Dr Brian Nantais of Nantais Family Chiropractic shares the reasons behind arthritis patients being prone to injuries from even minor falls. Contact us today!

Arthritis is a condition affecting most elderly and middle age populations worldwide, causing pain, inflammation, and limited mobility. It’s not just the discomfort of arthritis that patients have to contend with; they also face an increased risk of injuries. At Elevation Health Clinic in Canada, under the guidance of Dr Brian Nantais of Nantais Family Chiropractic, we delve into the intricacies of why arthritis patients are prone to injuries and the strategies that can help mitigate these risks.

  1. Understanding Arthritis and Its Impact
  2. Strategies to Reduce Injury Risk in Arthritis Patients

Understanding Arthritis and Its Impact:

Arthritis encompasses a group of diseases involving inflammation of the joints resulting in pain, stiffness, swelling, and decreased joint mobility. The most common types are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Dr Brian Nantais of Nantais Family Chiropractic explains that these conditions affect joint cartilage, which acts as a cushion between bones, and the synovium, a thin membrane that produces synovial fluid for joint lubrication.

The inflamed and compromised state of joints in arthritis patients contributes significantly to their susceptibility to injuries.

Let’s look at the reasons:-

1. Reduced Range of Motion: Arthritis restricts joint movement, causing a reduced range of motion. This limitation makes everyday activities and movements more challenging and increases the likelihood of accidents, slips, and falls.

2. Muscle Weakness: The pain and inflammation associated with arthritis can lead to muscle weakness and atrophy. Muscles play a vital role in stabilising joints and preventing injuries. Weakened muscles can’t provide the necessary support, making patients more prone to strains and sprains.

3. Altered Gait Patterns: Arthritis-related pain and joint deformities can alter a person’s gait. This change in walking patterns places uneven stress on different body parts, ultimately increasing the risk of overuse injuries and imbalances.

4. Instability: Joint inflammation and cartilage damage can compromise the stability of joints. This instability can result in sudden shifts, leading to accidents that cause injuries.

5. Medication Side Effects: Some medications used to manage arthritis pain, and inflammation might have side effects that impact balance, coordination, and muscle strength. These effects can contribute to an hightened risk of injuries.

Strategies to Reduce Injury Risk in Arthritis Patients:

While the challenges are evident, there are several strategies that arthritis patients can adopt to reduce their susceptibility to injuries:

1. Exercise and Strengthening: Regular, low-impact exercises can help maintain joint flexibility and strengthen muscles around the affected joints. Consultation with a professional is crucial to design a safe and effective exercise routine.

2. Proper Footwear: Wearing appropriate footwear can significantly improve stability and minimize the risk of falls. Tailored Shoes with good arch support, cushioning, and proper grip can provide better joint support.

3. Assistive Devices: Walking aids such as canes, or walkers can aid in maintaining balance and preventing falls. These devices can also alleviate joint stress, reducing the risk of injuries.

4. Joint-Friendly Diet: A balanced diet rich in nutrients, particularly those that support joint health like omega-3 fatty acids, can contribute to overall well-being and possibly reduce inflammation.

5. Regular Check-ups: Arthritis patients should have regular check-ups with their healthcare providers to monitor their condition’s progression and adjust treatment plans.


In conclusion, the link between arthritis and increased injury susceptibility is a complex interplay of joint inflammation, reduced mobility, muscle weakness, and altered biomechanics. At Elevation Health in Canada, we understand the unique challenges that arthritis patients face. Under the guidance of Dr Brian Nantais, Nantais Family Chiropractic, we emphasise a holistic approach to patient care. Contact us for more information.

Apart from Chiropractic Care, Dr Brian Nantais of Nantais Family Chiropractic also suggests taking certain vitamins and calcium into your diet for arthritis relief.

Finding relief from arthritis might be closer than you think. Apart from chiropractic care, incorporating certain nutrients into your diet can significantly improve arthritis symptoms. Dr Brian Nantais of Nantais Family Chiropractic, an esteemed expert at Elevation Health Clinic in Canada, recommends focusing on calcium and specific vitamins to alleviate arthritis-related issues. In this blog, we will go through the benefits of these nutrients and how they contribute to managing arthritis.

