joint arthritis affects a patient’s life and how Dr Brian Nantais of Nantais Family Chiropractic at Elevation Health Clinic in Canada can offer valuable insights and support to manage this challenging condition.

  1. Understanding Knee Joint Arthritis
  2. The Impact on Daily Life

Understanding Knee Joint Arthritis:

Knee joint arthritis is a chronic condition characterized by inflammation and gradual breakdown of the joint’s cartilage. As the cartilage wears away, the bones may start rubbing against each other, causing pain, swelling, and stiffness in the knee. The two most common types of knee joint arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Osteoarthritis is typically associated with wear and tear over time, while rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that affects the synovial lining of the joint.

The Impact on Daily Life:

Dr Brian Nantais of the Nantais Family Chiropractic shares the following impacts of Knee Arthritis on the patient’s daily life:-

Pain and Discomfort: The most noticeable effect of knee joint arthritis is the persistent pain and discomfort experienced by patients. Simple tasks like walking, climbing stairs, or even standing for extended periods become excruciatingly painful, making it challenging to maintain an active lifestyle.

Reduced Mobility: Knee joint arthritis often leads to a reduced range of motion and flexibility in the affected knee. This limitation can hinder one’s ability to perform basic activities independently, resulting in dependence on assistive devices or caregiver support.

Impaired Physical Function: The compromised joint function affects patients’ ability to engage in recreational activities they once enjoyed. Hobbies, sports, and outdoor activities may become impossible or severely restricted, leading to isolation and frustration.

Emotional Toll: Dealing with chronic pain and limitations can take an emotional toll on patients. Depression, anxiety, and helplessness are common in those living with knee joint arthritis. The loss of independence and self-reliance can further exacerbate these emotions.

Sleep Disturbances: The pain and discomfort associated with knee joint arthritis can disrupt sleep patterns, leading to fatigue and decreased overall well-being. Poor sleep quality can further aggravate the emotional strain and impact the body’s ability to heal and cope.

Impact on Relationships: Knee joint arthritis can also affect interpersonal relationships. Family members and friends may not fully comprehend the patient’s challenges, leading to potential misunderstandings or strained dynamics.

Closing Words

Knee joint arthritis is a challenging condition that affects numerous aspects of a patient’s life. The impact can be significant, from physical limitations and pain to emotional distress. However, with the right guidance, support, and treatment, patients can manage the condition effectively and improve their quality of life. Dr Brian Nantais and the team at Nantais Family Chiropractic at the Elevation Health clinic in Canada provide a comprehensive approach to help patients regain control of their lives and navigate the challenges of knee joint arthritis with confidence.

Opting for the best Chiropractic Care in Canada, contact Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic at Elevation Health.

Millions of individuals worldwide suffer from arthritis, a prevalent ailment that causes stiffness, persistent joint pain, and decreased mobility. Doctors and specialists refer to medical procedures and painkillers. At the same time, many people look for alternative methods to address the underlying reasons for their symptoms and enhance their general quality of life. Chiropractic Treatment has been a promising choice for arthritis sufferers in recent years. But for fruitful results, you must contact any expert professional like Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic. He is an expert in Chiropractor at Elevation Health in Canada and can offer you the best-fit care.

Chiropractic care has several advantages that can help arthritis patients live better lives even though it cannot treat their condition.

Let’s discuss briefly how it can help arthritis sufferers:-

  1. Pain management
  2. Increased Joint Mobility
  3. Reducing Inflammation
  4. Individualised Treatment Plans
  5. Holistic Lifestyle suggestions 

Pain management:

Chiropractic adjustments aim to bring the spine and joints back into appropriate alignment. Subluxations, or misalignments, can aggravate the symptoms of arthritis by putting additional stress on the affected joints. Chiropractors employ precise, gentle adjustments to lessen joint limitations, relieve pressure on the nerves, and relieve pain. Chiropractic therapy can significantly reduce arthritis patients’ pain by addressing the underlying structural problems. 

Increased Joint Mobility:

Arthritis frequently results in tight joints and decreased range of motion, making it difficult to carry out regular tasks. Specific joint mobilization methods and therapeutic exercises are part of Chiropractic Care and intend to increase joint mobility. Chiropractors assist patients in regaining movement and improving their capacity to carry out necessary duties comfortably by enhancing the flexibility and function of damaged joints.

Contact any expert like Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic if you are looking for effective and safe chiropractic care. He is a reputed and experienced Chiropractor Near me and can offer you the best-fit care at Elevation Health. 

Reducing Inflammation:

The symptoms and development of arthritis are mostly caused by inflammation. Combining chiropractic adjustments with other holistic methods can alleviate the body’s inflammation. Chiropractic therapy helps the neurological system work at its best by restoring appropriate spinal alignment, which helps control the body’s inflammatory response. Patients with arthritis may experience less pain and joint inflammation due to this. 

Individualized Treatment Plans:

Chiropractors use a patient-centred philosophy, customizing treatment regimens to suit each patient’s requirements. When creating a personalized strategy, they take the patient’s goals, the kind and severity of arthritis, general health, and lifestyle factors into account. This all-encompassing strategy ensures that the treatment considers the particular issues and difficulties that arthritis patients confront, enhancing overall results and quality of life. 

Holistic Lifestyle suggestions:

Chiropractors frequently offer lifestyle suggestions to promote arthritis management in addition to manual therapies. These might include suggestions for fitness regimens, nutritional changes, stress-reduction methods, and ergonomic changes for the home or office. These suggestions can help arthritis patients better control their symptoms and enjoy improved well-being in their daily lives. 


Chiropractic Care focuses on pain relief, increased joint mobility, reduced inflammation, and general quality of life improvement to manage arthritis holistically and patient-centred. Chiropractic Treatment can considerably reduce symptoms, improve functionality, and provide people with the tools they need to live happier lives, even though it may not be able to cure arthritis. Consider speaking with a licensed chiropractor to learn more about how chiropractic care might assist your quest for a higher quality of life if you are an arthritis patient looking for alternative treatment alternatives. Contact Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic at Elevation Health if you want effective chiro care in Canada.

If you want any chiro in Canada, contact Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic at Elevation Health.

Chiropractic Treatment can be a productive way to manage joint stiffness in arthritis, providing relief and better mobility through various techniques. Chiropractors use some specific techniques tailoring to your need to reduce joint stiffness and arthritis pain as well. But to get effective care in Canada, you must contact Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic at Elevation Health.

Here’s an example of how chiropractic therapy might help:-

  1. Expert Evaluation
  2. Individualized Treatment Plans
  3. Spinal Manipulation
  4. Joint Mobilization
  5. Soft Tissue Therapy
  6. Exercise and Stretching regimens
  7. Lifestyle Advice
  8. Pain treatment
  9. Long-Term Management
  10. Holistic Approach 

Expert Evaluation:

The first step in seeing a chiropractor for arthritis-related joint discomfort is a complete assessment of your situation. The chiropractor will take a full medical history, ask about your symptoms, and perform physical examinations to determine which joints are impacted and their range of motion. 

Individualized Treatment Plans:

The chiropractor will create a personalized treatment plan relevant to your needs and limits based on the evaluation. This strategy will include the type and severity of your arthritis and your age, medical history, and lifestyle variables. 

Spinal Manipulation:

Chiropractors are well-known for their expertise in spinal manipulation, which can considerably reduce joint stiffness in arthritis patients. The chiropractor realigns the spine with moderate adjustments, relieving strain on the afflicted joints and enhancing nerve function. It can result in reduced inflammation and increased joint mobility. 

Joint Mobilization:

Chiropractors use joint mobilization procedures and spinal manipulation to target specific arthritic joints. These moderate exercises increase joint range of motion, decrease stiffness, and promote flexibility. Experienced chiro like Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic can provide you with suitable and safe treatment in Canada. He is a reputed chiro at Elevation Health. 

Soft Tissue Therapy:

Soft tissue therapy, like massage or myofascial release, may be used by chiropractors to treat muscle stress and tightness around the damaged joints. The pressure on the joints is lessened by reducing muscle and soft tissue tension, offering relaxation and enhancing joint function. 

Exercise and Stretching regimens:

Chiropractors frequently recommend specific exercise and stretching regimens to arthritis patients. These exercises help strengthen the muscles that support the afflicted joints while enhancing flexibility, reducing stiffness, and increasing total joint stability. 

Lifestyle Advice:

Chiropractors stress the necessity of keeping a healthy lifestyle for arthritis patients. They may provide recommendations on nutrition, hydration, ergonomic modifications at home or work, and posture correction. These lifestyle changes can help to supplement chiropractic treatments and improve joint health. 

Pain treatment:

Chiropractors can also give non-medication pain treatment solutions. They may employ heat or cold therapy to relieve pain and soothe swollen joints. 

Long-Term Management:

Chiropractic care focuses on long-term joint health and short-term comfort. Visits to the chiropractor regularly can help you track your progress, make any changes to your treatment plan, and support ongoing joint care. 

Holistic Approach:

One of the most significant benefits of chiropractic care is its holistic approach to wellness. Chiropractors analyze the body’s interconnection and how many systems influence joint health. Chiropractic therapy attempts to optimize general well-being and improve joint function in arthritis patients by addressing these aspects. 

Closing Line

While Chiropractic Treatment can be effective for many arthritis sufferers, contacting your primary care physician or rheumatologist is critical before beginning any new treatment option to confirm it is appropriate for your individual condition. Suppose you opt for fruitful chiro care to fix joint stiffness; contact Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic. He is a reputed chiro at Elevation Health in Canada and can offer top-notch treatment.

Get help with your arthritis from Dr Brian Nantais at Elevation Health, Canada, through Chiro care. Contact us today.

Do you have swelling or pain in your joints? Do you have any joint pain when you first wake up? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, you may suffer from arthritis. It’s not as unusual as you might believe. Age, gender, and nationality are not factors in arthritis! If you want to ease the pain and want an effective but non-surgical treatment, you must opt for Chiropractic Care from a reliable clinic. Elevation Health is a leading chiropractic clinic in Canada with efficient and skilled chiropractors. Once you decide to get Chiro care to manage arthritis pain, contact our expert Chiropractor, Dr Brian Nantais, from Nantais Family Chiropractic.

To learn about the effectiveness of Chiropractic Care in treating arthritis, you dive into the following discussion.

  1. What is arthritis?
  2. Signs you might have arthritis
  3. How chiropractic care can help arthritis pain 

What is arthritis?

A joint suffering from arthritis will enlarge and become tender. It’s a common misperception that arthritis is a particular illness. However, there are various forms of arthritis that you or a loved one may experience. The many types of arthritis are as follows:

Osteoarthritis/Degenerative Arthritis:

The most typical form of arthritis is thought to be this one. Degenerative arthritis develops when the cartilage deteriorates and rubs on the bone, resulting in discomfort, edema, and stiffness.

Rheumatoid Arthritis:

An autoimmune condition called rheumatoid arthritis makes your body attack the tissues in your joints. Joint pain and eventual joint abnormalities are potential effects of this type of arthritis. According to research, women are three times as likely as males to get RA.

Infectious Arthritis:

An infection in a joint is what causes this kind of arthritis. It frequently happens when bacteria that has infected your body spreads to your joints or fluids. Only one joint can have infectious arthritis.

Metabolic Arthritis:

When the body’s uric acid accumulates in the joints, metabolic arthritis develops, resulting in excruciating pain and possibly even a gout attack. When a person has excessive uric acid levels, and their body cannot quickly eliminate it, this type of arthritis can develop.

If you want to ease the pain and reduce swelling and inflammation, get the best Chiropractic Care from Dr Brian Nantais at Nantais Family Chiropractic.

Signs you might have arthritis:

As you can see from the information above, there are various types of arthritis, but they all generally begin the same way. Understanding the early indications of arthritis might help you control your pain and stop its progression.

Some of the typical indications of arthritis include these:-

  1. Joint pain
  2. Joint swelling
  3. Stiffness of joints
  4. Deformity of joints
  5. Lumps and bumps around joints
  6. Joint tenderness

How chiropractic care can help arthritis pain: 

Chiropractic Treatment can delay the progression and lessen pain. It’s a safe, all-natural method of reducing the discomfort and pain that arthritis can cause. With a Chiropractic Adjustment, a chiropractor like Dr Brian Nantais at Elevation Health can assist. A chiropractic adjustment can assist in realigning the spine and the joint to lessen the pain and inflammation brought on by arthritis. You not only experience less discomfort, but you also notice an improvement in the mobility of your joints. Do not let your arthritis prevent you from engaging in your favourite activities. You can receive an effective adjustment from Nantais Family Chiropractic to help ease your arthritis pain.


Get the best Chiropractic Care from Elevation Health, Canada. Schedule an appointment with our best chiropractor at Nantais Family Chiropractic today.

Contact Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic at Elevation Health if you opt for any Chiropractor Near Me in Canada.

One or more joints might become inflamed and painful due to arthritis. There are various forms of arthritis, with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis being the most prevalent. The symptoms are mostly similar in arthritis. There are certain treatments to deal with the unbearable pain of arthritis. Chiropractic Care is also a way to treat arthritis. Chiropractors employ specific techniques that fix the underlying causes of arthritis and provide pain relief and comfort. However, it can’t cure arthritis. But to get effective care, you must contact an experienced chiropractor like Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic. He is a well-recognized chiropractor at Elevation Health and can offer you the best possible treatment in Canada. There are some alarming symptoms; if you feel this, contact an orthopaedic for better treatment.

Let’s look at the alarming signs:-

  1. Chronic Joint Pain
  2. Joint Stiffness
  3. Joint Swelling
  4. Limited Range of Motion
  5. Joint Deformities
  6. Weariness
  7. Systemic symptoms
  8. Morning Stiffness
  9. Sleeping Problems
  10. Joint Warmth
  11. Joint Redness
  12. Numbness and Tingling 

Chronic Joint Pain:

Arthritis frequently manifests as chronic joint pain that doesn’t disappear or worsens with time. Although the pain can vary in intensity, it is typically felt even when at rest. 

Joint Stiffness:

Joint stiffness is a common sign of arthritis, particularly in the morning or after periods of inactivity. The affected joints may be difficult to move due to this stiffness, which may improve with light exercise. 

Joint Swelling:

Joint inflammation can cause swelling, which makes the afflicted area look red, feel warm to the touch, and be visibly bigger than usual. 

Limited Range of Motion:

Arthritis can limit the range of motion in the affected joints. Everyday actions may become difficult, including bending, lifting, and gripping objects. 

Joint Deformities:

Prolonged inflammation is a risk factor for joint deformities in various arthritis, including rheumatoid arthritis. It could result in observable alterations to the appearance of the joint, like knobby fingers or toes.

Chiropractic Care can deal with early symptoms of arthritis. You can get the best-fit chiro care for arthritis only from experienced chiropractors like Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic at  Elevation Health. Contact him in Canada if needed.   


Because of ongoing pain and inflammation, arthritis can lead to substantial weariness. Even after light physical exercise, people with arthritis may experience fatigue. 

Systemic symptoms:

Some forms of arthritis, such as rheumatoid arthritis, can result in systemic symptoms like fever, weight loss, and all-over body aches and pains. 

Morning Stiffness:

Morning stiffness is a common symptom of arthritis, especially in the morning or after extended periods of inactivity. A few hours may pass before the stiffness subsides. 

Sleeping Problems:

The discomfort associated with arthritis might make it difficult to get to sleep. 

Joint Warmth:

Because of increased blood flow and an immunological reaction, inflamed joints may feel warm to the touch. 

Joint Redness:

Due to increased blood flow and tissue inflammation, inflammatory arthritis can make the affected joints appear red and swollen. 

Numbness and Tingling:

In certain circumstances, inflammation brought on by arthritis can compress nerves, causing weakness or tingling in the region. 

Final Words

It is critical to get medical assistance immediately if you or someone you know exhibits these symptoms. Early detection and management of arthritis can aid in effective management and stop future joint deterioration. Based on the distinct type and degree of arthritis, a healthcare professional, such as a rheumatologist, can make an accurate diagnosis and provide a suitable treatment strategy. You can also opt for Chiropractic Care with expert consultation. If you want a Chiropractor Near Me in Canada, contact Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic at  Elevation Health.

Though Chiro care can’t prevent arthritIs, it can ease the pain. Contact Dr Brian Nantais at Elevation Health, Canada for the best chiro care today.

People have no idea that arthritis is a combination of over a hundred disorders that affect the joints, not just one disease. According to statistics, one in five Canadians has arthritis. The statement that arthritis is one of Canadians’ most common chronic diseases is accurate. At Elevation Health clinic in Canada, Dr Brian Nantais of the Nantais Family Chiropractic treats many arthritis patients daily. Our chiropractors have helped many people find relief from the symptoms of arthritis through Chiropractic Care.

It is crucial to highlight that arthritis is primarily a degenerative disorder brought on by ageing, heredity, and joint wear and tear, and  Chiropractic Care cannot prevent this condition. Chiropractic treatment, however, can help treat arthritis and may even be able to halt its progression. Here is a detailed discussion explaining the role of chiropractic care concerning arthritis.

Let’s have a look:-

  1. Pain Management
  2. Improved Joint Function
  3. Reducing Joint Stress
  4. Enhancing Joint Stability
  5. Posture Correction
  6. Lifestyle Recommendations 

Pain Management:

The primary aim of Chiropractic Treatment is to reduce arthritic pain. To treat the afflicted joints and associated tissues, chiropractors like our Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic employ a variety of treatments including spinal adjustments, soft tissue manipulation, and physical therapies. Chiropractic therapy aids in the management of pain and suffering by lowering inflammation, enhancing joint mobility, and releasing endorphins.

Improved Joint Function:

Joint stiffness, a reduction in range of motion, and a decline in joint performance can all be caused by arthritis. Chiropractic treatments improve joint function and encourage healthy movement patterns by restoring optimal joint alignment and mobility. It may result in more flexible joints, less strain on the joints, and maybe slower deterioration.

