Dr Brian Nantais of Nantais Family Chiropractic shares the reasons behind arthritis patients being prone to injuries from even minor falls. Contact us today!

Arthritis is a condition affecting most elderly and middle age populations worldwide, causing pain, inflammation, and limited mobility. It’s not just the discomfort of arthritis that patients have to contend with; they also face an increased risk of injuries. At Elevation Health Clinic in Canada, under the guidance of Dr Brian Nantais of Nantais Family Chiropractic, we delve into the intricacies of why arthritis patients are prone to injuries and the strategies that can help mitigate these risks.

  1. Understanding Arthritis and Its Impact
  2. Strategies to Reduce Injury Risk in Arthritis Patients

Understanding Arthritis and Its Impact:

Arthritis encompasses a group of diseases involving inflammation of the joints resulting in pain, stiffness, swelling, and decreased joint mobility. The most common types are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Dr Brian Nantais of Nantais Family Chiropractic explains that these conditions affect joint cartilage, which acts as a cushion between bones, and the synovium, a thin membrane that produces synovial fluid for joint lubrication.

The inflamed and compromised state of joints in arthritis patients contributes significantly to their susceptibility to injuries.

Let’s look at the reasons:-

1. Reduced Range of Motion: Arthritis restricts joint movement, causing a reduced range of motion. This limitation makes everyday activities and movements more challenging and increases the likelihood of accidents, slips, and falls.

2. Muscle Weakness: The pain and inflammation associated with arthritis can lead to muscle weakness and atrophy. Muscles play a vital role in stabilising joints and preventing injuries. Weakened muscles can’t provide the necessary support, making patients more prone to strains and sprains.

3. Altered Gait Patterns: Arthritis-related pain and joint deformities can alter a person’s gait. This change in walking patterns places uneven stress on different body parts, ultimately increasing the risk of overuse injuries and imbalances.

4. Instability: Joint inflammation and cartilage damage can compromise the stability of joints. This instability can result in sudden shifts, leading to accidents that cause injuries.

5. Medication Side Effects: Some medications used to manage arthritis pain, and inflammation might have side effects that impact balance, coordination, and muscle strength. These effects can contribute to an hightened risk of injuries.

Strategies to Reduce Injury Risk in Arthritis Patients:

While the challenges are evident, there are several strategies that arthritis patients can adopt to reduce their susceptibility to injuries:

1. Exercise and Strengthening: Regular, low-impact exercises can help maintain joint flexibility and strengthen muscles around the affected joints. Consultation with a professional is crucial to design a safe and effective exercise routine.

2. Proper Footwear: Wearing appropriate footwear can significantly improve stability and minimize the risk of falls. Tailored Shoes with good arch support, cushioning, and proper grip can provide better joint support.

3. Assistive Devices: Walking aids such as canes, or walkers can aid in maintaining balance and preventing falls. These devices can also alleviate joint stress, reducing the risk of injuries.

4. Joint-Friendly Diet: A balanced diet rich in nutrients, particularly those that support joint health like omega-3 fatty acids, can contribute to overall well-being and possibly reduce inflammation.

5. Regular Check-ups: Arthritis patients should have regular check-ups with their healthcare providers to monitor their condition’s progression and adjust treatment plans.


In conclusion, the link between arthritis and increased injury susceptibility is a complex interplay of joint inflammation, reduced mobility, muscle weakness, and altered biomechanics. At Elevation Health in Canada, we understand the unique challenges that arthritis patients face. Under the guidance of Dr Brian Nantais, Nantais Family Chiropractic, we emphasise a holistic approach to patient care. Contact us for more information.

If you want any chiro in Canada, contact Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic at Elevation Health.

Chiropractic Treatment can be a productive way to manage joint stiffness in arthritis, providing relief and better mobility through various techniques. Chiropractors use some specific techniques tailoring to your need to reduce joint stiffness and arthritis pain as well. But to get effective care in Canada, you must contact Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic at Elevation Health.

Here’s an example of how chiropractic therapy might help:-

  1. Expert Evaluation
  2. Individualized Treatment Plans
  3. Spinal Manipulation
  4. Joint Mobilization
  5. Soft Tissue Therapy
  6. Exercise and Stretching regimens
  7. Lifestyle Advice
  8. Pain treatment
  9. Long-Term Management
  10. Holistic Approach 

Expert Evaluation:

The first step in seeing a chiropractor for arthritis-related joint discomfort is a complete assessment of your situation. The chiropractor will take a full medical history, ask about your symptoms, and perform physical examinations to determine which joints are impacted and their range of motion. 

