Can Chiropractic Care Prevent Arthritis?

People have no idea that arthritis is a combination of over a hundred disorders that affect the joints, not just one disease. According to statistics, one in five Canadians has arthritis. The statement that arthritis is one of Canadians’ most common chronic diseases is accurate. At Elevation Health clinic in Canada, Dr Brian Nantais of the Nantais Family Chiropractic treats many arthritis patients daily. Our chiropractors have helped many people find relief from the symptoms of arthritis through Chiropractic Care.

It is crucial to highlight that arthritis is primarily a degenerative disorder brought on by ageing, heredity, and joint wear and tear, and  Chiropractic Care cannot prevent this condition. Chiropractic treatment, however, can help treat arthritis and may even be able to halt its progression. Here is a detailed discussion explaining the role of chiropractic care concerning arthritis.

Let’s have a look:-

  1. Pain Management
  2. Improved Joint Function
  3. Reducing Joint Stress
  4. Enhancing Joint Stability
  5. Posture Correction
  6. Lifestyle Recommendations 

Pain Management:

The primary aim of Chiropractic Treatment is to reduce arthritic pain. To treat the afflicted joints and associated tissues, chiropractors like our Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic employ a variety of treatments including spinal adjustments, soft tissue manipulation, and physical therapies. Chiropractic therapy aids in the management of pain and suffering by lowering inflammation, enhancing joint mobility, and releasing endorphins.

Improved Joint Function:

Joint stiffness, a reduction in range of motion, and a decline in joint performance can all be caused by arthritis. Chiropractic treatments improve joint function and encourage healthy movement patterns by restoring optimal joint alignment and mobility. It may result in more flexible joints, less strain on the joints, and maybe slower deterioration.

Reducing Joint Stress:

Misalignments in the spine and other parts of the body can put more strain on the arthritic joints. Redistributing stress and reducing undue strain on arthritic joints are two benefits of chiropractic adjustments, which straighten the spine, pelvis, and other joints. Chiropractic Care can assist in easing the strain on the injured joints. If you want the best Chiro care from a reliable place in Canada, contact Elevation Health today.

Enhancing Joint Stability:

Joint stability may be compromised by arthritis as surrounding muscles, ligaments, and tissues deteriorate. Chiropractors might use various exercises and rehabilitation methods to bolster the supporting tissues around the afflicted joints. The risk of additional harm decreases, and the damaged joints can receive better support with increased joint stability.

Posture Correction:

Poor posture can exacerbate arthritis symptoms and contribute to joint discomfort. Chiropractic Care emphasizes proper posture and body mechanics. Chiropractors from Nantais Family Chiropractic assess posture and provide guidance on ergonomics, exercises, and lifestyle modifications to improve posture and reduce unnecessary stress on arthritic joints.

Lifestyle Recommendations:

Chiropractors often provide lifestyle recommendations that can complement arthritis management. These may include guidance on nutrition, exercise routines, weight management, stress reduction techniques, and ergonomic adjustments. Such lifestyle modifications can help individuals with arthritis maintain overall health and potentially slow the condition’s progression.


Chiropractic Treatment can help manage arthritis symptoms, enhance joint function, and improve the overall quality of life, even if it cannot prevent the disease. To provide comprehensive care for arthritis management, it is crucial to speak with a trained and licensed chiropractor who can evaluate your unique situation and provide a custom treatment plan. Contact Dr Brian Nantais at Elevation Health, Canada, for the best Chiro treatment for arthritis.

Arthritis is the inflammation of joints. You feel pain in one joint or multiple joints.