Reducing Joint Stress:

Misalignments in the spine and other parts of the body can put more strain on the arthritic joints. Redistributing stress and reducing undue strain on arthritic joints are two benefits of chiropractic adjustments, which straighten the spine, pelvis, and other joints. Chiropractic Care can assist in easing the strain on the injured joints. If you want the best Chiro care from a reliable place in Canada, contact Elevation Health today.

Enhancing Joint Stability:

Joint stability may be compromised by arthritis as surrounding muscles, ligaments, and tissues deteriorate. Chiropractors might use various exercises and rehabilitation methods to bolster the supporting tissues around the afflicted joints. The risk of additional harm decreases, and the damaged joints can receive better support with increased joint stability.

Posture Correction:

Poor posture can exacerbate arthritis symptoms and contribute to joint discomfort. Chiropractic Care emphasizes proper posture and body mechanics. Chiropractors from Nantais Family Chiropractic assess posture and provide guidance on ergonomics, exercises, and lifestyle modifications to improve posture and reduce unnecessary stress on arthritic joints.

Lifestyle Recommendations:

Chiropractors often provide lifestyle recommendations that can complement arthritis management. These may include guidance on nutrition, exercise routines, weight management, stress reduction techniques, and ergonomic adjustments. Such lifestyle modifications can help individuals with arthritis maintain overall health and potentially slow the condition’s progression.


Chiropractic Treatment can help manage arthritis symptoms, enhance joint function, and improve the overall quality of life, even if it cannot prevent the disease. To provide comprehensive care for arthritis management, it is crucial to speak with a trained and licensed chiropractor who can evaluate your unique situation and provide a custom treatment plan. Contact Dr Brian Nantais at Elevation Health, Canada, for the best Chiro treatment for arthritis.

Get healthy joints and treat your joint pain with the help of Chiropractic Care from Nantais Family Chiropractic at Elevation Health, Canada.

You can experience joint issues at any age. However, as you age, your joints could deteriorate naturally. It entails decreased muscle mass, cartilage, synovial fluid, and bone density. These alterations could result in tendinitis, arthritis, sprains, strains, or other joint problems or injuries. Some of these changes may impact your mobility and overall well-being, which you can help prevent by maintaining joint health. That is why it is important to maintain good joint health. If you want a treatment that can help ease joint or arthritis pain, please consider getting Chiropractic Care from Nantais Family Chiropractic at Elevation Health, Canada.

As healthy joints are crucial for everyone’s overall well-being and quality of life, Chiropractic Treatment can help you to prevent arthritis and ease joint pain. Get help from Dr Brian Nantais at Nantais Family Chiropractic to keep your joints healthy and functional.

Now let’s dive into the detailed discussion of the topic:-

  1. Mobility and Independence
  2. Pain-free Living
  3. Physical Fitness and Exercise
  4. Longevity and Aging
  5. Productivity and Work Performance
  6. Prevention of Secondary Health Issues

Mobility and Independence:

Healthy joints enable you to move freely and perform daily activities without discomfort or limitations. When joints are healthy, you can maintain independence and carry out essential tasks without assistance. If you have any joint pain, treat it with the best Chiropractic Care from Nantais Family Chiropractic. 

Pain-free Living:

If you have healthy joints, you can lead a pain-free life. They allow us to live without constant joint pain or discomfort. By maintaining joint health, you can avoid or minimize the risk of conditions like arthritis, which can cause chronic pain and significantly impact our daily lives.

Physical Fitness and Exercise:

Maintaining an active lifestyle and engaging in physical activity and fitness require healthy joints. Healthy joints enable us to participate in various activities, including sports, fitness centre routines, and simple physical activities like walking or hiking.

Longevity and Aging:

As we age, joint health becomes even more critical. Healthy joints contribute to an active and independent lifestyle as we grow older. They allow us to continue enjoying hobbies, spending time with loved ones, and pursuing our interests well into our senior years. Maintaining healthy joints can help delay the onset of age-related joint conditions, improving our quality of life.

Productivity and Work Performance:

Healthy joints are essential for maintaining productivity and performing well in the workplace. Whether it’s a physically demanding job or a sedentary desk job, healthy joints ensure that we can carry out our work efficiently and comfortably.

Prevention of Secondary Health Issues:

Joint problems can sometimes lead to secondary health issues. For example, if knee joints are affected, it can cause changes in gait, leading to posture problems and increased strain on other parts of the body. Maintaining healthy joints can reduce the risk of secondary issues, such as muscular imbalances or injuries. If you need Chiropractic Treatment for your joint or arthritis pain, contact Dr Brian Nantais at Elevation Health, Canada.

Bottom Line

In conclusion, strong joints are essential to your general health and greatly impact your daily life. Prioritizing joint health requires consistent exercise, a healthy diet, managing weight, and getting the right medical attention when necessary. If you need help treating your joint pain, please contact Nantais Family Chiropractic at Elevation Health, Canada.

If you opt for the best-fit chiro care in Canada, contact Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic at Elevation Health.

Arthritis is nothing but joint inflammation. It causes pain and inflammation in one or more joints. There are different types of arthritis, and treatment options are also available. Chiropractic Treatment has also become a viable option for treating arthritis. Many people got effective results by having chiro care to manage arthritis symptoms. But you must remember one thing you must take chiro care from any reputed chiro like Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic at Elevation Health. He can offer you the best-fit treatment in Canada

Look at the key points highlighting why chiropractic care is considered a viable option for arthritis:-

  1. Non-Invasive Approach
  2. Pain Relief
  3. Increased Mobility and Joint Function
  4. Individualised Treatment programmes
  5. Complementary Approach
  6. Focus on Overall Wellness

Non-Invasive Approach:

Chiropractic therapy is a non-invasive and medication-free method of controlling arthritis. Chiropractic care uses natural ways to address the underlying causes of pain and discomfort rather than depending entirely on medicine or surgery. This method makes it especially intriguing for anyone looking for alternatives or who would instead utilize fewer pharmaceutical interventions.

Pain Relief:

Patients with arthritis may get significant pain relief from chiropractic adjustments. Chiropractors work to correct joint or spinal misalignments to relieve pain and relieve strain on nerves. The modifications also encourage the body’s natural painkillers, endorphins, to be released, which can offer immediate relief and improve general well-being.

Increased Mobility and Joint Function:

Arthritis can lead to stiffness, reduced range of motion, and decreased joint function. Chiropractic Treatment seeks to increase mobility and return joints to their proper alignment. Chiropractors enhance total joint function by reducing inflammation, increasing joint flexibility, and mobilizing the spine. Improved joint mobility can result in a higher quality of life, more freedom, and the capacity to carry out regular activities without pain. Get effective Chiro care in Canada only from Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic.

He is an efficient chiropractor at Elevation Health and has years of experience in this field. He has a better understanding of chiropractic care techniques and can offer you reasonable chiropractic care per specific condition. 

Individualised Treatment programmes:

Individualized treatment programmes provided by chiropractors meet each arthritis patient’s unique demands. Chiropractors evaluate the patient’s condition, medical history, and lifestyle choices to create a thorough plan. Spinal adjustments, therapeutic exercises, soft tissue therapies, and lifestyle suggestions may all be incorporated into treatment strategies. Each patient’s specific needs and goals are considered during treatment, Using an individualized approach. 

Complementary Approach:

Chiropractors can use chiropractic care in conjunction with traditional medical therapies for arthritis. They can use it combined with medicine or other treatments to offer a comprehensive approach to pain management. Chiropractic care for arthritis patients is frequently coordinated and completed by working with other medical specialists like rheumatologists or physical therapists.

Focus on Overall Wellness:

Chiropractic professionals strongly emphasize total well-being when treating arthritis. They frequently advise on dietary approaches, exercise regimens, and lifestyle changes to support joint health and lower inflammation. With a holistic approach, chiropractic care addresses not just the symptoms of arthritis but also its underlying causes, including posture, biomechanics, and muscle imbalances. It’s crucial to speak with a chiropractor or other healthcare provider about your unique situation, get a complete evaluation, and choose the best course of action for managing your arthritis.

Final Words

If you are suffering from arthritis and willing to take Chiropractic Care as a treatment, then contact Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic to get the best-fit chiro care in Canada. He is a reputed and experienced chiropractor at Elevation Health and can offer you satisfying chiro care.

Seek the best Chiropractic Care if you find difficulties in managing pain. Contact Dr Brian Nantais at Elevation Health, Canada today.

Bearing joint pain is not easy. Sometimes, the pain goes to the extent that it makes people’s life hell. People search for treatments to ease arthritis pain and discomfort. But the question is when to seek treatment. Well, Elevation Health talks about it in this blog. We are a reliable place where you can get the best Chiropractic Care for your arthritis. Our Nantais Family Chiropractic clinic has the best Chiropractor in Canada, Dr Brian Nantais, who can proficiently treat your arthritis. Contact us for the best arthritis treatment.

Now let’s read further to know when you need to get treatment for your arthritis:-

  1. Persistent Joint Pain
  2. Increased Joint Swelling or Redness
  3. Reduced Range of Motion
  4. Functional Limitations
  5. Persistent Morning Stiffness
  6. Systemic Symptoms
  7. Increasing Discomfort
  8. Difficulty Managing Pain

Persistent Joint Pain:

If you experience persistent joint pain that lasts more than a few weeks or recurs regularly, it is important to seek treatment. Arthritis pain typically involves joint inflammation, stiffness, and discomfort that can hinder your ability to perform daily activities or negatively impact your quality of life. Contact Dr Brian Nantais at Nantais Family Chiropractic.

Increased Joint Swelling or Redness:

Swelling and redness around the joints can be signs of active inflammation in arthritis. If you notice these symptoms, it may indicate a flare-up or worsening of the condition. Chiropractic Care can reduce joint inflammation effectively. 

Reduced Range of Motion:

Arthritis can reduce the range of motion in the affected joints. If you notice difficulty moving a joint fully or have a limited range of motion compared to before, it is advisable to seek medical attention. 

Functional Limitations:

If arthritis pain starts interfering with your ability to perform daily activities, work, exercise, or participate in hobbies, it is a sign that you should seek treatment. Proper Chiropractic Treatment from Nantais Family Chiropractic can help to improve your functionality. 

Persistent Morning Stiffness:

Morning stiffness lasting more than 30 minutes is a common symptom of inflammatory arthritis, such as rheumatoid arthritis. If you consistently experience prolonged morning stiffness that affects your ability to start the day or perform morning routines, it is advisable to consult a healthcare professional for evaluation and appropriate treatment. You can contact Dr Brian Nantais at Elevation Health, Canada, for the best Chiropractic Care.

Systemic Symptoms:

Inflammatory arthritis conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis or psoriatic arthritis, can have systemic symptoms beyond joint pain. These may include fatigue, fever, weight loss, or skin rashes. If you experience any of these symptoms and joint pain, contact Nantais Family Chiropractic.

Increasing Discomfort:

If your arthritis pain is progressively worsening or becoming more intense, it is recommended to seek treatment. Increasing discomfort may indicate disease progression or the need to change your treatment plan to better manage symptoms.

Difficulty Managing Pain:

If you find that over-the-counter pain medications or self-care measures are insufficient in managing your arthritis pain, it may be time to seek Chiropractic Treatment. Chiropractors can assess your pain levels and determine the appropriate course of action to help alleviate pain and improve your overall comfort. 

Closing Words

Each individual’s experience with arthritis may vary, and it is essential to consult with a skilled and well-trained Chiropractor like Dr Brian Nantais for personalized advice and guidance. Seeking treatment on time can help manage arthritis pain effectively, improve joint function, and enhance overall well-being. Contact Elevation Health, Canada, for the best Chiro care.

Dr Brian Nantais of the Nantais Family Chiropractic shares the challenges faced by young arthritis patients as observed by him at the Elevation Health clinic.

Arthritis, commonly associated with aging, can also affect younger individuals. Young arthritis patients face a unique set of challenges that differ from those experienced by older individuals. Common arthritis symptoms include joint pain, stiffness, swelling, and decreased range of motion. Other symptoms may include fatigue, redness, warmth, and tenderness around the affected joints. Arthritis can also cause joint deformities and difficulty performing daily activities. It is important to consult a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and management of arthritis symptoms. At Elevation Health, a leading chiropractic clinic in Canada, Dr Brian Nantais of the Nantais Family Chiropractic understands the specific hurdles faced by younger arthritis patients.

In this blog, we’ll explore the challenges they encounter and discuss strategies developed by Dr Brian Nantais of the Nantais Family Chiropractic for overcoming these challenges.

  1. Misdiagnosis and Delayed Treatment
  2. Emotional Impact
  3. Lifestyle Limitations
  4. Social Isolation
  5. Career Challenges
  6. Treatment Options
  7. Financial Burden

Misdiagnosis and Delayed Treatment:

Younger arthritis patients often experience delays in receiving an accurate diagnosis due to the misconception that arthritis only affects older individuals. Medical professionals may initially overlook arthritis as a potential cause of joint pain in younger patients, leading to a delay in appropriate treatment.

Emotional Impact:

Being diagnosed with arthritis at a young age can have a significant emotional impact. Younger individuals may struggle to accept their condition and face feelings of frustration, sadness, or even anger. Coping with chronic pain and limitations can lead to anxiety and depression, affecting their overall well-being.

Lifestyle Limitations:

Younger arthritis patients often face limitations in their daily activities, including work, hobbies, and social interactions. Physical limitations, such as joint stiffness, pain, and reduced mobility, can hinder their ability to pursue a fulfilling career, engage in recreational activities, or participate in social events.

Social Isolation:

The physical limitations imposed by arthritis can make it challenging for younger patients to maintain an active social life. Attending events, participating in physical activities, or even simply going out with friends can become difficult, leading to a sense of isolation and exclusion.

Career Challenges:

Arthritis can impact younger patients’ professional lives, affecting their ability to perform physically demanding tasks or maintain a consistent work schedule. The need for medical appointments, treatments, and potential time off work can add further challenges, potentially impacting career growth and financial stability.

Treatment Options:

Younger arthritis patients may require long-term treatment and management plans to control their symptoms and slow disease progression. Exploring various treatment options, such as chiropractic care, physical therapy, medication, and lifestyle modifications, is crucial to find the most effective approach for each individual.

Financial Burden:

Arthritis treatments, ongoing medical appointments, and potential lifestyle modifications can impose a significant financial burden on younger patients. Balancing medical expenses with other financial responsibilities can be challenging, and accessing appropriate healthcare resources and support may require additional effort.

Final Words

Arthritis is common among the elderly due to the degradation of their joints over the years; however, youngsters must visit the Elevation Health clinic in Canada and seek proper treatment from Dr Brian Nantais of the Nantais Family Chiropractic before the symptoms worsen.

Arthritis isn’t completely curable, and thus patients often have to live with it, but Chiropractic Care from Dr Brian Nantais can make it easy for them.

Living with arthritis can be a daily struggle, with pain and discomfort affecting your quality of life. While there is no known cure for arthritis, various treatments can help manage its symptoms and improve overall well-being. One such effective approach is chiropractic treatment at the Elevation Health clinic. Dr Brian Nantais of the Nantais Family Chiropractic is our clinic’s head of the Chiropractic Treatment department.

In this blog post, we will explore how chiropractic care from Dr Brian Nantais of the Nantais Family Chiropractic can assist individuals in living well with arthritis:-

  1. Pain Management
  2. Improved Joint Function
  3. Spinal Alignment
  4. Posture Correction
  5. Non-Invasive Approach
  6. Complementary Therapies
  7. Lifestyle Guidance

Pain Management:

Dr Brian Nantais is skilled in identifying and treating musculoskeletal issues often accompanying arthritis. Chiropractic care aims to alleviate joint pain and reduce inflammation by using gentle adjustments and manipulations. These techniques can help improve joint mobility and flexibility, leading to a decrease in pain and discomfort.

Improved Joint Function:

Arthritis often restricts joint movement, leading to stiffness and limited range of motion. Our expert employs specialized techniques to restore proper joint function. Through manual adjustments, chiropractic treatment can help realign joints, reduce joint restrictions, and enhance joint mobility. This can contribute to increased flexibility and improved overall joint function, enabling individuals with arthritis to carry out daily activities more comfortably.

Spinal Alignment:

Chiropractic care focuses on maintaining proper spinal alignment. Misalignments in the spine can place additional stress on surrounding joints, exacerbating arthritis symptoms. Dr Brian performs spinal adjustments to correct these misalignments, reducing pressure on affected joints and alleviating pain. By restoring spinal alignment, chiropractic treatment can improve nerve function and promote overall well-being in individuals with arthritis.

Posture Correction:

Arthritis pain often leads to changes in posture as individuals attempt to compensate for discomfort. These postural imbalances can further strain joints and exacerbate arthritis symptoms. Our expert assesses posture and identifies areas of misalignment. He then employs targeted adjustments and exercises to help correct postural imbalances. By improving posture, chiropractic treatment can relieve joint stress, reduce pain, and enhance overall comfort.

Non-Invasive Approach:

Chiropractic care offers a non-invasive treatment option for arthritis sufferers. Unlike medications or surgical interventions, chiropractic treatment focuses on natural and holistic methods to manage symptoms. Dr Brian Nantais uses hands-on techniques that do not involve drugs or invasive procedures. This makes chiropractic care a safe and viable choice for individuals seeking a conservative approach to arthritis management.

Complementary Therapies:

Chiropractic care can be effectively combined with other therapies to maximize benefits for arthritis patients. Dr Brian Nantais often incorporates complementary treatments such as massage therapy, physical therapy, and exercises tailored to specific needs. These additional therapies work in synergy with chiropractic adjustments to enhance joint function, reduce pain, and improve overall physical well-being.

Lifestyle Guidance:

In addition to hands-on treatments, chiropractors provide valuable lifestyle guidance to arthritis patients. He offers advice on nutrition, exercise, and ergonomic modifications that can help manage symptoms and improve overall health. Dr Brian Nantais empowers individuals with arthritis to make informed choices that support their well-being and reduce the impact of arthritis on their daily lives.