Individualized Treatment Plans:

The chiropractor will create a personalized treatment plan relevant to your needs and limits based on the evaluation. This strategy will include the type and severity of your arthritis and your age, medical history, and lifestyle variables. 

Spinal Manipulation:

Chiropractors are well-known for their expertise in spinal manipulation, which can considerably reduce joint stiffness in arthritis patients. The chiropractor realigns the spine with moderate adjustments, relieving strain on the afflicted joints and enhancing nerve function. It can result in reduced inflammation and increased joint mobility. 

Joint Mobilization:

Chiropractors use joint mobilization procedures and spinal manipulation to target specific arthritic joints. These moderate exercises increase joint range of motion, decrease stiffness, and promote flexibility. Experienced chiro like Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic can provide you with suitable and safe treatment in Canada. He is a reputed chiro at Elevation Health. 

Soft Tissue Therapy:

Soft tissue therapy, like massage or myofascial release, may be used by chiropractors to treat muscle stress and tightness around the damaged joints. The pressure on the joints is lessened by reducing muscle and soft tissue tension, offering relaxation and enhancing joint function. 

Exercise and Stretching regimens:

Chiropractors frequently recommend specific exercise and stretching regimens to arthritis patients. These exercises help strengthen the muscles that support the afflicted joints while enhancing flexibility, reducing stiffness, and increasing total joint stability. 

Lifestyle Advice:

Chiropractors stress the necessity of keeping a healthy lifestyle for arthritis patients. They may provide recommendations on nutrition, hydration, ergonomic modifications at home or work, and posture correction. These lifestyle changes can help to supplement chiropractic treatments and improve joint health. 

Pain treatment:

Chiropractors can also give non-medication pain treatment solutions. They may employ heat or cold therapy to relieve pain and soothe swollen joints. 

Long-Term Management:

Chiropractic care focuses on long-term joint health and short-term comfort. Visits to the chiropractor regularly can help you track your progress, make any changes to your treatment plan, and support ongoing joint care. 

Holistic Approach:

One of the most significant benefits of chiropractic care is its holistic approach to wellness. Chiropractors analyze the body’s interconnection and how many systems influence joint health. Chiropractic therapy attempts to optimize general well-being and improve joint function in arthritis patients by addressing these aspects. 

Closing Line

While Chiropractic Treatment can be effective for many arthritis sufferers, contacting your primary care physician or rheumatologist is critical before beginning any new treatment option to confirm it is appropriate for your individual condition. Suppose you opt for fruitful chiro care to fix joint stiffness; contact Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic. He is a reputed chiro at Elevation Health in Canada and can offer top-notch treatment.

Though Chiro care can’t prevent arthritIs, it can ease the pain. Contact Dr Brian Nantais at Elevation Health, Canada for the best chiro care today.

People have no idea that arthritis is a combination of over a hundred disorders that affect the joints, not just one disease. According to statistics, one in five Canadians has arthritis. The statement that arthritis is one of Canadians’ most common chronic diseases is accurate. At Elevation Health clinic in Canada, Dr Brian Nantais of the Nantais Family Chiropractic treats many arthritis patients daily. Our chiropractors have helped many people find relief from the symptoms of arthritis through Chiropractic Care.

It is crucial to highlight that arthritis is primarily a degenerative disorder brought on by ageing, heredity, and joint wear and tear, and  Chiropractic Care cannot prevent this condition. Chiropractic treatment, however, can help treat arthritis and may even be able to halt its progression. Here is a detailed discussion explaining the role of chiropractic care concerning arthritis.

Let’s have a look:-

  1. Pain Management
  2. Improved Joint Function
  3. Reducing Joint Stress
  4. Enhancing Joint Stability
  5. Posture Correction
  6. Lifestyle Recommendations 

Pain Management:

The primary aim of Chiropractic Treatment is to reduce arthritic pain. To treat the afflicted joints and associated tissues, chiropractors like our Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic employ a variety of treatments including spinal adjustments, soft tissue manipulation, and physical therapies. Chiropractic therapy aids in the management of pain and suffering by lowering inflammation, enhancing joint mobility, and releasing endorphins.

