How Can You Know That You Have Arthritis?

Doesn’t it feel good to have healthy joints that do not cause pain? Well, we can guess that the answer is, of course, yes. But what if you experience pain and swelling in your joint? You must be careful because these symptoms indicate arthritis. Arthritis is a common illness that affects your joints, and it may result in pain and inflammation, making it challenging to move or continue being active. But you can treat your arthritis with a safe and effective treatment like chiropractic from Elevation Health, Canada. Dr Brian Nantais is a leading chiropractor in Canada who can treat the symptoms and the root cause of arthritis with proper chiropractic adjustments.

Nantais Family Chiropractic offers spinal manipulation, massage therapy, exercises and other chiro adjustments to ease the pain and discomfort of arthritis. Contact Elevation Health for the best chiropractic treatment in Canada.

Arthritis comes in a variety of forms. Each kind has distinct symptoms and can require treatment. If you are experiencing the following warning signs and symptoms, you can have arthritis.

Now let’s go through the detailed discussion:-

  1. Joint pain
  2. Stiffness
  3. Mobility issues
  4. Swelling and inflammation
  5. Redness and warmth
  6. Other symptoms

Joint pain:

One of the common symptoms of arthritis is joint pain. If you have arthritis, you can experience pain and discomfort in one or more joints. This pain worsens in the morning or after prolonged inactivity.

Dr Brian Nantais can help you in this case. Consult with Elevation Health, Canada, to get effective chiropractic care.


Do you have stiff joints? You may have arthritis, as the stiffness of the joints is another reason for arthritis. Stiff joints make it difficult to move the joint through its full range of motion. If you are experiencing inflexible joints, please consult Nantais Family Chiropractic for chiropractic adjustments.

Mobility issues:

Arthritis can be a barrier to your range of motion or mobility. People with arthritis face difficulty moving freely, and you may also feel a grinding or popping sensation when you move your affected joint. Reduced mobility can disrupt your daily tasks and make your life even more challenging. But if you opt for chiropractic treatment, you can lead a healthy life with the help of chiro adjustments.

Swelling and inflammation:

Your joints may swell as well as become uncomfortable. Increased synovial fluid in the joint causes swelling. The natural synovial fluid is a lubricant and cushion in a typical joint. Inflammation of the joints in arthritis may result in excess synovial fluid. Your movement may be limited and painful due to the swelling.

Redness and warmth:

In some cases, arthritis can cause the affected joint to become red and warm to the touch.

Other symptoms:

Due to their ongoing discomfort and inflammation, people with arthritis may experience weariness. A fever and weight loss can occasionally result from arthritis, and these signs typically point to a more severe form of the illness. In difficult situations, arthritis can lead to joint deformity, which makes it challenging to carry out daily chores.

Ending note

If you are experiencing any of the above-mentioned symptoms, you must seek medical help. Conventional treatment can be risky sometimes, as it involves surgery and medication. But choosing chiropractic care at  Elevation Health is the best option as chiropractic is non-surgical but effective in treating arthritis. Contact Nantais Family Chiropractic today.

Arthritis is the inflammation of joints. You feel pain in one joint or multiple joints.