Final Words

If you have Arthritis and it has ruined your quality of life, then you must rely on Dr Brian Nantais of the Nantais Family Chiropractic for expert Chiropractic Care at the Elevation Health clinic. This will surely improve your life.

If you need Chiropractic Treatment in Canada to treat arthritis, contact Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic at Elevation Health.

People with arthritis are well aware of the unbearable pain of it. To tolerate the pain and survive it is no less than a war. Several medications are available to treat and control arthritis pain, although Chiropractic Treatment gained massive acceptance in managing arthritis symptoms. Medication may have some adverse effects on the patient, while in most cases, chiro care is safe in this respect. While it’s important to remember that chiropractic care may not be able to treat arthritis, it may relieve symptoms and enhance a person’s quality of life. Numerous methods are available through chiropractic care to assist in relieving arthritis pain. Chiropractic care from any experienced chiro like Dr Brian Nantais can be beneficial.

Contact Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic at Elevation Health if you opt for a Chiropractor Near Me in Canada. He has profound experience and can suggest the best treatment plan per your personal needs. However, there are some definite chiropractic methods that chiropractors frequently use to treat arthritis.

Let’s look at the techniques:-

  1. Spinal Manipulation
  2. Soft Tissue Therapy
  3. Joint Mobilization
  4. Therapeutic Exercises
  5. Therapy with heat and cold
  6. Lifestyle and Nutritional Advice
  7. TENS and electrotherapy 

Spinal Manipulation:

A critical method chiropractors employ is spinal manipulation, often known as chiropractic adjustment. It entails the expert application of controlled force to particular joints in the spine to enhance joint mobility, lower inflammation, and relieve arthritis-related discomfort. 

Soft Tissue Therapy:

To treat muscular tension, trigger points, and inflammation surrounding arthritic joints, chiropractors may use soft tissue therapies, including massage or myofascial release techniques. These methods can increase general comfort, decrease muscle spasms, and promote blood circulation. 

Joint Mobilization:

This method focuses on gently extending the range of motion of the injured joints to loosen stiffness and improve flexibility. Chiropractors treat restricted joint movement using a variety of manual treatments, which helps ease the pain associated with arthritis. Experienced Chiropractors like Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic use it depending on the patient’s need to treat arthritis pain. He has an expert touch that works. Knock him at Elevation Health if you need Chiropractic Treatment in Canada. 

Therapeutic Exercises:

Depending on a patient’s needs and condition, chiropractors may recommend a specific set of exercises. These exercises can assist in amplifying the range of motion, strengthen supporting muscles, and boost joint stability. As part of a thorough arthritis management strategy, therapeutic exercises can be carried out both in-office and at home. 

Therapy with heat and cold:

Heating or cooling arthritic joints might temporarily reduce pain and swelling. Chiropractors may employ ultrasonic therapy, hot or cold packs, or other techniques to successfully apply heat or cold therapy. 

Lifestyle and Nutritional Advice:

As an adjunct to treating arthritis, chiropractors frequently offer advice on dietary adjustments and lifestyle changes. They might suggest good ergonomics, managing weight, making dietary changes, and taking supplements to improve joint health and lessen inflammation. 

TENS and electrotherapy:

Chiropractors may use TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) and other electrotherapy treatments to treat arthritic pain. Low-level electrical currents are applied to the targeted locations, which help reduce pain signals and encourage pain alleviation. 

Bottom Line

For comprehensive arthritic pain management, chiropractic care should be considered as one component of a multidisciplinary strategy that may include medical management, physical therapy, and lifestyle adjustments. It’s crucial to speak with a licensed Chiropractor who has experience managing arthritis and can adjust treatment plans according to your needs. In this regard, you can rely on Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic if you need Chiropractic Treatment in Canada. He is an efficient and experienced chiro at Elevation Health.

Arthritis patients struggle to maintain strength while fighting the disorder’s symptoms. Dr Brian Nantais of the Nantais Family Chiropractic can help them.

Living with arthritis can pose challenges when it comes to maintaining strength and mobility. Arthritis is a collective name given to disorders related to the inflammation and pain in the joints. However, with the right strategies and lifestyle adjustments, it is possible to preserve and even enhance your strength while managing arthritis symptoms, believes Dr Brian Nantais of the Nantais Family Chiropractic.

Here are some key points to keep in mind:-

  1. Consult with a healthcare professional
  2. Regular exercise
  3. Strength training
  4. Range of motion exercises
  5. Pain Management
  6. Maintain a healthy weight
  7. Assistive devices and modifications
  8. Rest and recovery

Consult with a healthcare professional:

  1. Seek guidance from a medical professional, such as a rheumatologist or a chiropractic expert like Dr Brian Nantais of the Nantais Family Chiropractic at the Elevation Health clinic, who can provide personalised advice and treatment based on your specific condition and needs.
  2. They can help you recognise the type and severity of arthritis you have and recommend appropriate exercises and treatments.

Regular exercise:

  1. Engage in a regular exercise routine to strengthen your muscles, maintain flexibility, and improve joint function.
  2. Low-impact activities like swimming, cycling, and walking are generally well-tolerated by individuals with arthritis.
  3. Work with our expert to develop an exercise plan that suits your abilities and targets the affected joints without causing excessive strain.

Strength training:

  1. Incorporate strength training exercises recommended by our expert into your routine to build muscle mass, support joint stability, and alleviate strain on your joints.
  2. Focus on exercises that target the muscles surrounding the affected joints to enhance support and reduce pain.
  3. Generally, Dr Nantais recommends to start with resistance bands or light weights and gradually increase the intensity as your strength improves.

Range of motion exercises:

  1. Perform a range of motion exercises to ensure joint flexibility and prevent stiffness.
  2. Gentle stretching, yoga, and tai chi can help enhance joint mobility and reduce the risk of injury.
  3. Avoid overexertion and listen to your body’s limitations to prevent exacerbating arthritis symptoms.

Pain management:

  1. Work with your healthcare professional to develop an effective pain management plan.
  2. This may involve medication, topical treatments, or alternative therapies such as heat or cold therapy.
  3. By effectively managing pain, you can continue your exercise routine and maintain strength and mobility.

Maintain a healthy weight:

  1. Excess weight can put severe strain on your joints, worsening arthritis symptoms.
  2. Maintain a proper healthy weight with a balanced diet and everyday exercise to reduce stress on your joints.
  3. Consult a dietitian or nutritionist to develop a personalised meal plan that supports joint health and overall well-being.

Assistive devices and modifications:

  1. Utilize assistive devices such as braces, splints, or walking aids to alleviate joint stress and improve mobility.
  2. Make modifications to your home and workplace to create an arthritis-friendly environment, such as installing grab bars or using ergonomic equipment.

Rest and recovery:

  1. Allow yourself adequate rest and recovery time to prevent overexertion and minimise joint inflammation.
  2. Listen to your body’s signals and avoid pushing yourself beyond your limits, which can increase pain and discomfort.

Closing Words

In the above ways and with proper guidance, diagnosis and treatment from Dr Brian Nantais of the Nantais Family Chiropractic at the Elevation Health clinic, you will be able to maintain your strength even with arthritis.

Arthritis can be treated by bringing in some lifestyle changes says Dr Brian Nantais of the Nantais Family Chiropractic, at the Elevation Health Clinic.

Millions of people worldwide are affected by a chronic condition named Arthritis. It causes pain, stiffness, and inflammation in the joints, making daily activities challenging, says Dr Brian Nantais of the Nantais Family Chiropractic. While there is no cure for arthritis, certain lifestyle changes and habits can help alleviate its symptoms and improve overall quality of life. In this blog, Dr Brian Nantais of the Nantais Family Chiropractic, who delivers excellent Chiropractic Treatment at the Elevation Health clinic treating such problems, will discuss six habits that you can rectify to find relief from arthritis:-

  1. Maintain a Healthy Weight
  2. Adopt an Anti-Inflammatory Diet
  3. Engage in Regular Exercise
  4. Practice Good Posture and Ergonomics
  5. Seek Support and Education

Maintain a Healthy Weight:

One of the most crucial habits to rectify when dealing with arthritis is maintaining a healthy weight. Excess weight puts additional stress on the joints, especially in the knees, hips, and ankles. By shedding those extra pounds, you can significantly reduce the pressure on your joints, leading to less pain and improved mobility.

Adopt an Anti-Inflammatory Diet:

You should make changes to your diet in order to reduce the symptoms of arthritis. An anti-inflammatory diet is recommended, with foods like fatty fish, walnuts, and flaxseeds that are high in omega-3 fatty acids. Additionally, you should include plenty of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Processed foods, sugary snacks, and drinks should be limited or avoided as these can increase inflammation.

Engage in Regular Exercise:

Many people with arthritis tend to avoid exercise due to fear of exacerbating pain. However, regular exercise is crucial for managing arthritis symptoms. Low-impact exercises like swimming, walking, and cycling can help improve joint flexibility, strengthen muscles, and reduce pain. Work with a physical therapist or an exercise professional to develop a safe and effective exercise routine tailored to your needs.

Practice Good Posture and Ergonomics:

Poor posture and ergonomics can contribute to joint stress and exacerbate arthritis symptoms. Take the time to assess your daily activities and make necessary adjustments. Maintain good posture while sitting, standing, and lifting objects. Ensure your workspace is ergonomically designed to minimize strain on your joints. Use supportive cushions or chairs, adjust the height of your computer screen, and avoid prolonged periods of sitting or standing.

Prioritize Rest and Relaxation:

While exercise is important, it’s equally crucial to prioritize rest and relaxation to allow your body to recover. Overexertion can lead to increased joint pain and inflammation. Listen to your body and go on breaks if required. Incorporate relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or gentle stretching into your daily routine to reduce stress and promote overall well-being.

Seek Support and Education:

Living with arthritis can be challenging, both physically and emotionally. It’s essential to seek support and educate yourself about the condition. Join online communities and support groups to connect with people facing similar challenges. Stay informed about the latest advancements in arthritis treatment and management. Consult with healthcare professionals, such as rheumatologists or physical therapists, to receive personalized advice and guidance.

Closing Words

Dr Brian Nantais of the Nantais Family Chiropractic, at the Elevation Health Clinic suggests the above life changes for relief from arthritis symptoms.

If you opt for a chiro to treat arthritis, then consult Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic at Elevation Health.

Arthritis is a condition of health that causes inflammation and pain in the joints. There are various types of arthritis, and the symptoms can vary from mild to severe. While there is no permanent solution for arthritis, there are several paths to manage the symptoms. Chiropractic Treatment is also an effective way to manage Arthritis symptoms. If you opt for the best chiro care in Canada, then Dr Brian Nantais from Elevation Health can provide you with the best results.

If you are interested in fixing or managing the symptoms of arthritis through chiro care, then you must Consult Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic. He is a reputed and experienced Chiropractor at Elevation Health and can provide you with the best possible services. But there are some factors that can aggravate the symptoms.

There are several factors that can aggravate arthritis symptoms, including:-

  • Overuse of joints
  • Inactivity
  • Poor posture
  • Being overweight
  • Certain foods
  • Stress
  • Cold weather
  • Certain medications
  • Smoking

Overuse of joints:

Overuse of joints can cause arthritis symptoms to worsen. For example, repetitive motions can cause pain and inflammation in the joints.


Lack of physical activity can cause arthritis symptoms to worsen. When joints are not used regularly, they can become stiff and painful.

Poor posture:

Poor posture can pressure the joints. It can contribute to pain and inflammation. It’s important to maintain good posture to reduce the risk of aggravating arthritis symptoms. You can even fix your posture issues with proper chiropractic care. That will also help you to manage your arthritis issues.

If you opt for the best chiro in Canada, then one can loudly speak off Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic. He is an eminent chiro who is affluent in providing satisfactory chiropractic services. Reach out to Elevation Health to consult him.

Being overweight:

Being overweight can put extra stress on the joints, which can aggravate arthritis symptoms. Losing weight can help reduce the strain on the joints and alleviate symptoms.

Certain foods:

Some foods, such as processed foods and those high in sugar, can be the cause of inflammation in the body, which can aggravate arthritis symptoms. It’s important to add healthy food to your daily diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains if you have arthritis.


Stress can cause the body to release hormones that can cause inflammation, which can aggravate arthritis symptoms. It’s essential to manage stress through relaxation techniques such as meditation, deep breathing, and yoga. 

Cold weather:

Changes in the weather, particularly cold and damp weather, can cause joint pain and stiffness. Cold weather can cause the joints to stiffen up and become more painful, which can aggravate arthritis symptoms. It’s important to dress warmly and keep the joints covered in cold weather. Dressing warmly and keeping the joints covered can help alleviate symptoms during cold weather.

Certain medications:

Some medications, such as corticosteroids, can aggravate arthritis symptoms. It’s vital to talk to your doctor about the potential side effects of any medications you are taking.


Smoking can cause inflammation in the body, which can aggravate arthritis symptoms. Quitting smoking if you are not willing to worsen your arthritis issues.

Final Words

Avoiding factors that can aggravate arthritis symptoms can help alleviate pain and inflammation. Maintaining a healthy weight, engaging in physical activity, maintaining good posture, managing stress, following a healthy diet, and dressing appropriately for weather changes can all contribute to better arthritis management. Contact a renowned chiro like Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic at Elevation Health to get treatment as per your requirement.

Maintain some certain ways for a better life with arthritis or contact Nantais Family Chiropractic at Elevation Health, Canada to ease arthritis pain.

It can be unpleasant and unsettling to have arthritis. Due to discomfort and stiffness, it may be challenging to carry out the routine duties that most people take for granted. Even simple tasks like making dinner or putting on socks can be exhausting. As a result, taking extra good care of yourself is crucial if you have arthritis to manage your pain, function, and emotions. Apart from taking care of yourself, you can opt for chiropractic treatment to manage your arthritis pain. Do not know where to get the best chiropractic care? Reach out to Nantais Family Chiropractic at Elevation Health, Canada.

At Elevation Health, our best chiropractor Dr Brian Nantais provides effective chiro treatment that can reduce your arthritis pain. Chiropractic can help you to live a better life by managing the pain and discomfort of arthritis. If you still think about how to live a better life with arthritis, you should read the further discussion below.

Let’s have a look now:-

  1. Keep moving
  2. Avoid stress
  3. Discover your strength
  4. Plan ahead
  5. Use labour-saving items and adaptive aids
  6. Make home modifications
  7. Ask for help

Keep moving:

Do you have jobs that require a long time sitting? Then get up and have frequent breaks. It is essential to avoid sitting or standing for a longer time. You must keep moving for the sake of your good health. By keeping moving, you can manage your arthritis pain. Contact us today if you need help from a skilled chiropractor like Dr Brian Nantais.

Avoid stress:

Do you know that chiropractic can manage your stress? Chiropractic treatment from Nantais Family Chiropractic can manage your stress with spinal manipulation. According to chiropractors, you must avoid activities, positions, or movements that can cause extra stress on your joints.

Discover your strength:

Use the joints and muscles that are the strongest. Pushing heavy open doors with the side of the arm or shoulder will safeguard finger and wrist joints. Use the stronger leg going up and the weaker leg going down the steps to reduce stress on the hips or knees.

Plan ahead:

Make life as simple as you can. Eliminate redundant tasks. Organize your workspace and storage spaces; keep commonly used goods close to hand.

Use labour-saving items and adaptive aids:

Some labour-saving items can help you to work to a limit. You should use electric mixers and can openers in the kitchen. Save your time and effort using products by not bending, stooping, or reaching.

Make home modifications:

Furniture with casters might make cleaning the house simpler. For many people, having a grab bar fixed over the tub and a suction mat inside the tub is essential for preventing falls. For those with leg arthritis, placing a stool in the tub or shower is a wonderful idea.

Ask for help:

Self-esteem depends on maintaining independence, yet independence at any cost is a prescription for disaster. You can achieve equilibrium by informing family members and friends about the illness and the restrictions it places on them and soliciting their support. Request assistance with particular chores. You can contact Dr Brian Nantais for effective chiro care.

Wrap up!

In conclusion, we can say that maintaining the ways mentioned above can lead you to a better life. If you need additional assistance, please contact Nantais Family Chiropractic at Elevation Health, Canada, for chiropractic treatment.

Let’s learn about some non-surgical treatments including chiropractic. Get the best chiro care from Dr Brian Nantais at Elevation Health, Canada.

You know how it feels when you suffer from the pain of knee arthritis. Doesn’t it feel like your soul will leave your body? We can understand how difficult it could be to bear the pain and discomfort of arthritis. But there is some relief, too, as you can get treatment options to manage your arthritis. Surgery might not be a good option as it involves many health risks. Having a non-surgical treatment can be beneficial in many ways. If you want the best non-surgical treatment, opt for chiropractic care from a renowned chiropractor like Dr Brian Nantais at Elevation Health, Canada.

Chiropractic has emerged as a non-surgical treatment option and has gained immense popularity. Getting this treatment from a reliable place like Nantais Family Chiropractic is best to get the most out of it. Apart from chiropractic, there are some other options too that can help to minimize the pain of knee arthritis. Let’s have a detailed discussion about these treatments.

  1. Exercise and Weight Loss
  2. Bracing
  3. Medications
  4. Cortisone Injection
  5. Chiropractic

Exercise and Weight Loss:

People who are overweight experience arthritis at a younger age. Exercises and weight loss are essential methods to reduce the pressure one puts on the knees, which can help reduce the pain.

One-quarter squats, leg presses, and leg extensions strengthen the quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves. Swimming, elliptical machines, cycling, and other forms of cardiovascular exercise are also beneficial. Even chiropractors advise exercise as a part of chiropractic care. If you need any help, you can contact a skilled chiro in Canada, Dr Brian Nantais, at Elevation Health.


For medial compartmental osteoarthritis (arthritis on the inside of the knee joint), knee braces are offered. These braces work by removing weight from the knee’s injured side. Braces might be costly. But sometimes, bracing can make the patients uncomfortable, and they can feel constantly cautious about their appearance.