Improved Joint Function:

Joint stiffness, a reduction in range of motion, and a decline in joint performance can all be caused by arthritis. Chiropractic treatments improve joint function and encourage healthy movement patterns by restoring optimal joint alignment and mobility. It may result in more flexible joints, less strain on the joints, and maybe slower deterioration.

Reducing Joint Stress:

Misalignments in the spine and other parts of the body can put more strain on the arthritic joints. Redistributing stress and reducing undue strain on arthritic joints are two benefits of chiropractic adjustments, which straighten the spine, pelvis, and other joints. Chiropractic Care can assist in easing the strain on the injured joints. If you want the best Chiro care from a reliable place in Canada, contact Elevation Health today.

Enhancing Joint Stability:

Joint stability may be compromised by arthritis as surrounding muscles, ligaments, and tissues deteriorate. Chiropractors might use various exercises and rehabilitation methods to bolster the supporting tissues around the afflicted joints. The risk of additional harm decreases, and the damaged joints can receive better support with increased joint stability.

Posture Correction:

Poor posture can exacerbate arthritis symptoms and contribute to joint discomfort. Chiropractic Care emphasizes proper posture and body mechanics. Chiropractors from Nantais Family Chiropractic assess posture and provide guidance on ergonomics, exercises, and lifestyle modifications to improve posture and reduce unnecessary stress on arthritic joints.

Lifestyle Recommendations:

Chiropractors often provide lifestyle recommendations that can complement arthritis management. These may include guidance on nutrition, exercise routines, weight management, stress reduction techniques, and ergonomic adjustments. Such lifestyle modifications can help individuals with arthritis maintain overall health and potentially slow the condition’s progression.


Chiropractic Treatment can help manage arthritis symptoms, enhance joint function, and improve the overall quality of life, even if it cannot prevent the disease. To provide comprehensive care for arthritis management, it is crucial to speak with a trained and licensed chiropractor who can evaluate your unique situation and provide a custom treatment plan. Contact Dr Brian Nantais at Elevation Health, Canada, for the best Chiro treatment for arthritis.

Maintain some certain ways for a better life with arthritis or contact Nantais Family Chiropractic at Elevation Health, Canada to ease arthritis pain.

It can be unpleasant and unsettling to have arthritis. Due to discomfort and stiffness, it may be challenging to carry out the routine duties that most people take for granted. Even simple tasks like making dinner or putting on socks can be exhausting. As a result, taking extra good care of yourself is crucial if you have arthritis to manage your pain, function, and emotions. Apart from taking care of yourself, you can opt for chiropractic treatment to manage your arthritis pain. Do not know where to get the best chiropractic care? Reach out to Nantais Family Chiropractic at Elevation Health, Canada.

At Elevation Health, our best chiropractor Dr Brian Nantais provides effective chiro treatment that can reduce your arthritis pain. Chiropractic can help you to live a better life by managing the pain and discomfort of arthritis. If you still think about how to live a better life with arthritis, you should read the further discussion below.

Let’s have a look now:-

  1. Keep moving
  2. Avoid stress
  3. Discover your strength
  4. Plan ahead
  5. Use labour-saving items and adaptive aids
  6. Make home modifications
  7. Ask for help

Keep moving:

Do you have jobs that require a long time sitting? Then get up and have frequent breaks. It is essential to avoid sitting or standing for a longer time. You must keep moving for the sake of your good health. By keeping moving, you can manage your arthritis pain. Contact us today if you need help from a skilled chiropractor like Dr Brian Nantais.

Avoid stress:

Do you know that chiropractic can manage your stress? Chiropractic treatment from Nantais Family Chiropractic can manage your stress with spinal manipulation. According to chiropractors, you must avoid activities, positions, or movements that can cause extra stress on your joints.

Discover your strength:

Use the joints and muscles that are the strongest. Pushing heavy open doors with the side of the arm or shoulder will safeguard finger and wrist joints. Use the stronger leg going up and the weaker leg going down the steps to reduce stress on the hips or knees.

Plan ahead:

Make life as simple as you can. Eliminate redundant tasks. Organize your workspace and storage spaces; keep commonly used goods close to hand.

Use labour-saving items and adaptive aids:

Some labour-saving items can help you to work to a limit. You should use electric mixers and can openers in the kitchen. Save your time and effort using products by not bending, stooping, or reaching.