  1. Understanding Arthritis
  2. The Role of Calcium in Arthritis Management
  3. Vitamin D – The Sunshine Vitamin
  4. Vitamin C for Collagen Formation
  5. Omega-3 Fatty Acids for Reducing Inflammation

Understanding Arthritis:

Arthritis is a group of conditions involving joint inflammation, causing pain, stiffness, and reduced mobility. The most common arthritis types include osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. While medical treatments are available, adopting a holistic approach that includes proper nutrition can be invaluable in improving the quality of life for those with arthritis.

The Role of Calcium in Arthritis Management:

Calcium is popular for its potential in maintaining strong bones and teeth. However, its significance in arthritis management is often overlooked. Dr Brian Nantais of Nantais Family Chiropractic explains that adequate calcium intake helps slow down bone loss, benefiting those with arthritis, especially osteoarthritis. Ensuring sufficient calcium levels in your diet can help preserve bone density, reducing the risk of fractures and joint deterioration.

Quality dietary sources of calcium are dairy products such as milk, yoghurt, and cheese. For those who are lactose intolerant or prefer plant-based options, fortified plant milk, tofu, almonds, and leafy greens like kale and broccoli are excellent alternatives.

Vitamin D – The Sunshine Vitamin:

Vitamin D works hand in hand with calcium, as it aids in calcium absorption from the digestive tract and regulates calcium levels in the blood. This powerful duo is crucial in maintaining bone health and joint function, making it essential for arthritis management.

While we can get vitamin D from limited dietary sources like fatty fish (salmon, mackerel), egg yolks, and fortified foods, sunlight is the best and most natural source of vitamin D. Spending time outdoors in the sun can help our bodies synthesize vitamin D, promoting healthier bones and potentially alleviating arthritis symptoms.

Vitamin C for Collagen Formation:

Vitamin C is renowned among experts and is recommended for its immune-boosting properties, but it also plays a vital role in collagen synthesis. Collagen is a crucial component of cartilage, the flexible tissue cushions our joints. Ensuring an adequate vitamin C intake supports the body’s ability to maintain healthy cartilage and minimize joint pain associated with arthritis.

Citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruits, and strawberries are excellent sources of vitamin C. Incorporating these fruits into your diet can provide the necessary nutrients for collagen formation and joint health.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids for Reducing Inflammation:

Omega-3 fatty acids is known for their anti-inflammatory properties, making them particularly beneficial for individuals with arthritis, especially rheumatoid arthritis. These healthy fats help reduce inflammation, decreasing joint pain and stiffness.

Fatty fishes like salmon, mackerel, and sardines are rich sources of omega-3s. Plant-based options like flaxseeds, chia seeds, and walnuts can also provide these essential fatty acids.

Bottom Line

When it comes to managing arthritis, a comprehensive approach that includes both chiropractic care and proper nutrition can make all the difference in your quality of life. Dr Brian Nantais of Nantais Family Chiropractic at Elevation Health Clinic in Canada encourages incorporating the above nutrients into your diet to support joint health and reduce arthritis symptoms.

Knee arthritis is the most common type of arthritis that affects people of all ages. Here’s Dr Brian Nantais sharing its impact on the patient’s life.

As we age, our bodies undergo various changes, and one common condition that affects millions of people worldwide is knee joint arthritis. The knee joint, a complex structure of bones, cartilage, ligaments, and synovial fluid, plays a vital role in our mobility and daily activities. However, when arthritis strikes, it can significantly impact a patient’s life, leading to pain, limited mobility, and decreased overall quality of life. In this blog, we will explore how knee joint arthritis affects a patient’s life and how Dr Brian Nantais of Nantais Family Chiropractic at Elevation Health Clinic in Canada can offer valuable insights and support to manage this challenging condition.

  1. Understanding Knee Joint Arthritis
  2. The Impact on Daily Life

Understanding Knee Joint Arthritis:

Knee joint arthritis is a chronic condition characterized by inflammation and gradual breakdown of the joint’s cartilage. As the cartilage wears away, the bones may start rubbing against each other, causing pain, swelling, and stiffness in the knee. The two most common types of knee joint arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Osteoarthritis is typically associated with wear and tear over time, while rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that affects the synovial lining of the joint.