Anti-inflammatory drugs may aid in symptom reduction, weight loss, and strengthening. The following NSAIDs are available only by prescription: Indocin, Daypro, Relafen, Celebrex, Lodine, and Mobic. Regarding inflammation, acetaminophen (Tylenol) is less effective than other drugs. Use NSAIDs cautiously if you use anticoagulant medication. But it is important to mention that these drugs or medicines can sometimes be risky.

If you want to avoid the risks of medications, you can choose a drug-free approach like chiropractic to treat your knee arthritis. Contact Nantais Family Chiropractic for effective chiropractic care.

Cortisone Injection:

As a direct-acting anti-inflammatory drug, cortisone injections into the knee joint can be helpful in symptom flare-ups. However, repeated cortisone injections could damage the cartilage in the joints. Take care when using these injections.


Last but not least, we have chiropractic treatment on this list. Chiropractic is believed to be effective in treating arthritis-related pain and discomfort. A trained chiro like Dr Brian Nantais can help ease your pain through proper chiropractic adjustments, exercise, and messages. Chiropractic adjustments can increase your range of mobility and flexibility. So you can n]lead a better life. As a holistic approach, chiro care can improve the overall quality of life and health.

Wrap up!

Well, you must choose your treatment according to the severity and the need of your arthritis. But if you wish to get the best chiro treatment, contact Nantais Family Chiropractic at Elevation Health, Canada.

If you need excellent chiro care in Canada, Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic at Elevation Health to get remarkable results.

Chiropractic care is a holistic method of healthcare that focuses on musculoskeletal problems, especially those that affect the spine, and their diagnosis and treatment. Chiropractic therapy can help people with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). This chronic inflammatory disease affects the joints and can cause pain, stiffness, and deformity, even though it is most often associated with back and neck pain. Many people opt for chiro care to treat arthritis and get satisfactory results, though it’s not evident that everybody will get the same results. Still, you can get beneficial effects if you opt for Chiro care from any reputed chiro like Dr Brian Nantais.

If you need chiropractic treatment to treat arthritis, contact Elevation Health. Here you can get Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic. He is a reputed and expert chiro with sound knowledge in this field and can offer you top-notch treatment in Canada.

Let’s look at the advantages of chiropractic treatment for people with rheumatoid arthritis:-

  1. Pain alleviation
  2. Reduced inflammation
  3. Improved joint mobility
  4. Better posture
  5. Holistic approach
  6. Better overall health
  7. Collaborative care 

Pain alleviation:

One of the main advantages of chiropractic treatment for rheumatoid arthritis. Spinal manipulation is one of the many methods chiropractors employ to ease joint pain and stiffness. This can assist patients in managing their symptoms without simply relying on painkillers, which may have negative side effects. 

Reduced inflammation:

Chiropractic treatment can also aid in relieving rheumatoid arthritis’s signature joint inflammation. Massage, ultrasound, and electrical stimulation are a few methods that chiropractors may employ to reduce inflammation and encourage healing.

Improved joint mobility:

Rheumatoid arthritis can make joints stiff and immobile, worsening pain and discomfort. Chiropractic adjustments that gently manipulate the joints and surrounding tissues can increase joint mobility. Patients may benefit from retaining their range of motion and carrying out daily tasks more efficiently.

If you need an expert chiropractor with adequate knowledge in treating arthritis in Canada, then who else can surpass the eligibility of Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic? Reach out to Elevation Health to get his excellent Chiropractic treatment. 

Better posture:

Patients with rheumatoid arthritis may develop compensatory postures to lessen pain and discomfort. These positions may cause further pain and even deformity over time. Chiropractic adjustments can correct muscular imbalances and spinal misalignments, which can decrease discomfort and stop additional joint injury. 

Holistic approach:

Chiropractic therapy has a holistic approach to healthcare, meaning that chiropractors consider the entire individual, not just their symptoms. To manage rheumatoid arthritis symptoms and enhance general health and wellness, they could suggest lifestyle modifications, including exercise and nutrition. 

Better overall health:

Chiropractic therapy aims to promote overall health and well-being and address symptoms. Chiropractors can aid patients with posture, mobility, and general physical function by treating muscular imbalances and spinal misalignments. This may have a favourable effect on their public health and quality of life. 

Collaborative care:

To provide all-encompassing therapy for rheumatoid arthritis patients, chiropractors frequently collaborate closely with other medical specialists like rheumatologists and physical therapists. Thanks to this cooperative approach, patients can benefit from the most effective and individualized treatment plan.  

Concluding Words

Chiropractic care can be a beneficial supplement to a rheumatoid arthritis patient’s treatment regimen. Chiropractic professionals can assist patients in managing their symptoms and enhancing their quality of life by treating joint pain, stiffness, and inflammation. You can consult Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic to get remarkable results in Canada. He is a reputed and well-known chiro at Elevation Health and can offer you a suitable treatment plan.

Listen to Dr Brian Nantais from Elevation Health, Canada about easy life hacks for people with hand arthritis. Contact us today for more details.

Daily tasks could be challenging if you have hand pain from arthritis. Arthritis can make it difficult for you to care for yourself and others by limiting your ability to use your hands. The good news is that Dr Brian Nantais, one of the leading chiropractors at Elevation Health, Canada, advises using a few life hacks that help reduce strain on the fingers, thumbs, and wrists. These can increase the comfort of your activities, lower your chance of hand pain, and shield you from upcoming joint issues.

Some of the life hacks are the followings:-

  1. Use heat therapy
  2. Change the way you hold small children
  3. Wear clothes that are easy to take on and off
  4. Use pump containers instead of squeeze bottles
  5. Change how you hold a pen

Use heat therapy:

You can reduce your hands’ soreness and stiffness by applying heat. This heat therapy is an essential technique of chiropractic treatment. If you want to try it to ease your pain, come to Nantais Family Chiropractic today.

Change the way you hold small children:

When handling toddlers and young children, people with hand arthritis may worry about injuring their hands, particularly their thumbs and wrists. Dr Brian Nantais advises using a holding method that transfers weight to other joints to prevent undue stress on your hand joints.

Hold them in front of you directly, not on one hip. By using this technique, the weight is transferred from your hands to your arms and shoulders.

Wear clothes that are easy to take on and off:

Dressing can be difficult if you have arthritic hand discomfort since buttons, snaps, and zippers require much finger dexterity. The most effortless clothes are loose clothing without buttons or other attachments. If pull-on clothing is not an option, magnetic button shirts, coats, and dresses might be a decent alternative.

If you can use this hack, you can ease the pain in your hands. But remember, when the pain is unbearable and you need help from a professional, choose chiropractic treatment from Dr Brian Nantais at Elevation Health, Canada.

Use pump containers instead of squeeze bottles:

Is your shampoo in a squeeze bottle or a tube? The joints in your hand are stressed when holding and squeezing a wet, slippery bottle, particularly the joint in your thumb’s base. According to Nantais Family Chiropractic, using a pump that you can operate with your palm can help you. Of course, the containers for conditioner, soap, and other products should follow the same instructions.

Change how you hold a pen:

Holding a pen might be challenging for joints that are achy or stiff. Many people with arthritis find it more convenient to hold the pen between their middle and pointer fingers as opposed to their thumb and pointer finger, and the knuckles are more at ease in this position. Wider grip pens are also more comfortable to hold and use than narrow ones.

Are you still in pain? Then you may need the help of the best chiropractor in Canada, Dr Brian Nantais.

Closing Words

The life hacks mentioned above can help to reduce the pain of hand arthritis. Still, if the situation worsens, you must consult with Nantais Family Chiropractic from Elevation Health, Canada.

Contact Dr Brian Nantais at Elevation Health, Canada to leverage the important benefits of chiropractic treatment for arthritis. Call us for details.

If you have arthritis, you may have tried many treatments to relieve your pain and discomfort. But you are also aware that traditional treatments and medication can harm your health as these treatments involve many risks. What if Elevation Health, Canada, tells you you can treat your arthritis with a non-surgical and safe treatment? Yes, it is possible with chiropractic care from Nantais Family Chiropractic.

Chiropractic is an alternative to conventional treatment. It does not involve drugs. Chiropractic care involves chiropractic adjustments, ice therapy, exercises etc., to ease the pain of arthritis. As it is safe yet effective, chiro care has some important benefits. This blog will help you to learn about the many benefits of chiropractic care for arthritis.

Now let’s get into the detailed discussion about the benefits:-

  1. Non-surgical treatment
  2. Alternative approach
  3. Pain alleviation
  4. Better range of motion
  5. Improved joint health
  6. Personalized treatment
  7. Overall health benefits

Non-surgical treatment:

Sometimes surgery can be risky for an arthritis patient. But chiropractic is a non-surgical and non-invasive treatment. So if you have arthritis and do not want to treat the pain with surgery, you must opt for chiro treatment from a reliable and reputed place like  Nantais Family Chiropractic.

Alternative approach:

Traditional treatments can be painful and harmful too in treating arthritis, and you won’t be able to get the long-term benefits of conventional treatment. A safe alternative approach, chiropractic can treat the underlying cause of arthritis and thus can provide you with long-term pain relief.

Pain alleviation:

Spinal manipulation is one of the most important chiropractic care techniques, and it helps relieve your arthritis pain. Chiropractors like Dr Brian Nantais from Elevation Health, Canada, can alleviate pain by aligning your spine and reducing joint inflammation.

Better range of motion:

If you have arthritis, you know how difficult it is to move freely without restriction and pain. Chiropractic care improves your joints’ mobility and flexibility through proper chiropractic adjustments. Thus chiropractors can enhance the range of motion.

Improved joint health:

This non-surgical treatment can improve your joint health by aligning the spine and other joints. This treatment can reduce joint inflammation and increase joint mobility.

Personalized treatment:

Nantais Family Chiropractic provides personalized chiropractic treatment for arthritis patients. The causes and the symptoms of arthritis may differ in patients. So every patient needs different types of care and attention according to their pain and discomfort. Personalized treatment is an important advantage of chiropractic care.

Overall health benefits:

By concentrating on your spine, joints, and nervous system to enhance function, reduce pain, and promote general well-being, chiropractic care can offer a variety of overall health advantages. Chiropractic treatment can also help in preventing further injuries and enhancing the quality of life by treating musculoskeletal issues and encouraging better posture. Chiropractors like Dr Brian Nantais also frequently offer lifestyle recommendations on proper diet, exercise, and stress reduction to promote holistic well-being.

Closing words

Chiropractic is a holistic approach that can help you to reduce your arthritis pain by improving your overall health. If you are searching for an effective yet safe alternative to surgery or medication, you must choose chiropractic treatment from Dr Brian Nantais at Elevation Health, Canada. Contact us for more details about our chiropractic treatment for arthritis.

Opt for chiro care to treat osteoarthritis? Contact Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic at Elevation Health.

Osteoarthritis is a kind of arthritis that is caused due to the wearing down of the flexible tissue at the end of the bones. It may come accompanied by some symptoms like Joint pain in the lower back, knees, hands, neck, or hips etc. There are so many medications and treatment plans to deal with osteoarthritis. However, chiropractic care is also one of them. Chiropractic care, if taken from a renowned place like Nantais Family Chiropractic can help to reduce the symptoms and improve joint function. But it is worth mentioning that there is no evidence of curing osteoarthritis with chiro care.

If you are looking for Chiropractic care to fix your arthritis issue, you may reach out to Elevation Health. You can contact Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic for the best chiro treatment.

Let’s delve into the discussion of how chiro care can fix knee osteoarthritis:-

  1. Improve joint function
  2. Reducing inflammation
  3. Improving range of motion
  4. Providing pain relief
  5. Chiropractors may recommend exercises
  6. Avoiding surgery
  7. Promoting overall health 

Improve joint function:

Improved joint mobility can help reduce pain and stiffness in the knee joint. So, Chiro uses spinal manipulation and other techniques to improve joint mobility. 

Reducing inflammation:

Knee osteoarthritis is often associated with joint inflammation, which may cause pain and stiffness in the knee joint. To reduce pain and inflammation, chiropractors use spinal adjustments and other techniques. 

Improving range of motion:

Improving the range of motion in the knee joint can reduce pain and improve mobility. Therefore, Chiropractors use joint mobilization, stretching, and massage techniques to elevate joint function.

If you were suffering badly from osteoarthritis and got frustrated with the intolerable pain of it, then you may opt for Chiropractic care from Nantais Family Chiropractic at Elevation Health. Here Dr Brian Nantais can offer you remarkable chiro care ensuring satisfactory results. 

Providing pain relief:

Chiropractors can use various techniques, including spinal manipulation, acupuncture, and ultrasound therapy, to help reduce pain and improve function. 

Chiropractors may recommend exercises:

In some cases, chiropractors may suggest exercises to strengthen the muscles around the knee joint. Stronger muscles help to support the knee joint, reduce the load on the joint and potentially improve symptoms. 

Avoiding surgery:

Chiropractic care is a safe option for people who want to avoid surgery. Chiropractors manage knee osteoarthritis symptoms using non-surgical techniques, which can be a safer and less expensive option than surgery. 

Promoting overall health:

Chiropractors focus on promoting overall health and wellness, not just treating specific symptoms or conditions. Overall well-being can be important for people with knee osteoarthritis who may be dealing with other health issues. 

Closing Line

It is worth mentioning that chiropractic care is not a one-size-fits-all solution. So, it may not be suitable for everyone with knee osteoarthritis. Therefore, talking with a healthcare provider is vital to determine if chiropractic care is appropriate for you. If you opt for chiropractic treatment to treat osteoarthritis, you can contact Elevation Health. Here you can have Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic, Who can offer you the best-fit chiropractic solution.

Treat your arthritis with the best chiropractic treatment by Dr Brian Nantais from Elevation Health, Canada. Contact Nantais Family Chiropractic today.

The effects of RA or Rheumatoid Arthritis inflammation extend beyond the joints. But this is not true. You can feel the signs and symptoms of RA throughout the body, including the ears, eyes, skin, lungs, and heart. These are some unusual symptoms linked to Rheumatoid Arthritis. As you know, you can treat your arthritis with chiropractic care. Chiropractic treatment by Dr Brian Nantais from Elevation Health, Canada, can help you to ease arthritis pain through effective chiropractic adjustments.

At Nantais Family Chiropractic, Dr Brian Nantais treats arthritis patients with typical and unusual symptoms regularly. Our best chiropractic adjustments can help you to treat the pain and lead a healthy life. Contact Elevation Health, Canada, for the best chiropractic treatment today. There are many symptoms of RA arthritis.

Let’s have a look at some unusual signs of arthritis:-

  1. Hearing problems
  2. Snoring
  3. Skin rash
  4. Trouble breathing, chronic cough, or chest pains
  5. Sudden, temporary numbness in the fingers or toes
  6. Gum disease

Hearing problems:

Hearing loss and tinnitus (constant ringing, buzzing, or whistling in the ears) have links with rheumatoid arthritis. These problems have been more common in older people with rheumatoid arthritis for a long time. You can get treatment for some hearing issues, while others may be permanent. Even when hearing changes are permanent, medical professionals can take steps to prevent or slow future hearing loss.


There is a strong link between rheumatoid arthritis and sleep apnea, which causes breathing to halt repeatedly and start while you sleep. Loud snoring, breathing pauses, or gasping for air while you slumber are all symptoms. Sleep apnea is treatable.

If you have arthritis and want a safe treatment, come to Dr Brian Nantais from Elevation Health, Canada, for effective chiropractic treatment.

Skin rash:

Skin rashes can result from RA inflammation that affects the blood vessels (Rheumatoid Vasculitis/Vasculitis). These rashes can show up on the skin as irregularly shaped raised pink areas, hives, or groups of dark red or purple bumps. Skin colour variations might be less evident in people with darker skin. Vasculitis-related rashes can appear anywhere but tend to occur more frequently on the lower thighs. These rashes can occasionally be excruciating, burning, or itchy.

Trouble breathing, chronic cough, or chest pains:

Rheumatoid arthritis frequently causes lung damage, mainly when the condition is chronic and poorly controlled. Persistent lung inflammation can bring on a prolonged cough, lethargy or weakness. Nantais Family Chiropractic can help you to ease your pain.

Sudden, temporary numbness in the fingers or toes:

Raynaud Syndrome, also known as Raynaud Phenomenon or Raynaud illness, is more common in people with rheumatoid arthritis. This disease causes the loss of blood flow to one or more fingers or toes. The affected region will appear paler, white, or blueish and feel numb. Usually, there is a clear separation between this region and tissue with a regular colour.

Gum disease:

Gum illness (gingivitis) and inflammation are linked to rheumatoid arthritis. Both of these ailments are connected to RA symptoms worsening and can cause teeth loss and gum disease.

Closing Words

These unusual symptoms of RA need to be treated. If you want a non-surgical and safe treatment for arthritis, consider chiropractic treatment by Dr Brian Nantais from Elevation Health, Canada.

Consult Dr Brian Nantais from Elevation Health, Canada to treat the symptoms and the root cause of arthritis with the best chiropractic care.

Doesn’t it feel good to have healthy joints that do not cause pain? Well, we can guess that the answer is, of course, yes. But what if you experience pain and swelling in your joint? You must be careful because these symptoms indicate arthritis. Arthritis is a common illness that affects your joints, and it may result in pain and inflammation, making it challenging to move or continue being active. But you can treat your arthritis with a safe and effective treatment like chiropractic from Elevation Health, Canada. Dr Brian Nantais is a leading chiropractor in Canada who can treat the symptoms and the root cause of arthritis with proper chiropractic adjustments.

Nantais Family Chiropractic offers spinal manipulation, massage therapy, exercises and other chiro adjustments to ease the pain and discomfort of arthritis. Contact Elevation Health for the best chiropractic treatment in Canada.

Arthritis comes in a variety of forms. Each kind has distinct symptoms and can require treatment. If you are experiencing the following warning signs and symptoms, you can have arthritis.

Now let’s go through the detailed discussion:-

  1. Joint pain
  2. Stiffness
  3. Mobility issues
  4. Swelling and inflammation
  5. Redness and warmth
  6. Other symptoms

Joint pain:

One of the common symptoms of arthritis is joint pain. If you have arthritis, you can experience pain and discomfort in one or more joints. This pain worsens in the morning or after prolonged inactivity.