Make home modifications:

Furniture with casters might make cleaning the house simpler. For many people, having a grab bar fixed over the tub and a suction mat inside the tub is essential for preventing falls. For those with leg arthritis, placing a stool in the tub or shower is a wonderful idea.

Ask for help:

Self-esteem depends on maintaining independence, yet independence at any cost is a prescription for disaster. You can achieve equilibrium by informing family members and friends about the illness and the restrictions it places on them and soliciting their support. Request assistance with particular chores. You can contact Dr Brian Nantais for effective chiro care.

Wrap up!

In conclusion, we can say that maintaining the ways mentioned above can lead you to a better life. If you need additional assistance, please contact Nantais Family Chiropractic at Elevation Health, Canada, for chiropractic treatment.

Treat your arthritis with the best chiropractic treatment by Dr Brian Nantais from Elevation Health, Canada. Contact Nantais Family Chiropractic today.

The effects of RA or Rheumatoid Arthritis inflammation extend beyond the joints. But this is not true. You can feel the signs and symptoms of RA throughout the body, including the ears, eyes, skin, lungs, and heart. These are some unusual symptoms linked to Rheumatoid Arthritis. As you know, you can treat your arthritis with chiropractic care. Chiropractic treatment by Dr Brian Nantais from Elevation Health, Canada, can help you to ease arthritis pain through effective chiropractic adjustments.

At Nantais Family Chiropractic, Dr Brian Nantais treats arthritis patients with typical and unusual symptoms regularly. Our best chiropractic adjustments can help you to treat the pain and lead a healthy life. Contact Elevation Health, Canada, for the best chiropractic treatment today. There are many symptoms of RA arthritis.

Let’s have a look at some unusual signs of arthritis:-

  1. Hearing problems
  2. Snoring
  3. Skin rash
  4. Trouble breathing, chronic cough, or chest pains
  5. Sudden, temporary numbness in the fingers or toes
  6. Gum disease

Hearing problems:

Hearing loss and tinnitus (constant ringing, buzzing, or whistling in the ears) have links with rheumatoid arthritis. These problems have been more common in older people with rheumatoid arthritis for a long time. You can get treatment for some hearing issues, while others may be permanent. Even when hearing changes are permanent, medical professionals can take steps to prevent or slow future hearing loss.


There is a strong link between rheumatoid arthritis and sleep apnea, which causes breathing to halt repeatedly and start while you sleep. Loud snoring, breathing pauses, or gasping for air while you slumber are all symptoms. Sleep apnea is treatable.

If you have arthritis and want a safe treatment, come to Dr Brian Nantais from Elevation Health, Canada, for effective chiropractic treatment.

Skin rash:

Skin rashes can result from RA inflammation that affects the blood vessels (Rheumatoid Vasculitis/Vasculitis). These rashes can show up on the skin as irregularly shaped raised pink areas, hives, or groups of dark red or purple bumps. Skin colour variations might be less evident in people with darker skin. Vasculitis-related rashes can appear anywhere but tend to occur more frequently on the lower thighs. These rashes can occasionally be excruciating, burning, or itchy.

Trouble breathing, chronic cough, or chest pains:

Rheumatoid arthritis frequently causes lung damage, mainly when the condition is chronic and poorly controlled. Persistent lung inflammation can bring on a prolonged cough, lethargy or weakness. Nantais Family Chiropractic can help you to ease your pain.

Sudden, temporary numbness in the fingers or toes:

Raynaud Syndrome, also known as Raynaud Phenomenon or Raynaud illness, is more common in people with rheumatoid arthritis. This disease causes the loss of blood flow to one or more fingers or toes. The affected region will appear paler, white, or blueish and feel numb. Usually, there is a clear separation between this region and tissue with a regular colour.

Gum disease:

Gum illness (gingivitis) and inflammation are linked to rheumatoid arthritis. Both of these ailments are connected to RA symptoms worsening and can cause teeth loss and gum disease.

Closing Words

These unusual symptoms of RA need to be treated. If you want a non-surgical and safe treatment for arthritis, consider chiropractic treatment by Dr Brian Nantais from Elevation Health, Canada.

Every 1 out of 5 Canadians suffers from arthritis. Dr Brian Nantais suggests some preventive measures as arthritis is incurable. Let’s learn about the measures.