Dr Brian Nantais can help you in this case. Consult with Elevation Health, Canada, to get effective chiropractic care.


Do you have stiff joints? You may have arthritis, as the stiffness of the joints is another reason for arthritis. Stiff joints make it difficult to move the joint through its full range of motion. If you are experiencing inflexible joints, please consult Nantais Family Chiropractic for chiropractic adjustments.

Mobility issues:

Arthritis can be a barrier to your range of motion or mobility. People with arthritis face difficulty moving freely, and you may also feel a grinding or popping sensation when you move your affected joint. Reduced mobility can disrupt your daily tasks and make your life even more challenging. But if you opt for chiropractic treatment, you can lead a healthy life with the help of chiro adjustments.

Swelling and inflammation:

Your joints may swell as well as become uncomfortable. Increased synovial fluid in the joint causes swelling. The natural synovial fluid is a lubricant and cushion in a typical joint. Inflammation of the joints in arthritis may result in excess synovial fluid. Your movement may be limited and painful due to the swelling.

Redness and warmth:

In some cases, arthritis can cause the affected joint to become red and warm to the touch.

Other symptoms:

Due to their ongoing discomfort and inflammation, people with arthritis may experience weariness. A fever and weight loss can occasionally result from arthritis, and these signs typically point to a more severe form of the illness. In difficult situations, arthritis can lead to joint deformity, which makes it challenging to carry out daily chores.

Ending note

If you are experiencing any of the above-mentioned symptoms, you must seek medical help. Conventional treatment can be risky sometimes, as it involves surgery and medication. But choosing chiropractic care at  Elevation Health is the best option as chiropractic is non-surgical but effective in treating arthritis. Contact Nantais Family Chiropractic today.

Do you need a chiropractor in Canada? Reach out to Elevation Health and contact Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic.

Those with arthritis are most likely to feel the intolerable pain of it, and joint pain is the worst thing to experience in arthritis. There are different kinds of treatment to deal with Arthritis pain, but Chiropractic Care has emerged as one of the most helpful ways to treat arthritis. Chiropractic care aims to diminish inflammation, improve joint mobility, and increase overall function. But the proper Chiro treatment can only be achieved by any experienced Chiropractor like Dr Brian Nantais.

If you opt to take Chiropractic Care and are looking for a destination for it, then you can contact Dr Brian Nantais. He is an expert chiropractor at Nantais Family Chiropractic and has all the expertise to provide you with top-notch chiropractic services. He can offer you chiro care per your needs and requirements, and we promise you satisfactory results. Reach out to Elevation Health to connect with him.

After taking chiropractic care, you should maintain yourself properly to get the benefits of it. You should avoid specific tasks after a chiropractic session to ensure that you do not exacerbate your symptoms.

Let’s look at the functions which you need to avoid:-

  1. Strenuous Exercise
  2. Sitting or Standing at a stretch
  3. Lifting Heavy Objects
  4. Twisting or Bending
  5. Ignoring Pain

Strenuous Exercise:

It is vital to avoid any strenuous exercise immediately after chiropractic care. This may include activities like running, weightlifting, or high-intensity interval training. These kinds of activities can stress your joints, which can lead to inflammation and pain. Gentle exercise stretching can be done.

Sitting or Standing at a stretch:

Prolonged standing or sitting can place unnecessary pressure on your joints. These can exacerbate the symptoms of arthritis. So, it is best to take frequent breaks and move around to prevent stiffness and discomfort.

Are you in need of an expert chiropractor in Canada? Reach out to Elevation Health. Here you can find Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic, who is a reputed Chiro and has the good experience to offer you affordable services with utmost care. 

Lifting Heavy Objects:

It is crucial to avoid lifting heavy objects after consulting chiropractic care. Lifting heavy objects can put a lot of strain on your joints, which can worsen arthritis pain. So, avoid any heavy lifting for at least a few hours after chiro care to allow your body to recover.

Twisting or Bending:

Twisting or bending movements can be particularly challenging for arthritis patients, as they pressurize the inflamed joints. It is best to avoid any sudden or jerky movements that may exacerbate your symptoms.

Ignoring Pain:

While Chiropractic Care helps reduce arthritis pain, it is vital to listen to your body and avoid any activities that cause discomfort. If you experience any pain or discomfort after a chiropractic session, it is best to rest and allow your body to heal.

Closing Line

It is vital to be mindful of your body and avoid any activities that may worsen arthritis symptoms after a Chiropractic Care session. You may follow the factors that are mentioned above to get the benefits of chiro care for arthritis. If you are in search of a Chiropractor in Canada, then you can contact Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic. He is an excellent chiro at Elevation Health who can give you the best chiropractic treatment as per your needs.

Need chiropractic treatment for arthritis pain? Contact Elevation Health where you will be treated by Dr Brian Nantais, a leading chiropractor.

Chiropractic treatment can treat several types of pain naturally without any surgery. Chiropractic treatment is very effective in enhancing the function of an arthritic joint because it focuses on how the structures of the body relate to function. Chiropractic care is often a safe and reliable treatment for various types of arthritis, such as osteoarthritis, which can cause discomfort in the spine. Restoring movement and function is the aim of chiropractic care, and chiropractors like Dr Brian Nantais from Elevation Health provide the proper adjustments to the type of arthritis.

Nantais Family Chiropractic is leading the path of chiropractic treatment and helping people to ease their pain naturally with any medicine. If you are suffering from joint pain and searching for a good chiropractor, contact Dr Brian Nantais for the best chiro care. Chiropractic care is undoubtedly helpful in treating arthritis.

Let’s go through the following points and learn more about chiropractic treatment in treating arthritis:-

  1. The role of a chiropractor or chiropractic care
  2. Treatments of Arthritis
  3. Chiropractors and Arthritis

The role of a chiropractor or chiropractic care:

A doctor of chiropractic, commonly referred to as a chiropractor, is a medical doctor who prioritizes wellness treatment over illness care. Their primary focus is correcting spinal misalignments that can be pressing on nerves.

Frequent chiropractic appointments can improve overall health and aid with back pain and other symptoms brought on by a misaligned spinal column. To help treat inflammation and pain, they can also work with their patients to design exercise regimens and dietary changes. If you are looking for the best chiropractor, get help from Dr Brian Nantais from Elevation Health.

Treatments of Arthritis:

A chiropractor visit can help you treat joint dysfunction by reducing pressure and mobilizing the joints. Your chiropractor can use treatments.

Such as:-

  1. Ultrasound
  2. Electrotherapy
  3. Infrared sauna
  4. Low-level laser or the cold laser technique

Chiropractic care treats the surrounding tissues of your arthritis pain area and thus can give you a sign of relief by reducing the pain and discomfort.

Chiropractors and Arthritis:

Chiropractors can be a great help in easing the pain of arthritis. While drugs or conventional medication are compelling, long-term health concerns are associated with them, including internal bleeding, stomach lining damage, and impaired healing. So as a natural and safe treatment, chiropractic adjustments can be an excellent alternative for arthritis patients.

A chiropractor can:-

  1. Keep your spine in line and thus can improve your mobility
  2. Improve your flexibility and endurance
  3. Increase muscle strength
  4. Help to maintain a healthy lifestyle with proper food

Moreover, chiropractors might suggest an arthritis-friendly workout programme. Nantais Family Chiropractic is where you can get the most efficient chiropractic adjustment and long-lasting results of chiro treatment.


Chiropractors are expert professionals who give their patients extra care so they can get proper chiro care. Before your chiropractic treatments for arthritis, the chiropractor will take a detailed medical history, examine you thoroughly, and then proceed with further treatment.

If you are experiencing arthritis pain, reach out to  Elevation Health. Dr Brian Nantais will take care of your problems with proper treatment.

Looking for a Chiropractic Treatment to cure arthritis? Consult with Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic at Elevation Health.

Arthritis is a condition of health that causes inflammation in one or more joints, leading to pain, stiffness, and reduced mobility. It is a general term that is used to describe more than 100 different conditions that affect the joints, and it’s surrounding tissues. Rheumatoid and Osteoarthritis arthritis are common types of arthritis. Arthritis is basically a fault that takes place in the immune system provoking the body to attack its own tissues. Arthritis comes with the symptoms of chronic pain. Joint redness and stiffness decreased range of motion etc. There are some alarming signs also that can indicate severity. An expert Chiro like Dr Brian Nantais can help to control arthritis pain with chiropractic care before getting worse. 

If you are going through issues related to arthritis with chiropractic care, then you can reach out to Elevation Health. Here you can have the most efficient Chiro Dr Brian Nantais, from Nantais Family Chiropractic. He can deliver you the best possible treatment to reduce issues.                                                                                                                                              

Let’s look into the alarming symptoms of arthritis:-

  1. Joint pain
  2. Joint stiffness
  3. Swelling
  4. Reduced mobility
  5. Joint deformity
  6. Fever and weight loss
  7. Fatigue

Joint pain:

It is a very natural symptom of arthritis. You may experience pain in one or more joints that are usually worse in the morning or after prolonged periods of inactivity.

Joint stiffness:

Stiffness in the joints is another common symptom of arthritis. You may feel stiffness in the affected joint, especially after sitting or sleeping for an extended period.

If you are facing arthritis and are interested in fixing it with Chiropractic Care, then consult Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic. He is a reputed Chiro in Elevation Health and has prior experience in this field to give you top-of-the-line results.


Arthritis causes swelling in the joints that can make them appear red and feel warm to the touch. The swelling may also cause a feeling of tightness or pressure in the affected joint.

Reduced mobility:

Arthritis can make it difficult to move your joints, limiting your range of motion. You may also feel a grinding or popping sensation when you move the affected joint.

Joint deformity:

In severe cases, arthritis can cause joint deformity, making it difficult to perform everyday tasks.

Fever and weight loss:

In rare cases, arthritis can cause a fever and weight loss. These symptoms usually indicate a more severe form of the condition. 


People with arthritis may feel tired and fatigued due to chronic pain and inflammation.

Closing Words

If you face any of these symptoms, it’s essential to speak with a doctor. Early diagnosis and treatment can help to manage the symptoms and help to cure them as fast as possible. If you opt for a Chiropractic Treatment to resolve arthritis, then do connect with Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic. He is a renowned Chiro at Elevation Health and can offer you the best possible treatment to combat arthritis symptoms.

If you opt for the best Chiropractic Care in Canada, then connect with Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic at Elevation Health.

Nowadays, many people have become the prey of arthritis at an early stage. Arthritis is a chronic inflammatory condition that affects the joints. It causes pain, stiffness, and limited mobility. Chiropractic Treatment can be fruitful in treating problems of arthritis. If you are suffering from chronic arthritis, then you can consult with Dr Brian Nantais, a reputed chiro from Nantais Family Chiropractic. Connect with Elevation Health to connect with him.

Chiropractic Adjustments help in treating issues related to arthritis and give satisfactory results sometimes. But not only treatment is enough to be cured. In order to control the pain of arthritis, there are some works that should not be done.

Here is the list of work that should be avoided if you have arthritis:-

  1. Avoid High-Impact Activities
  2. Avoid Sitting or Standing at a Stretch
  3. Don’t Lift Heavy Objects
  4. Avoid Poor Posture
  5. Avoid Repetitive Motions
  6. Avoid Smoking and Excessive Drinking
  7. Try to Avoid Stress
  8. Avoid a Sedentary Lifestyle

Avoid High-Impact Activities:

High-impact activities such as running, jumping, or playing sports can put a lot of strain on the joints, which can worsen the symptoms of arthritis. So avoid doing these things. Instead, opt for low-impact exercises like swimming, cycling, or walking on a flat surface. 

Avoid Sitting or Standing at a Stretch:

Prolonged sitting or standing can be hazardous for arthritis. It can cause stiffness and pain in the joints, particularly in the hips, knees, and ankles. Arthritis patients should take regular breaks to move around and stretch; otherwise, it may worsen.

Don’t Lift Heavy Objects:

Avoid lifting heavy objects as it puts a strain on the joints, particularly in the hands, wrists, and shoulders. It is important to avoid carrying heavy bags or groceries and to use assistive devices like carts or trolleys when possible.

Avoid Poor Posture:

Poor posture can cause back pain and exacerbate arthritis symptoms in the spine and hips. Arthritis patients should try to maintain good posture when sitting, standing, or lying down.

If you have posture problems and you want to fix them with the help of Chiropractic Care, then consult with Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic. He is an eminent Chiro and has profound experience and knowledge to treat issues like arthritis, posture, sciatica, headaches, and many more problems. To connect with him, get in touch with Elevation Health.

Avoid Repetitive Motions:

Avoid Repetitive motions, such as typing on a keyboard or using a mouse. That can cause strain and inflammation in the joints of the hands and wrists. Arthritis patients should take frequent breaks and stretch their hands and wrists regularly.

Avoid Smoking and Excessive Drinking:

Smoking and excessive drinking can increase inflammation in the body and worsen arthritis symptoms. It is important to quit smoking and limit alcohol consumption to improve overall health and reduce arthritis symptoms.

Avoid Stress:

Stress can cause muscle tension and worsen arthritis symptoms. Arthritis patients should practice stress-reducing techniques, such as yoga, meditation, and deep breathing, to help manage stress levels.

Avoid a Sedentary Lifestyle:

A sedentary lifestyle can cause muscle weakness and stiffness, making arthritis symptoms worse. It is important to stay active and maintain a healthy weight to reduce the strain on the joints.

End Note

Arthritis patients should not do a range of work in order to avoid the severity of the symptoms. These precautionary steps are needed along with proper treatment. If you opt for the best Chiropractic Care in Canada, then connect with  Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic. He is the most experienced Chiro in Elevation Health.

Arthritis pain can be alleviated through proper Chiropractic Treatment. If you are looking for it, get in touch with Dr Brian Nantais at Elevation Health.

Arthritis is caused due to inflammation of one or more joints. In that case, arthritis develops from faults in the immune system that indulge the body to attack its own tissue resulting in pain and stiffness in joints. Arthritis may be genetically inherited. There are many kinds of arthritis also. It’s not possible to prevent arthritis, but there are a few practices that may protect you from being a sufferer of it. Tough Chiropractic Treatment is one of the most fruitful solutions for relieving arthritis. 

If you have already become a prey of arthritis and want to reduce the pain of it through Chiropractic care, then contact Elevation Health. Here you can have Dr Brian Nantais, one of the best Chiropractors from Nantais Family Chiropractic. He possesses sound knowledge of Chiropractic and its usage. He and his experienced team can give you appropriate Chiro Care depending on your issues. Reach out to us without any hesitation.

While it’s not possible to completely prevent arthritis, there are some practices you can develop to reduce your risk and delay its onset. Here are some ways to help prevent arthritis:

  1. Maintain a healthy weight
  2. Exercise regularly
  3. Eat a healthy diet
  4. Protect your joints
  5. Manage other health conditions
  6. Get regular check-ups

Maintain a healthy weight:

Obesity may invite arthritis into your body. Excess weight puts stress on the joints, which can lead to arthritis over time. Maintaining a healthy weight can reduce this stress and lower your risk of developing arthritis. So try to maintain a proper weight.

Exercise regularly:

Exercise is the most effective way to maintain your body fit. Regular exercise can help strengthen the muscles and support the joints, which can help prevent arthritis. Low-impact exercises like swimming, walking, and cycling are especially beneficial.

Here a Chiropractor can also help you to keep your body flexible and mobile through Chiropractic Treatment. Even if you have developed Arthritis, Chiropractic care can help you to reduce the pain of it. In that case, Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic can help you in fewer ways. For this reason, you need to get in touch with Elevation Health.  

Eat a healthy diet:

There is a saying, Eat healthy, stay healthy. So eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins can help keep your joints healthy and reduce inflammation in the body. 

Protect your joints:

Avoiding repetitive motions that stress the joints, using proper posture and technique when lifting or carrying heavy objects, and wearing protective gear during sports or other activities can all help prevent joint damage.

Manage other health conditions:

Conditions like diabetes, heart disease, and obesity can increase the risk of developing arthritis. Managing these conditions through lifestyle changes and medical treatment can help reduce your risk.

Get regular check-ups:

Regular visits to your healthcare provider can help identify early signs of arthritis or other joint conditions, allowing for early treatment and management.

Final Words

You can reduce your risk of developing arthritis and enjoy better joint health for years to come by practicing some habits. But it is not certainly said that it will completely protect you from arthritis, but it may work to prevent it. In case you have arthritis and want a Chiropractor In Canada, then connect with Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic at Elevation Health.  

Chiropractic Treatment can help to reduce Arthritis pain in various ways. If you want Chiro Care, then contact Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic.

Arthritis is caused due to inflammation of one or more joints. In that case, arthritis develops from faults in the immune system that indulge the body to attack its own tissue resulting in pain and stiffness in joints. Arthritis may be genetically inherited. There are many kinds of arthritis also. Chiropractic Treatment is one of the most fruitful solutions for relieving arthritis. Chiropractic treatment can be effective in managing arthritis pain and improving joint function. There are various kinds of ChiroTreatment that can be useful to overcome Arthritis Problems.

Only the Best Chiro can give you the best solution to combat arthritis. If you are having such problems related to arthritis, then connect with Elevation Health. Here you can consult with Dr Brian Nantais, who one-handedly led the Nantais Family Chiropractic at Elevation Health. He has profound hand-on experience and an experienced team of chiropractors who can give you the required Chiro Treatment to beat arthritis. Contact us without any hesitation.

Let’s look into the most common yet effective chiropractic treatments for arthritis:-

  1. Manual Adjustments or Spinal Adjustments
  2. Soft Tissue Therapy can be fruitful
  3. Exercise and Stretching as per Chiro suggested
  4. Cold and Heat Therapy can effectively combat arthritis
  5. Chiropractors may advise some Lifestyle Changes

Manual Adjustments or Spinal Adjustments:

Also known as spinal manipulation, manual adjustments involve the use of gentle force to realign joints that have become misaligned due to arthritis. This can improve joint mobility, reduce pain, and improve overall function.


Soft Tissue Therapy can be fruitful:

This therapy involves massaging and stretching the muscles, tendons, and ligaments that support the affected joints. The goal is to reduce inflammation, improve circulation, and relieve pain.

Exercise and Stretching as per Chiro suggested:

A chiropractor may design an exercise and stretching program to improve joint function, increase flexibility and strength, and reduce pain.

An expert Chiro like Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic always understands your problem minutely, and based upon considering all the factors, they will give you Chiropractic Treatment. In many cases, Chiropractors are advised to perform certain exercises to reduce the pain of arthritis. This practice helps to strengthen joint flexibility and diminish pain. If you opt for any Chiro care, get in touch with Elevation Health.

Cold and Heat Therapy can effectively combat arthritis:

Cold therapy can reduce inflammation and relieve pain, while heat therapy can improve circulation and promote healing. A chiropractor may use either cold or heat therapy, or a combination of both, to treat arthritis.

Chiropractors may advise some Lifestyle Changes:

A chiropractor may recommend changes to your lifestyle to improve your overall health and reduce the impact of arthritis. This may include changes to your diet, weight management, and stress levels.

End Note

It’s important to note that chiropractic treatment may not be suitable for everyone, and a chiropractor will perform a thorough evaluation to determine if it’s appropriate for your specific needs and health conditions. So If you are looking for any Chiropractic Treatment, then rely on Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic. Connect with him through Elevation Health.

Are you still bothered by Arthritis Pain? Reach out to the Nantais Family Chiropractic care in a jiffy!

Given the fact that stress seemingly plays a massive part in our lives these days, the inherent pain seems rather palpable. One underlying condition is often overlooked, and that is Arthritis. For the proper Arthritis Treatment, simply stop losing your peace of mind over this. Instead, make it a point to visit the Elevation Health clinic at once in Canada. The Elevation Health clinic works under the able supervision of its mentor – Dr Brian Nantais.

Dr Brian Nantais has been leading the Nantais Family Chiropractic care for almost a decade now. Naturally, he is absolutely instrumental as far as offering the right insight in this field is concerned. With time, the Nantais Family Chiropractic care has managed to stand out in terms of top-notch services.

Let us now try to have a word with him and see how prospective results show up:

  1. Absolutely priceless to have interaction with a reputed Chiro
  2. Make sure you inform your Chiropractor beforehand
  3. Shy away from getting into the intricacies of the treatment
  4. What basically causes Arthritis Pain?
  5. Steps to follow to eliminate Arthritis Pain

Absolutely priceless to have interaction with a reputed Chiro:

After a point in life, you are bound to realize the fact that nothing even comes close to your health. So, eventually, the onus remains on you as far as making the right decisions is concerned. Since Arthritis is all about your health, you can never depend on a rookie or a newbie Chiro. Dr Brian Nantais has been leading the Nantais Family Chiropractic care for a good number of years. Hence, it is absolutely priceless to have interaction with a Chiro of his standard.

Make sure you inform your Chiropractor beforehand:

Surely certain steps are needed to get the desired results. You simply cannot afford to get up one fine morning and decide to visit the Elevation Health clinic. You really need to inform Dr Brian Nantais and his team beforehand. That way, it does become easier for both the patient as well as the Chiro.

Shy away from getting into the intricacies of the treatment:

Keeping your health perspective in mind, Elevation Health expert Dr Brian Nantais wants you to follow a cautious approach. Simply do not get into the intricate details of the overall treatment. For the best Arthritis Treatment, have a word with none other than Dr Brian Nantais.

What basically causes Arthritis Pain?

A Chiro like Dr Brian Nantais opines Arthritis is an embodiment of the inherent pain that could run in your family. So, this is something that has genetic factors as well. Any kind of previous injury in your joint muscles could be a possible option as well.

Steps to follow to eliminate Arthritis Pain:

If you can exercise on a regular basis and shed a few pounds, it will always help you in the long run. If you opt for Chiropractic Treatment, you will notice that your joint stiffness and stress in the muscles will disappear, which are responsible for Arthritis Pain.


If you want to get healed in terms of Arthritis Treatment, simply connect with the Elevation Health clinic in Canada. Time and again, Elevation Health Chiropractors have helped a number of patients beat Arthritis.

The persistent question is – why settle for Arthritis Treatment? For more on this, contact the Nantais Family Chiropractic care.

Given the rather contrasting lifestyle completely governed by stress all around, it is difficult to survive. During the earlier days, a number of people came up with all kinds of discomforts. One thing remains pretty intact that these people tended to suffer from Neck Pain, Knee Pain, and Lower Back Pain. One thing remains pretty important that Arthritis has often been subjected to a somewhat overlooked aspect. If you do end up overlooking Arthritis, it could well lead to a number of issues. For the best Arthritis Treatment, just reach out to the Elevation Health clinic located in Canada. Dr Brian Nantais is at the helm of affairs at the Nantais Family Chiropractic care.

For the best Arthritis Treatment, you can surely look up to the Elevation Health clinic. With time, Dr Brian Nantais has made rapid strides in the field of Chiropractic Adjustment. Once you associate with us, you are bound to notice the myriad ways of Chiropractic Care that will help you.

Let us now have a word with him and try to decode the subject:

  1. All you need to know about Chiropractic Treatment
  2. You need to stick to a proper Chiropractic Clinic
  3. Always a handy idea to have a word with a reputed Chiro
  4. What are the possible reasons for Arthritis?
  5. Various symptoms of Arthritis

All you need to know about Chiropractic Treatment:

A Chiro like Dr Brian Nantais will initially inspect and analyze your overall body before identifying the problem areas. Once that is identified, you will be offered various Chiropractic exercises that will leave you better prepared. Initially, you may have to visit once or twice a week, but that entirely depends on the seriousness of your condition.

You need to stick to a proper Chiropractic Clinic:

After a point, you will realize the fact that nothing comes close to your health. So, you are supposed to take proper care. Your foremost task should be to opt for a proper Chiropractic clinic. That way, you could definitely be in some sort of comfort. However, with the number of Chiropractic Care clinics operating, it is undoubtedly a difficult task.

Always a handy idea to have a word with a reputed Chiro:

No wonder you can never rely on a novice or rookie Chiro. More than anything else, experience sets Dr Brian Nantais apart from his contemporaries. He has tons of experience under his radar, so listening to him is always a handy option.

What are the possible reasons for Arthritis?

Dr Brian Nantais makes a very insightful observation. He points out that you can actually develop Arthritis which depends on a number of factors. Some of them include — a faulty immune system, pain in your joints, muscle strains, an increase in age, obesity, and relevant aspects.

Various symptoms of Arthritis:

Some of the symptoms of Arthritis include – pain in the joints, some kind of stiffness, swelling, and decreased range of motion. For the betterment of your health, connect with the Nantais Family Chiropractic care.

End Note

For the best Arthritis Treatment, simply feel free to reach out to the Elevation Health clinic in Canada. We truly believe that we can make a difference in your health.

The expert chiropractor Dr Brian Nantais of the Nantais Family Chiropractic breaks some common myths regarding arthritis that creates misconceptions.

Little do people know that arthritis isn’t one disease; it is a group of over a hundred diseases that affect the joints. Stats say that one in five Canadians suffers from arthritis. It will not be inaccurate to say that arthritis is one of the most prevalent chronic diseases among Canadians. Dr Brian Nantais of the Nantais Family Chiropractic treats several arthritis patients at his Elevation Health clinic on a daily basis. He and his Nantais Family Chiropractic team have helped many people gain relief from arthritis symptoms through Chiropractic Care.

Dr Brian Nantais has observed that his patients have been exposed to certain misconceptions. People believe in such myths, and this causes them to have certain misunderstandings about the disorder. Until people have such wrong opinions, they will not be able to seek proper treatment.

Here is some information against those myths from the experts at Elevation Health:-

  1. “You can ignore the pain symptoms of arthritis, they are negligible”
  2. “As you age, you develop arthritis, it is a fact.”
  3. “Sufficient rest can completely cure arthritis.”
  4. “One has to bear with arthritis forever.”

“You can ignore the pain symptoms of arthritis, they are negligible”:

This is one of the dangerous myths. If you believe in this and have arthritis, then you will face serious circumstances in no time. Arthritis doesn’t take more than a few years to deteriorate the joints and make the condition worse. If you avoid proper diagnosis and treatment, then your condition will keep declining. Eventually, the pain will get intolerable, and you will lose mobility. Therefore, before it’s too late, you should get suitable treatment from arthritis experts.

“As you age, you develop arthritis, it is a fact”:

This is not true, as there are several cases of arthritis in children and young teenagers around the world. Yes, the chances of getting arthritis rise as you age due to the gradual wear and tear of the joints over the years. But this doesn’t mean that it’s unavoidable and is a part of your old age. Cases of gout and osteoarthritis are completely preventable if you take care and seek treatment at the right time.

“Sufficient rest can completely cure arthritis”:

This is another myth that often worsens the patient’s condition. Staying still all day and having zero physical activity can negatively impact your health and promote arthritis symptoms. Arthritis patients must ask a specialist to curate a physical activity routine as per their requirements that help improve their state without damaging their weak joints. Some exercises that are recommended by our experts are – Exercises for mobility, such as stretching, should be done to maintain or increase the joint’s range of motion and flexibility; strength-based activities, like those involving weights, can help the joint gain stability and improve its functioning; and aerobic activities like walking or cycling can help enhance cardiovascular fitness.

“One has to bear with arthritis forever”:

Arthritis might not be completely curable, but it’s wrong to think that there’s nothing to do against it and that one has to bear with the symptoms their whole life. If preventive measures are taken, and if you get treated by experts, then you can gain relief from arthritis symptoms. Physical activity, healthy weight, self-management education, physiotherapy, and chiropractic care can make a difference.

Final Words

In case you need more information on arthritis, or you need expert treatment, then you must visit Dr Brian Nantais of the Nantais Family Chiropractic at the Elevation Health clinic.

If you are absolutely unsure where to head to for proper Arthritis Treatment, consult Dr Brian Nantais of the Nantais Family Chiropractic care. Contact at the earliest.

With stress playing a somewhat havoc role in our lives, it is indeed difficult to lead a stress-free lifestyle. All Chiropractors point out the fact that, on the one hand, you have issues back home, while on the flip side, there are professional issues as well. A number of patients tend to suffer from something like Arthritis. In order to fix Arthritis-related issues, pay attention to what Elevation Health has to say. Simply connect with an expert like Dr Brian Nantais of the Nantais Family Chiropractic care, based in Canada.

For the record – the Nantais Family Chiropractic care works and functions under the able supervision of Dr Brian Nantais, based in Canada. Over the years, Dr Brian Nantais has simply come of age in terms of proper Chiropractic Care.

Let us now try to study this given subject in a detailed manner and see how various results effectively show up:

  1. Make it a point to settle for the right Chiropractic Clinic
  2. Pretty important to seek validation from a stalwart
  3. Do not get into the intricacies of the overall treatment
  4. What are the diverse aspects of Arthritis?
  5. How can a Chiro help you out in the overall thing?

Make it a point to settle for the right Chiropractic Clinic:

Incidentally, you will require Arthritis Treatment only when you are down in terms of your health. Hence, it is a given thing that you must essentially opt for the right Chiropractic Care clinic. But, then, since there are a number of clinics making a beeline in the market, it could be a challenging proposition upfront.

Pretty important to seek validation from a stalwart:

When it comes to the notion of your health, you simply cannot treat it on a lighter note. Until and unless you have a word with a stalwart, you could be at the receiving end literally. Dr Brian Nantais has been leading the Nantais Family Chiropractic care for a decent amount of time. Henceforth, it is always a handy idea to seek validation from a stalwart like him.

Do not get into the intricacies of the overall treatment:

Keeping your perspective in mind, Dr Brian Nantais rightly asserts that you must shy away from over-experimenting. You always have the liberty to do prior study but then do not get into the detailed thing.

What are the diverse aspects of Arthritis?

If you are still wondering how Arthritis might impact you. There could be a number of factors, incidentally. You are bound to feel some sort of stiffness and muscle pain alongside cramps in the joints. Moreover, as we age, Arthritis can really leave a havoc mark on your health as well as lifestyle. With the overall swelling, it could be difficult for you to move or remain active.

How can a Chiro help you out in the overall thing?

If you have been silently suffering due to Arthritis issues, it is high time you seek professional help. Only a Walk In Chiropractor can help you out with various exercise drills.


If you have been looking to fix Arthritis-related issues, reach out to the Elevation Health clinic.

If you are still relatively unsure of where to head to for the best Arthritis Treatment, simply rely on Dr Brian Nantais of the Nantais Family Chiropractic care.

To begin, you are supposed to take proper care of your health. After a point in life, you will realize the fact that nothing is as significant as your health. An expert Chiro would like you to believe that through proper Chiropractic nuances, you can fix your Arthritis issues. If you are seeking affordable Arthritis Treatment, listen to the experts of Elevation Health. The Elevation Health clinic suggests that connecting with Dr Brian Nantais of the Nantais Family Chiropractic care will work to your advantage.

Dr Brian Nantais is readily available to offer you a consultation of the highest quality. In fact, he is someone who is a thorough expert in the field of Chiropractic Adjustment. You just need to connect with him for all sorts of helpful information pertaining to Arthritis Treatment.

Let us now have a word with him and try to decipher the subject in a detailed manner:

  1. Opt for a decent enough Chiropractic Care clinic upfront
  2. Absolutely necessary to have a word with a proficient Chiro
  3. Certainly be aware of your limitations
  4. How does Arthritis Pain generally develop?
  5. Various ways in which a Chiro can offer possible solutions

Opt for a decent enough Chiropractic Care clinic upfront:

Well, when you are looking to treat something like Arthritis, you can never take things for granted. That very way, there’s always a menacing threat upfront. At the end of the day, the onus lies on you to take certain initiatives. Since the notion is all about your health, you just cannot treat it in a rather casual manner.

Absolutely necessary to have a word with a proficient Chiro:

Surely, there’s no one whosoever who might know about your underlying conditions. You simply cannot seek advice from a rookie or a newbie. You are at once suggested to seek advice from a proficient Chiro. Leading any Chiropractic Care clinic certainly requires a lot of dexterity and precision. Dr Brian Nantais of the Nantais Family Chiropractic care has been performing his job with utmost importance and expertise for more than a decade.

Certainly be aware of your limitations:

You can seek affordable Arthritis Treatment, but at the same time, you need to be aware of your limitations. For the record – you simply cannot indulge in any kind of over-experimentation. For the best Arthritis Treatment, feel free to connect with the Elevation Health clinic at the earliest.

How does Arthritis Pain generally develop?

Arthritis is generally the swelling that occurs near the joint muscles. Other factors could include that it might be genetic in nature. In addition to that, muscle spasms and various kinds of strains could eventually lead to Arthritis Pain.

Various ways in which a Chiro can offer possible solutions:

Realistically speaking, a Chiro like Dr Brian Nantais of the Nantais Family Chiropractic care will thoroughly guide you through. In fact, he will offer various possible solutions that will eventually work to your benefit. Dr Brian Nantais is truly touted as the best Family Chiropractor.

Bottom Line

If you have been frantically searching for options like a Walk In Chiropractor, connect with the Elevation Health clinic based in Canada.

If you are absolutely unsure how to treat and seek proper Arthritis Treatment, seek immediate help from the Nantais Family Chiropractic care.

With stress becoming almost a compulsion in our lives, it is increasingly important to lead a stress-free lifestyle. But, then, it is not always that feasible an option, to be honest. Today, a lot of individuals come up with worrying signs such as muscle cramps, fatigue, nausea and other relevant issues. Yet another recurrent episode remains that of Arthritis. If you are to treat Arthritis issues in a major way, you must seek proper help from a reputed Chiropractor as well. Elevation Health suggests that do not press the panic button yet and connect with the Nantais Family Chiropractic care, based in Canada. This very clinic functions under the watchful eyes of Dr Brian Nantais.

If you get in touch with the Nantais Family Chiropractic care, you will rediscover your serene space of mind. No wonder, Dr Brian Nantais is readily available to offer you all kinds of help. Just feel free to connect with the Elevation Health clinic, based in Canada.

Let us now try to decipher the subject in a detailed manner and see how possible results emerge:

  1. Mandatory for you to choose the right sort of Chiropractic clinic
  2. Try to have a word with a reputed Chiro
  3. Do not delve into the detailed aspect of Chiropractic Treatment
  4. What are the symptoms of Arthritis?
  5. Best and diverse ways to treat Arthritis

Mandatory for you to choose the right sort of Chiropractic clinic:

Since it is a major concern of your health, you simply cannot afford to take things with a hint of casualness. The moment you let the hunger die, there could be numerous instances where you might be at the receiving end. In short, you should opt for the right sort of Chiropractic clinic to stay ahead than your mere competitors.

Try to have a word with a reputed Chiro:

Keeping your health perspective in mind, the best possible solution for you is to have a word with an experienced Chiro. The moment you see a novice Chiro, you will have to face an unending string of issues. Therefore, the best possible option is to have a word with a Chiro who is pretty experienced in the nuances of Chiropractic Treatment. That way, you will be able to beat a condition like Arthritis. For the record – Dr Brian Nantais has been leading the Nantais Family Chiropractic care for a good number of years.

Do not delve into the detailed aspect of Chiropractic Treatment:

Whatever might be the reason, just don’t immerse yourself into the detailed aspect of Chiropractic Treatment.

What are the symptoms of Arthritis?

Dr Brian Nantais points out that some of the common symptoms of Arthritis are such as pain, stiffness, decreased range of motion as well as swelling. If you have these symptoms rest assured you could have Arthritis-related issues. For a more helpful approach, connect with Dr Brian Nantais of the Nantais Family Chiropractic care, based in Canada.