Arthritis is one of the most common joint pain affecting millions of people around the globe. Arthritis means the joints are inflamed and degenerated. This is a very common disease these days. Nantais family chiropractic takes care of arthritis patients in Tecumseh,Canada. For more information online, visit Elevation Health. We offer an in-depth guide to arthritis.

There are various reasons behind muscle and joint pain these days. To understand whether you have arthritis look for these symptoms.

  1. Pain on a particular joint
  2. Redness around the joints
  3. Tenderness in the affected area
  4. Stiffness around the joints
  5. Swelling at the paining site

If you think you may have arthritis, visit a chiropractor to manage the pain. Dr Brian Nantais will ask about your symptoms and run a few tests. 

  1. The chiropractor may run some motion tests in your joints.
  2. He will check the tenderness and swelling around your joints.
  3. He will check your health.

Arthritis is not curable. Chiropractic treatments may help you manage the condition. Dr Brian Nantais develops a treatment plan for his patients. These plans relieve the unmanageable pain.The treatment plans depend on the severity of the disease. It also depends on its symptoms as well as the patient’s health condition.

Chiropractic care does not involve medicines. It focuses on Physical therapy. Rehabilitation improves strength and mobility. Chiropractic adjustments can improve the health condition of the patients to an extent.

There is no guaranteed way to prevent arthritis. The risk increases If you are a woman or have a family history with arthritis. Visit Nantais family chiropractic clinic for regular check ups and prevention of arthritis. To learn more about arthritis, visit Elevation health’s other blogs.

 These steps may help in preventing arthritis:

  1. Keep an eye for your weight: Hips and knees bear the most of our weight. If you have excess fat, that will put more pressure on the joints. Joints are more prone to have arthritis in such conditions.
  2. Blood sugar: Blood sugar makes the tissue stiff. These tissues support joints. Higher blood sugar puts stress on joints. Reduce blood sugar level with a healthy lifestyle to prevent arthritis.
  3. Work out: 30 minutes of moderate exercise regularly will improve joints’ condition. The muscles are toned with working out. These muscles support your knees and hips.
  4. Try to prevent injuries: Injuries at a joint will increase the risk of getting arthritis. If you play sports, use protective gears.
  5. Quit tobacco products: Smoking and tobacco products weaken the protective tissues at your joints. It can lead to arthritis pain.
  6. Incorporate omega 3 in your diet: Have Omega-3 in your diet. Add fish, flaxseed, walnut fish oil etc. in your diet. Omega-3s can reduce inflammation in the joints.

Chiropractors are trained individuals who perform muscle and spinal alignment. Chiropractors use an array of techniques to move restricted joints. The inflammation reduces with chiropractic care. These adjustments improve the conditions of the affected bones, muscles and nerves. Dr Brian Nantais‘s treatment plan has already helped many patients all over Canada.

Arthritis causes many severe health conditions related to your bones and joint degeneration. People experience chronic pain due to arthritis. If you want to know more about your health, please consult with the best chiropractor.

Arthritis is one of the primary causes of disability in people, and it can affect both younger and older adults. Arthritis can be the symptom of a hundred disorders. It is basically a joint disease that causes joint pain. Healing from arthritis is hard, but you can improve your condition where you will feel less pain and other complications. Visit Dr Brian Nantais to learn more about arthritis and chiropractic treatment. With the help of adjustment techniques, chiropractors can reduce the severity of your pain. 

We have explained here some facts of arthritis that will learn more about your complication:

Arthritis is of different types:

Joint deterioration is the common factor of arthritis. Besides, there are many other disorders that fall under the same category, including carpal tunnel syndrome, bursitis, chronic fatigue syndrome, gout, inflammatory bowel disease, and more. Since there is a number of problems in arthritis, they can be grouped by their symptoms, osteoarthritis, abnormal autoimmune reaction, bacterial, viral, or fungal infection, and more. Consulting with a chiropractor is the best way to treat your complication. An experienced chiropractor will help you treat your condition rightly. Nantais Family Chiropractic is known for offering the best treatment for your health. You must visit us to treat your arthritis problem.

Arthritis is mostly experienced in the later stage of your life:

Osteoarthritis is a degeneration of the joint, which affect many people all across the world. In osteoarthritis, any joint can be damaged, but it mostly affects your knees, hips, fingers, neck, and lower back. It is primarily caused by the loss of cartilage in joints, which is also a part of the ageing process. Other issues that can cause osteoarthritis are genetic history, overweight, previous joint injury, and weak thigh muscles. Chiropractic care can give you relief from severe pain. You can consult with the best doctor for your treatment. At Elevation health, you are guided by the right doctor. Meet Dr Brian Nantais will help you get a proper treatment that improves your condition, no matter how severe the issue is.

Your immune system:

The faulty immune system can also be the reason for arthritis. Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is caused by the autoimmune factor where the joint lining is mistakenly perceived as a threat by your body. In response to this issue, inflammation occurs that damage the joint cartilage, bones, and tissues that particularly protect the end of bones. If you keep it untreated, RA has an impact on your eyes, mouth, skin, lungs, and blood vessels. You must seek a doctor to treat the inflammation at an early stage. 

Arthritis causes an array of symptoms:

Arthritis affects health in a different way. It mostly depends on the severity of the complication, duration, intensity, and more. The type of arthritis stage can also have a connection with symptoms. In the beginning, pain, swelling, and stiffness in joints are very common. Some types of arthritis can cause permanent physical changes. 

Arthritis needs a broad discussion, and concluding everything in one blog is not possible. Our chiropractors talk about this complication mentioning different facts and health issues, which we will cover in our next blogs. If you are suffering from arthritis and seeking a chiropractor’s help, Dr Brian Nantais will help you. He is an experienced chiropractor for managing your pain and different complications. Read on to know more. 

A chiropractor treats arthritis using the best adjustment techniques. Arthritis is a joint inflammation that causes severe pain. Read on to know more.

Arthritis is a common health condition where inflammation happens in your joints, causing pain and stiffness. Arthritis has different types, and each can be distinguishable by the cause. The common causes of arthritis are infections, wear and tear, and underlying diseases. If you suffer from arthritis, you can visit Dr Brian Nantais for pain treatment. Chiropractic adjustments are very popular for pain management. Let’s learn more about how a chiropractor treats arthritis.

How do chiropractors help you?

Chiropractors perform adjustment techniques to align your spines and improve the movements of restricted joints. Since arthritis is the inflammation in your joints, a chiropractor using the adjustment techniques reduces the inflammation. It not only improves the conditions of the affected bones but also restores the functions of the nerves around that area. Chiropractors adjust your spine and enhance the performance of your nervous systems. With chiropractic adjustments, you can improve the overall functions of your health. 

A chiropractor applies gentle adjustment therapies that also protect you from harmful opioid drugs used for reducing pain. Although the types of arthritis can be many, two primary types are well-known.

Osteoarthritis: is a degenerative disorder that affects the cartilage in your joints.

Rheumatoid Arthritis: it is a chronic inflammatory disorder occurred in your spine.

When you choose chiropractic care for treating arthritis, you will get an array of benefits for your health, including:

  1. Reduction in pain and discomforts
  2. Decreased inflammation
  3. Enhances the range of motions
  4. Improvements in flexibility
  5. Enhanced activity and lifestyle

Find the best chiropractic care for your health. You can visit Nantais Family Chiropractic to treat your complications. When you visit a chiropractor, he/she will tell you the treatment procedures. Your doctor even recommends a number of sessions you need for your treatment. A chiropractor offers a comprehensive approach to your health. They suggest you exercise and lifestyle modifications for your health. 

You need to remember that arthritis does not have a complete cure. So, a chiropractor can alleviate the condition but does not offer you complete relief from arthritis. Along with the adjustment techniques, an experienced chiropractor also relies on some other approaches for enhancing your health, and they are:

  1. Hot and cold therapy
  2. Ultrasound treatments
  3. Massage
  4. Electronic muscle stimulation
  5. Physical rehabilitation
  6. Magnet therapy

Visit Elevation Health and learn more about chiropractic care. It is one of the best chiropractic clinics in Tecumseh, Essex County. You can also meet Dr Brian Nantais for your treatment. He is an experienced chiropractor, offering treatment for several health conditions.

Arthritis decreases your joint health and causes unbearable pain. A chiropractor can treat three types of arthritis, and they are osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and psoriatic arthritis. Chiropractic care does not include medicines and surgeries for treating your health conditions. If you need any help, please contact Dr Brian Nantais or visit Elevation Health, a chiropractic clinic in Tecumseh

Arthritis is the inflammation of joints. You feel pain in one joint or multiple joints.