Best and diverse ways to treat Arthritis:

A Chiro like Dr Brian Nantais will usually suggest that you keep a close watch on your body weight. You can get enough exercise. In addition to this, Chiropractic techniques will always work to your advantage.

Closing Words

If you are looking for a Family Chiropractic to treat your Arthritis-related issues, connect with Dr Brian Nantais today.

If you are looking for the right kind of Arthritis Pain Treatment, get in touch with the Nantais Family Chiropractic care in a jiffy!

Gone are the days when a number of people suffered from different kinds of issues. With the change in time, a lot of things have been addressed. However, certain things still continue to exist on a regular basis. If you are one of those people suffering under the cruel clutches of Arthritis pain, it is high time you seek proper Arthritis Treatment. Now, the pertinent question that lies ahead is where to seek decent enough Arthritis Treatment. You can simply get in touch with the Elevation Health clinic, where Dr Brian Nantais works at the helm of affairs.

Dr Brian Nantais of the Nantias Family Chiropractic care is someone who can offer you all kinds of profound insight. Once you associate with us at the Elevation Health clinic, you are bound to be in a special zone of comfort whatsoever.

So, what are the various facets for which you need to visit a Chiro in order to seek proper Arthritis Treatment? Let’s have a detailed look:

  1. Always a wise idea to look for the best clinic
  2. Have a word with a thorough professional
  3. Do not get into the intricate details of Chiropractic Treatment
  4. What are the various symptoms of Arthritis Pain?
  5. How can a Chiro offer you help?

Always a wise idea to look for the best clinic:

Amidst today’s testing times, it always becomes more than a necessity to opt for the best clinic. If you don’t quite decide to settle for the best, there could be an enormous amount of problems lined up for you. Look for the best Chiropractic clinic, or else be ready to face the consequences.

Have a word with a thorough professional:

After a certain point in life, you will realize the fact that if you don’t quite opt for the alternative, there could be problems galore. Dr Brian Nantais has been leading the Nantais Family Chiropractic care for a decent number of years. Hence, every time you have a word with someone of his presence of mind, it will bring you fruitful results.

Do not get into the intricate details of Chiropractic Treatment:

Certain things, if not taken proper care of, could actually pose a lot of threats during the later stages of your life. Dr Brian Nantais points out the fact that you always have the liberty to look beyond your comfort zone. But, then, never get into the intricate details of Chiropractic Treatment.

What are the various symptoms of Arthritis Pain?

Arthritis Pain could actually leave you stranded midway. It causes various kinds of muscle fatigue and pain in the joints. Overall, you tend to lose resistance and overall stability. In addition to this, you could become a tad inactive in the morning. You are bound to feel mentally exhausted due to the imminent pain. For the ensuing pain, it is always a safe option to get valuable tips from Dr Brian Nantais of the Nantais Family Chiropractic care.

How can a Chiro offer you help?

A Chiro like Elevation Health veteran Dr Brian Nantais will ideally inspect your body basics. It goes without saying that he will teach you various Chiropractic nuances that will really help you out. For obvious reasons, you are required to visit the Elevation Health clinic.

Bottom Line

If you have been making frantic searches such as a Walk In Chiropractor, seek immediate help from the Elevation Health clinic based in Canada.

Dr Brian Nantais is a well-known chiropractor of Elevation Health in Canada. He discusses the foods you can eat if you have arthritis. Contact our clinic now.

Dr Brian Nantais is a well-known chiropractor of Elevation Health in Canada. He discusses the foods you can eat if you have arthritis. Contact our clinic now.

Chiropractic care and arthritis:

Arthritis is a problem of the joints. It causes swelling and tenderness. This disorder causes you a lot of pain and restricts your movement. You also suffer from inflammation due to arthritis. So, if you face the signs of this disease, you must never ignore it. Though arthritis is not curable, you can still manage it. And a good process to do so is by taking the chiropractic treatment from a reputed clinic. For this purpose, you can visit Dr Brian Nanatias in Canada at our clinic Elevation Health.

Arthritis is normally a disease that happens in older people. However, that does not limit it to also occur in anyone of any age or gender. It can affect various joints in your body like, your feet and hands, fingers, low back, hips or knees. This disorder is of many types. Each type has its significant symptoms.

Some of the common symptoms are as follows:

  1. Redness and swelling in the joints
  2. Pain and inflammation
  3. A feeling of warmth in the affected area
  4. Stiff and tender joints

If you find any signs, be sure to contact a reputed chiropractor like the Nantais family chiropractic doctor. Our clinic will provide you the best treatment as you need.

The diet you should maintain:

Our doctors have listed the foods you should consume in arthritis:

  1. Garlic
  2. Ginger
  3. Fatty fish
  4. Green tea
  5. Anti-inflammatory vegetables
  6. Fruits like berries, pomegranates and apples
  7. Nuts like walnuts
  8. Olive oil


The Nantais family chiropractic experts suggest you eat garlic for arthritis. It has anti-cancer properties, lowers heart diseases, dementia, and anti-inflammatory properties. This reduces the problems of arthritis and gives you more immunity.


Ginger reduces the symptoms of arthritis. It blocks the production of matter that causes inflammation.

Fatty fish:

Fish like mackerel, sardines, salmon, tuna, etc are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. The experts of Elevation Health recommend this to the patients since they have anti-inflammatory values. You can consume these fish for at least 2 times a week for added benefits. It also decreases the risks of heart problems.

Green tea:

Green tea has a high percentage of antioxidants and nutrients. So, it can decrease the risk of inflammation. It also reduces the chances of rheumatoid arthritis. When you visit the Nantais family chiropractic doctor, they may suggest a change in your diet to stop the progress of this disease.

Anti-inflammatory vegetables:

Reduced risk of inflammation means reduced risk of arthritis. Some vegetables like cauliflower, mushrooms, broccoli, etc have anti-inflammatory qualities. Consuming these will manage your arthritis gradually.

Fruits like berries, pomegranates and apples:

Blueberries, strawberries, cranberries, blackberries protect you from arthritis. So, you must make it compulsorily to consume these frequently. Also, apples and pomegranates have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory uses which help to manage arthritis.

Nuts like walnuts:

Nuts are rich in protein. These also don’t contain cholesterol and have less saturated fats. It reduces inflammation and prevents joint diseases.

Olive oil:

Extra virgin olive oil has anti-inflammatory properties. It lessens the risks of arthritis. So, our chiropractor Dr Brian Nantais may suggest this to you too.


There are many foods you should definitely consume if you have arthritis, while many others that you must avoid. To get the best details of this, contact Elevation Health in Canada.

Dr Brian Nantais of Elevation Health in Canada explains to us how rheumatoid arthritis can also affect your wrists. Chiropractic care treats arthritis conditions.

Dr Brian Nantais of Elevation Health in Canada explains to us how rheumatoid arthritis can also affect your wrists. Chiropractic care treats arthritis conditions.

Explaining Rheumatoid Arthritis:

Rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammation of the joints. It is a chronic autoimmune disorder that affects other parts of the body as well. It can affect the heart, lungs, eyes, skin, blood vessels, etc. If this happens, it is called rheumatic disease. It mostly affects women between the ages 25 to 50. As per Dr Brian Nantais and his licensed experts of the Nantais family chiropractic, chiropractic care can manage the issues related to rheumatoid arthritis. At Elevation Health in Canada, many patients showing signs of rheumatoid arthritis have been diagnosed correctly. Our experts have also performed the best care to reduce the progression of the disease.

Symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis:

Rheumatoid arthritis affects you more than just the joints. It affects your vital organs like kidneys, heart, lungs, eyes, etc. That’s why Dr Brian Nantais and his team discuss the symptoms of this disease. If you are facing any of these symptoms, we recommend you to contact a good chiropractor. You can also contact the Nantais family chiropractic at Elevation health in Canada.

  1. Warm, swollen and tender joints
  2. Loss of appetite
  3. Fever
  4. A tired feeling
  5. Stiff joints in the morning or when you are not active

How rheumatoid arthritis affects your wrists?

The wrist is a joint that has many other smaller joints. It consists of 8 small bones and 2 large bones. Rheumatoid arthritis attacks you first in the small joints, like the fingers and toes. Then it progresses to the slightly bigger joints, for example, the wrists. So, Dr Brian Nantais suggests that you don’t ignore the starting symptoms of this disease.

When this condition continues to progress more and more, problems with your mobility arise. Your flexibility decreases, along with your range of motion. It makes your wrists very stiff. Rheumatoid arthritis can even cause permanent damage in your bones. In fact, conditions like Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is quite common among the patients of rheumatoid arthritis.

This illness can rupture the tendons of your fingers. This prevents you from completely stretching your fingers.

You should never ignore the signs of conditions like these. So, we suggest that you regularly visit a chiropractor like the Nantais family chiropractic of Elevation Health in Canada.

The advantages of chiropractic care for rheumatoid arthritis:

The main focus of chiropractic care is treating the nervous system. It diagnoses the condition correctly and prevents the disruptions in the neuromusculoskeletal system. This therapy makes your body stronger and increases your mobility. Our expert chiropractors at Elevation Health in Canada even advise you with exercises that can reduce the progress of arthritis. Not only rheumatoid arthritis, chiropractic care heals your body from the inside.

Dr Brian Nantais conducts a full body checkup in depth that goes to the deep cause of the problem. So, the treatment is not all at the superficial level. Our experts use many techniques, such laser therapy, to enhance the healing environment in your body.


Dr Brian Nantais in Canada takes special care and attention to his patients. Patients have reported that they feel their health getting better right from the beginning. Our calm and peaceful environment at Elevation Health goes the extra mile in treating you. So, if you are searching for the best chiropractic care in Canada, contact us now!

Many people have arthritis in the fingers which is still a rare disease in this world. But if you have these symptoms, then you need immediate treatment. Let’s know it from Dr Brian Nantais.

One of the rarest arthritis diseases is having arthritis in the fingers. Therefore, Dr Brian Nantais recommend you must urgent treatment for this.

Many people suffer from different types of arthritis conditions of health. At Elevation Health, the patients can get treatment for their arthritis symptoms in their fingers.

Pain in fingers and hand:

According to Dr Brian Nantais, having continuous pain is one of the basic symptoms of arthritis in fingers. However, this pain can be burning type along with the feeling of dullness. This burning pain is one of the earliest symptoms of finger arthritis.

However, this pain can become like a burning sensation that makes the pain even worse. Along with this, the pain in the case of finger arthritis can often get worse after some activities. If these activities are repeated again, then the pain will get worse. At the center of Nantais Family Chiropractic, people will get treatment for their finger arthritis.

Swelling in fingers or hands:

Nantais Family Chiropractic patients also reported swelling in the finger joints. The joints of your fingers can face severe swelling due to overuse. However, many times, the swelling can get worse with the overuse of several activities.

Therefore, the person may face severe swelling that is another common symptom of finger arthritis. Along with this, there can be other symptoms like when the skin around your finger area or finger joints will look red. Additionally, this area can also look puffy and start hurting to your touch.

Stiffness in fingers or arms:

Many times the joints of your fingers can feel stiff due to severe arthritis in your fingers. However, this is one of the common symptoms of finger arthritis. Along with this, some people also have trouble moving their fingers randomly and freely due to finger arthritis.

Additionally, this pain can become debilitating sometimes. Whether your finger arthritis stays for long and becomes a chronic one or only acute pain, you can have stiffness. Along with this, people generally lose their motion in fingers slowly.

The stiffness over time can become more severe and the pain also becomes worse. Therefore, the patient slowly reduces his range of motion of all fingers. As a result, this may cause him to find difficulty in grasping various objects too.

Tingling and numbness in fingers:

While suffering from fingers arthritis, many people might have the sensations like tingling. In the case of finger arthritis, the person may have numb feelings too. Whether your finger arthritis is acute, while having tingling or numbness, you might get it as a sign of being worse. Because many times the finger arthritis symptoms get worse with time.

However, Nantais Family Chiropractic says that this sensation of numbness can be in particularly three fingers. The tingling and numbness can be in the first finger, second finger, and third finger.

Along with this, the person may have approached some symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome. Therefore, if you experience any of these symptoms then you must see a chiropractor at the soonest.

At Elevation Health, people who have been suffering from arthritis in their fingers for a long, can get treatment in Canada. Here the chiropractors can treat your finger arthritis symptoms with the help of various chiropractic techniques. Contact us to know more.

There are some common foods that may cause you more pain while having arthritis. Therefore, let’s get to know from the Nantais Family Chiropractic about it more.

There are some common foods that may cause you more pain while having arthritis. Therefore, let’s get to know from the Nantais Family Chiropractic about it more.

If you have arthritis, then you must pay more attention to your food habits. However, here we will discuss it with the Nantais Family Chiropractic experts about it. If you can visit Elevation Health, you can have the proper guide for your food habits. In order to prevent arthritis or avoid it from becoming worse, foods play an essential role.

Let’s delve deeper here.

Try to use refined carbs with fewer sugars:

When it comes to having a proper diet chart for your arthritis issues, then you must follow some rules. According to Dr Brian Nantais, if you can take refined carbs as your heavy breakfast, then it will help.

Along with this, make you can pay attention to your sugar intakes regularly. Because carbs amount and sugar intakes are essential for controlling your arthritis pain. Additionally, you need to plan your diet chart according to your body weight. Therefore, ensuring your carbs amount is very vital for avoiding arthritis pain.

If you keep high amounts of carbs along with sugar intake in your diet chart, then there will be a worse scenario. Because in this case, there will be an increased chance of having inflammation. As a result, there will be a higher level of cytokines in your body that will make arthritis pain even worse.

Therefore, the chiropractors of Nantais Family Chiropractic recommend that arthritis patients cut out soda, baked foods, foods prepared with white flours, and processed foods from their daily diet routine.

You can visit us at Elevation Health to have more food habits suggestions for your arthritis pain.

Keep an eye on salt amount:

While having your daily foods on your plate, keep an eye on the usage of the salt amount in your foods. Because while having arthritis, salt intake is another vital point that you need to focus on.

Many people these days eat foods that are too much salty. As a result, there can happen a chance to develop arthritis pain. In today’s world, there is a tendency to use salty foods more in order to preserve foods from getting spoilt. As well as, it helps to keep the food for a long time in the best condition.

Therefore, people are prone to eat salty foods more. As a result, there happens a chance to have inflammation and swelling in their bodies.

However, if they can focus on their daily salt consumption more, it will help them to avoid arthritis. Dr Brian Nantais recommend that patients avoid having additives and preservatives in foods.

Avoid taking fried foods:

According to Dr Brian Nantais, if anyone eats fried foods more, there will be a chance to have arthritis pain. However, you can avoid the pain if you do not eat fried food more.

Instead, people who eat fresh fruits and vegetables more will easily prevent the risk of arthritis. Along with this, they need to be careful about their sodium intake too. Because sodium is another factor that can cause you having arthritis pain.

At Elevation Health, arthritis patients from Canada can get a chance to know the proper guides for their food habits. If they can follow them rightly, they can avoid worse arthritis pain. Contact us to know more.

There are typical causes that may result in you having arthritis pain. In this blog, Dr Brian Nantais will share valuable insights on the basic arthritis pain factors.

For patients who have arthritis, typical causes can be the underlying factor for having arthritis pain. However, we will have insight into typical arthritis causes here. Dr Brian Nantais will share information.

At Elevation Health, arthritis patients can get chiropractic treatment with the most necessary therapies.

All you need to know:

Arthritis is generally a specific type of joint pain that causes the person in having swelling or inflammation. Along with this, sometimes, the person may also face a tenderness in the swelling place of his body.

Many arthritis patients in Nantais Family Chiropractic who visited for arthritis treatment reported some other symptoms. They also had some symptoms like stiffness in joints body stiffness, and that even gets worse with time.

However, arthritis can get away cured with the proper chiropractic care approach. For this purpose, your can visit us at Elevation Health and get therapies for your arthritis.

Causes for arthritis:

According to Dr Brian Nantais, if the person has been suffering from various arthritis symptoms for a long, he needs treatment soon. As it is seen from the Nantais Family Chiropractic patients that they had pain for a long.

Therefore, as a result, the arthritis symptoms got worse with passing years. They suffer from debilitating pain for most time in a day. However, there are some causes of arthritis that you can’t ignore at all.

The main cause of arthritis is having damage in your joint area’s cartilage. However, this is mainly a hard and slick coat from the place your joint forms.

This body part is responsible for the natural shock and friction as well as damage between your joints.

However, many people face a breakdown in their cartilage areas as with growing age; it gets weaker. Because over time, the cartilage area increases common friction cases.

As a result, this may cause arthritis patients to have debilitating pain. Many times, an injury in your joint areas or an infection in your joint areas can also be the real cause of having arthritis.

Some other factors for arthritis pain:

Many patients at Nantais Family Chiropractic had common wear and tore at mainly their joints. This was the main cause of their arthritis pain.

Along with this, with time, the cartilage starts damaging, and thus, the lining at the joint area faces inflammation. Although they are some common arthritis causes, however, there are some others too.

For some specific arthritis cases, the person’s body immunity power gets lessen as the whole immune system gets affected. As a result, the joint lining gets severe inflammation.

Along with this, over time, it also destroys the main cartilage area. However, there are some other factors for arthritis pain that may include:

  1. Your family history of arthritis pain
  2. Age
  3. Gender
  4. Joint Injury
  5. Obesity

Elevation Health is a popular name when it comes to seeking chiropractic clinics for arthritis treatment in Canada. Here you can get your arthritis treatment with the necessary hands-on techniques. Contact us to know more.

Many people who suffer from arthritis problems face debilitating pain. If they can take care at home, they can get relief. Dr Brian Nantais will share some tips here.

Many people who suffer from arthritis problems face debilitating pain. If they can take care at home, they can get relief. Dr Brian Nantais will share some tips here.

The problem of arthritis is a usual health problem for many of us. However, if the patients can take proper care at home, the pain can become less. Dr Brian Nantais will share some arthritis tips to follow at home.

At Elevation Health, the experts take care of their patients and their health. They also share valuable home remedies for arthritis so that the patient can feel less pain.

All you need to know:

According to Dr Brian Nantais, the problem of arthritis is mainly a disease where the patient can face pain. In this health condition, the patient generally faces a range of health complications. That may include having pain, and the pain becomes worse with time.

However, many patients also face inflammation in their joint area. Therefore, if they do not take proper care, then arthritis can become a serious health issue. Although there are many medicines, chiropractic care also helps in this.

Elevation Health offers therapies for arthritis. Along with this, the health experts provide suggestions to the patients.

The most important fact about this disease is the patient may face more pain over the passing time. Therefore, he needs to take care soon.

We will share some tips to take care of arthritis at home. Let’s dig deeper here.

Managing your weight:

One of the easiest ways for arthritis care is managing your weight. However, health experts from Nantais Family Chiropractic believe that it is a good habit for taking care of your arthritis pain in future.

It is obvious that your weight can be a major cause for having this disease of arthritis pain. Putting overweight can give extra stress to your spine.

Along with this, this will put more pressure on your knee joints and hips or feet. As a result, there may arise some arthritis symptoms in your body.

Therefore, you need to lose weight for arthritis. Losing weight will also help in taking care of your arthritis pain. An easy yet simple tip, with the help of weight loss plans, arthritis pain will reduce.

However, Nantais Family Chiropractic experts always recommend their patients this home remedy. Therefore, this will help in decreasing pain and preventing future damage in joints.

Getting enough exercise:

Chiropractors from Nantais Family Chiropractic suggest to their patients here that regular exercise will lower their pain. If a person has arthritis, then he needs to get the habit of daily exercise.

However, he can do some easy and small tasks at home. Along with this, doing some other activities will also help. These may include doing cycling, walking, swimming, running, and some other water activities.

A trainer can help you in this, and you can get arthritis relief with these easy activities. This will also help to keep your joints in a flexible state and gain more strength in muscles.

At Elevation Health, the famous health experts from Canada will help their patients to get relief. They can follow these tips at home and get relief from arthritis pain. Contact us to know more.

Today the problem of arthritis is common in every house. Here in this blog post, we will have a look at taking help in chiropractic. Dr Brian Nantais shares his views.

Dr Brian Nantais is a famous chiropractor. He has been treating arthritis patients for many years. Therefore, he shares his views here on taking help in chiropractic care.

At the center of Elevation Health, many people come for their arthritis problems. The patients can get a chance to cure their pain problems here.

Arthritis as a health issue:

The term arthritis is now a common name for every household. Therefore, we can see that many people now suffer from arthritis pain in their lives.

If you don’t pay attention to your arthritis pain at an early stage, then after some days, this pain will become chronic. When your arthritis pain starts in your body, then it is a good idea to go for a checkup.

Nantais Family Chiropractic is a family health center where you can get help. Patients can get a chance for recovery from arthritis pain easily.

Arthritis and chiropractic care:

In the chiropractic care method, the health expert will help you to get recovery from arthritis pain. If you are suffering from arthritis pain for a long, then it is a good idea to take help as soon as you can.

For this purpose, Dr Brian Nantais says that you can get help in this special kind of care. Arthritis pain can be worse with time. Therefore, you can look for options to take treatment for this pain.

But as per the Nantais Family Chiropractic patients said, that taking help at an early stage is always a better option. For this purpose, you can even visit us at Elevation Health.

Questions to ask your health expert:

When you have a long duration of arthritis pain then you must look for health tips. Nantais Family Chiropractic patients said that they got relief from this pain easily.

Whether you go for your arthritis session to the clinic, you must know some things beforehand. Let’s have a look here.

When you think that it is the right time to go for your chiro clinic checkup, then you can search for ideas. However, there are many things that come to your mind.

Although some basic things are there that you need to focus on at first. Like the idea of asking your chiropractor about the total cost for your therapy and treatment.

While going for your arthritis session, you can also ask the health expert what will be the duration. Because the session time can vary from person to person.

Sometimes your session can have a few minutes, after the initial talks. However, most chiro experts prefer to keep the first session small. As in the first session, the patient needs to be at ease.

Therefore, you can be stress free for this. Yet, there is another time duration that you need to know. You can ask the chiropractor how many days or months it will take to get a cure.

For arthritis pain, it can take several months even. As a result, you need to go for many regular sessions to the clinic.

At Elevation Health, the patients from Canada can get help in their arthritis problem. Here they can meet the health experts and get recovery soon. Contact them to know more.

Every 1 out of 5 Canadians suffers from arthritis. Dr Brian Nantais suggests some preventive measures as arthritis is incurable. Let’s learn about the measures.

Arthritis is one of the most common joint pain affecting millions of people around the globe. Arthritis means the joints are inflamed and degenerated. This is a very common disease these days. Nantais family chiropractic takes care of arthritis patients in Tecumseh,Canada. For more information online, visit Elevation Health. We offer an in-depth guide to arthritis.

There are various reasons behind muscle and joint pain these days. To understand whether you have arthritis look for these symptoms.

  1. Pain on a particular joint
  2. Redness around the joints
  3. Tenderness in the affected area
  4. Stiffness around the joints
  5. Swelling at the paining site

If you think you may have arthritis, visit a chiropractor to manage the pain. Dr Brian Nantais will ask about your symptoms and run a few tests. 

  1. The chiropractor may run some motion tests in your joints.
  2. He will check the tenderness and swelling around your joints.
  3. He will check your health.

Arthritis is not curable. Chiropractic treatments may help you manage the condition. Dr Brian Nantais develops a treatment plan for his patients. These plans relieve the unmanageable pain.The treatment plans depend on the severity of the disease. It also depends on its symptoms as well as the patient’s health condition.

Chiropractic care does not involve medicines. It focuses on Physical therapy. Rehabilitation improves strength and mobility. Chiropractic adjustments can improve the health condition of the patients to an extent.

There is no guaranteed way to prevent arthritis. The risk increases If you are a woman or have a family history with arthritis. Visit Nantais family chiropractic clinic for regular check ups and prevention of arthritis. To learn more about arthritis, visit Elevation health’s other blogs.

 These steps may help in preventing arthritis:

  1. Keep an eye for your weight: Hips and knees bear the most of our weight. If you have excess fat, that will put more pressure on the joints. Joints are more prone to have arthritis in such conditions.
  2. Blood sugar: Blood sugar makes the tissue stiff. These tissues support joints. Higher blood sugar puts stress on joints. Reduce blood sugar level with a healthy lifestyle to prevent arthritis.
  3. Work out: 30 minutes of moderate exercise regularly will improve joints’ condition. The muscles are toned with working out. These muscles support your knees and hips.
  4. Try to prevent injuries: Injuries at a joint will increase the risk of getting arthritis. If you play sports, use protective gears.
  5. Quit tobacco products: Smoking and tobacco products weaken the protective tissues at your joints. It can lead to arthritis pain.
  6. Incorporate omega 3 in your diet: Have Omega-3 in your diet. Add fish, flaxseed, walnut fish oil etc. in your diet. Omega-3s can reduce inflammation in the joints.

Chiropractors are trained individuals who perform muscle and spinal alignment. Chiropractors use an array of techniques to move restricted joints. The inflammation reduces with chiropractic care. These adjustments improve the conditions of the affected bones, muscles and nerves. Dr Brian Nantais‘s treatment plan has already helped many patients all over Canada.

Do you know that there are a number of types of Arthritis problems in the world? Learn about some most common forms of this disease here in this blog post.

Arthritis is basically the swelling and the tenderness of one or sometimes even in more than one joints. The main symptom of the problems of arthritis is having the joint pain. Also, sometimes it may cause you having stiffness there that typically worsen with increasing age.

If you suffer from the problems of Arthritis and looking for solution that helps, visit Dr Brian Nantais. He will guide you in treatment options with their Nantais Family Chiropractic, located in Canada.

Here are some common types of Arthritis:


It is one of the most common forms of arthritis people suffer from all over the world. It basically affects millions of people in worldwide. It occurs mainly when the protective cartilage which cushions the ends of bones might wears down over time. Though osteoarthritis can cause damage in any joint, but the disorder mostly affects the joints in your hands, the knees, hip and spine.

Osteoarthritis symptoms are usually managed with treatments. But the damage to the joints can not be reversed. While staying active and maintaining a healthy weight may help you in this, you would be suggested to take certain treatments that help in slowing the progression of this disease and therefore it will help you in improving the pain and joint functions.

Rheumatoid arthritis:

It is basically a chronic inflammatory disorder which causes several affects in more than only your joints. People may have the condition that can damage a wide range of body systems, by including skin, lungs, eyes, heart, and the blood vessels.

It is an autoimmune disorder. The rheumatoid arthritis mainly occurs when the immune system attacks mistakenly to your body’s tissues.

The rheumatoid arthritis vastly affects lining of your joints, thus causing a painful swelling, eventually resulting in the bone erosion and the joint deformity.

Septic arthritis:

It is a painful infection that mainly occurs in one joint that may be coming from germs. The germs usually travel through the bloodstream from some another parts of your body. Septic arthritis can also be caused when you might have faced a penetrating injury, like an animal bite. It might be caused also by some forms of trauma by delivering some germs into the joint directly.

Reactive arthritis:

It is a commonly happened joint pain and the swelling triggered by a certain form of infection in some another parts of your body. It is most often caused in intestines, or in genitals or in the urinary tract.

This type of arthritis usually targets the knees and joints of the ankles and feet. It may also cause some inflammation that can make an affect in your eyes, skin and also in urethra.

Reactive arthritis sometimes become very rare to be diagnosed. For most of the people worldwide, the signs and the symptoms come and go. They don’t stay for a longer period and thus disappearing within every12 months.

For a recommendation in your Arthritis problems, you can visit Elevation Health, Canada and meet Dr Brian Nantais of Nantais Family Chiropractic. To know more about the Arthritis problems and the treatment with Chiropractic care, please visit us.

Rheumatoid Arthritis causes many symptoms, but we discuss some unusual ones here. Chiropractic treatment proves to be very effective for treating your Rheumatoid Arthritis. Read on to know more.

The sign and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis can be felt all over your body, including ears, eyes, skin, and lungs. Chiropractic treatment can improve your condition. Meet an experienced chiropractor and consult your issues with him/her. You can also meet Dr Brian Nantais for your chiropractic care. He has been practising as an experienced chiropractor at Elevation Health. It is a trusted clinic for those who are suffering from pain and musculoskeletal issues. 

Rheumatoid arthritis is linked to a few unusual symptoms, and they are:

Hearing problem:

Hearing loss or buzzing sounds in your ear shares a connection with rheumatoid arthritis. It is a very common condition in older people who have had arthritis issues for many years. 

Rheumatoid arthritis can make your hearing issue worse, and here we explain these in detail:

  1. Rheumatoid Arthritis inflammation can damage the tiny joints in your ear.
  2. Medications for reducing RA symptoms can also contribute to hearing loss.

Some hearing issues can be treatable, but some are permanent. You can take steps to slow down the process of hearing loss. There are many things to understand when it comes to your health. Consult with a doctor when you need the best treatment. 


This arthritis has a connection with your snoring issue also. It causes sleep apnea that repeatedly stops and starts breathing while you are sleeping. Loud snoring is a very common symptom. Sleep apnea also comes up with headache and fatigue issues. Moreover, your body gets less oxygen during your sleep, which has an array of health complications. 

Chiropractic treatment includes adjustment techniques only that will improve your health conditions. A licensed, trained chiropractor know which muscles and bones to be aligned to improve your conditions. Nantais Family Chiropractic has answers for your health complications. 

Skin rash:

When rheumatoid arthritis causes inflammation affecting your blood vessels, it can cause an array of health complications, including skin rashes. The rashes look like dark red or purple bumps and hives. Your skin also gets pink patches.

Medications for the treatment of Rheumatoid arthritis also cause skin rashes. If you have skin rashes that last more than two weeks, you can contact your physician. 

A chiropractor will be the best person for your treatment. He has an experienced name in the field and offers the right care for your health. Dr Brian Nantais will help you find the right treatment for your health.

Trouble breathing, chronic cough, and chest pain:

Your lungs will be affected by rheumatoid arthritis. It causes shortness of breath along with a chronic cough, fatigue, weakness, fever, and chest pain. 

Sudden numbness in the finger and toes:

Rheumatoid arthritis increases the Raynaud Syndrome, causing interrupted blood circulation in one or two fingers. The affected area will get numb and paler. It is triggered by cold exposure and certain medications.

Rheumatoid arthritis is also connected with gum disease, red eyes, and numbness and tingling sensation. You can consult with Dr Brian Nantais. He is an experienced chiropractor and knows how to improve your conditions. He will examine your health completely and suggest the best treatment approach for your health. 

If you have an arthritis problem, you can consult with a chiropractor for your treatment. Besides joint pain, arthritis causes many symptoms, and here we talk about them.

How do you know you have arthritis? Do all joint symptoms mean arthritis? You can consult with health care professionals because they are the right persons who can tell whether you have arthritis or not. But, certain signs and symptoms force you to talk with a doctor. When it comes to arthritis treatment, chiropractic adjustment proves to be a great choice for your health. Dr Brian Nantais is an experienced chiropractor who will treat your health complications with the best adjustment techniques.

Chiropractic adjustments are commonly performed on your spines and joints to realign your musculoskeletal structure. It alleviates your different complications, including back pain, neck pain, and more. When you are suffering from arthritis, you can also consult with an experienced chiropractor. Visit Nantais Family Chiropractic to know more about your health and wellness.

Warning signs of arthritis:

There are many signs of arthritis you may notice, but the most common warning signs are mentioned below.


Pain from arthritis may come and go, or it can be constant. You may experience pain in one part of your body or the different parts of your body.


Skin swelling is another warning sign of arthritis. The skin over the affected joint area gets red and swollen. It feels warm to the touch. If you experience swelling for a longer period of time that lasts for three days or occurs more than three times a month, you need to consult with a doctor.

Without any delay, you must visit a chiropractor near you. He/she performs physical tests to identify the problematic area and plan treatments as per your health. Dr Brian Nantais is an experienced chiropractor and offers the right treatment choices to improve your health conditions.


It is a very common arthritis symptom. You may experience stiffness after waking up in the morning or after sitting for a long period in front of your desk. If your stiffness stays longer than an hour, you have a reason to call it arthritis.

Difficulty in moving a joint:

You will feel difficulty in moving your joint. Although it is not that hard, you need a chiropractor to take care of your health.

What to do:

When you experience such symptoms, you can visit an experienced, licensed chiropractor for your health. One thing you can definitely do is to track your symptoms completely for a week to explain everything to your chiropractor in a better way.

Observe which parts of your body gets swollen or stiff. Note down the time and how long the complication lasts. You can also take note of things that help you ease the pain. If you have any associated health issues, you should not ignore them also. If you experience fever with these symptoms, you need to consult with a chiropractor immediately.

A chiropractor performs physical tests for your arthritis. They will check the range of motions in your joints. With chiropractic adjustments, you can alleviate your pain. Meet Nantais Family Chiropractic to treat your health complications. You can consult with Dr Brian Nantais to help you know more about your health complications.

Arthritis causes many severe health conditions related to your bones and joint degeneration. People experience chronic pain due to arthritis. If you want to know more about your health, please consult with the best chiropractor.

Arthritis is one of the primary causes of disability in people, and it can affect both younger and older adults. Arthritis can be the symptom of a hundred disorders. It is basically a joint disease that causes joint pain. Healing from arthritis is hard, but you can improve your condition where you will feel less pain and other complications. Visit Dr Brian Nantais to learn more about arthritis and chiropractic treatment. With the help of adjustment techniques, chiropractors can reduce the severity of your pain. 

We have explained here some facts of arthritis that will learn more about your complication:

Arthritis is of different types:

Joint deterioration is the common factor of arthritis. Besides, there are many other disorders that fall under the same category, including carpal tunnel syndrome, bursitis, chronic fatigue syndrome, gout, inflammatory bowel disease, and more. Since there is a number of problems in arthritis, they can be grouped by their symptoms, osteoarthritis, abnormal autoimmune reaction, bacterial, viral, or fungal infection, and more. Consulting with a chiropractor is the best way to treat your complication. An experienced chiropractor will help you treat your condition rightly. Nantais Family Chiropractic is known for offering the best treatment for your health. You must visit us to treat your arthritis problem.

Arthritis is mostly experienced in the later stage of your life:

Osteoarthritis is a degeneration of the joint, which affect many people all across the world. In osteoarthritis, any joint can be damaged, but it mostly affects your knees, hips, fingers, neck, and lower back. It is primarily caused by the loss of cartilage in joints, which is also a part of the ageing process. Other issues that can cause osteoarthritis are genetic history, overweight, previous joint injury, and weak thigh muscles. Chiropractic care can give you relief from severe pain. You can consult with the best doctor for your treatment. At Elevation health, you are guided by the right doctor. Meet Dr Brian Nantais will help you get a proper treatment that improves your condition, no matter how severe the issue is.

Your immune system:

The faulty immune system can also be the reason for arthritis. Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is caused by the autoimmune factor where the joint lining is mistakenly perceived as a threat by your body. In response to this issue, inflammation occurs that damage the joint cartilage, bones, and tissues that particularly protect the end of bones. If you keep it untreated, RA has an impact on your eyes, mouth, skin, lungs, and blood vessels. You must seek a doctor to treat the inflammation at an early stage. 

Arthritis causes an array of symptoms:

Arthritis affects health in a different way. It mostly depends on the severity of the complication, duration, intensity, and more. The type of arthritis stage can also have a connection with symptoms. In the beginning, pain, swelling, and stiffness in joints are very common. Some types of arthritis can cause permanent physical changes. 

Arthritis needs a broad discussion, and concluding everything in one blog is not possible. Our chiropractors talk about this complication mentioning different facts and health issues, which we will cover in our next blogs. If you are suffering from arthritis and seeking a chiropractor’s help, Dr Brian Nantais will help you. He is an experienced chiropractor for managing your pain and different complications. Read on to know more. 

Arthritis is the inflammation of joints. You feel pain in one joint or multiple joints.