The Impact on Daily Life:

Dr Brian Nantais of the Nantais Family Chiropractic shares the following impacts of Knee Arthritis on the patient’s daily life:-

Pain and Discomfort: The most noticeable effect of knee joint arthritis is the persistent pain and discomfort experienced by patients. Simple tasks like walking, climbing stairs, or even standing for extended periods become excruciatingly painful, making it challenging to maintain an active lifestyle.

Reduced Mobility: Knee joint arthritis often leads to a reduced range of motion and flexibility in the affected knee. This limitation can hinder one’s ability to perform basic activities independently, resulting in dependence on assistive devices or caregiver support.

Impaired Physical Function: The compromised joint function affects patients’ ability to engage in recreational activities they once enjoyed. Hobbies, sports, and outdoor activities may become impossible or severely restricted, leading to isolation and frustration.

Emotional Toll: Dealing with chronic pain and limitations can take an emotional toll on patients. Depression, anxiety, and helplessness are common in those living with knee joint arthritis. The loss of independence and self-reliance can further exacerbate these emotions.

Sleep Disturbances: The pain and discomfort associated with knee joint arthritis can disrupt sleep patterns, leading to fatigue and decreased overall well-being. Poor sleep quality can further aggravate the emotional strain and impact the body’s ability to heal and cope.

Impact on Relationships: Knee joint arthritis can also affect interpersonal relationships. Family members and friends may not fully comprehend the patient’s challenges, leading to potential misunderstandings or strained dynamics.

Closing Words

Knee joint arthritis is a challenging condition that affects numerous aspects of a patient’s life. The impact can be significant, from physical limitations and pain to emotional distress. However, with the right guidance, support, and treatment, patients can manage the condition effectively and improve their quality of life. Dr Brian Nantais and the team at Nantais Family Chiropractic at the Elevation Health clinic in Canada provide a comprehensive approach to help patients regain control of their lives and navigate the challenges of knee joint arthritis with confidence.

Get help with your arthritis from Dr Brian Nantais at Elevation Health, Canada, through Chiro care. Contact us today.

Do you have swelling or pain in your joints? Do you have any joint pain when you first wake up? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, you may suffer from arthritis. It’s not as unusual as you might believe. Age, gender, and nationality are not factors in arthritis! If you want to ease the pain and want an effective but non-surgical treatment, you must opt for Chiropractic Care from a reliable clinic. Elevation Health is a leading chiropractic clinic in Canada with efficient and skilled chiropractors. Once you decide to get Chiro care to manage arthritis pain, contact our expert Chiropractor, Dr Brian Nantais, from Nantais Family Chiropractic.

To learn about the effectiveness of Chiropractic Care in treating arthritis, you dive into the following discussion.

  1. What is arthritis?
  2. Signs you might have arthritis
  3. How chiropractic care can help arthritis pain 

What is arthritis?

A joint suffering from arthritis will enlarge and become tender. It’s a common misperception that arthritis is a particular illness. However, there are various forms of arthritis that you or a loved one may experience. The many types of arthritis are as follows:

Osteoarthritis/Degenerative Arthritis:

The most typical form of arthritis is thought to be this one. Degenerative arthritis develops when the cartilage deteriorates and rubs on the bone, resulting in discomfort, edema, and stiffness.

Rheumatoid Arthritis:

An autoimmune condition called rheumatoid arthritis makes your body attack the tissues in your joints. Joint pain and eventual joint abnormalities are potential effects of this type of arthritis. According to research, women are three times as likely as males to get RA.

Infectious Arthritis:

An infection in a joint is what causes this kind of arthritis. It frequently happens when bacteria that has infected your body spreads to your joints or fluids. Only one joint can have infectious arthritis.

Metabolic Arthritis:

When the body’s uric acid accumulates in the joints, metabolic arthritis develops, resulting in excruciating pain and possibly even a gout attack. When a person has excessive uric acid levels, and their body cannot quickly eliminate it, this type of arthritis can develop.

If you want to ease the pain and reduce swelling and inflammation, get the best Chiropractic Care from Dr Brian Nantais at Nantais Family Chiropractic.

Signs you might have arthritis:

As you can see from the information above, there are various types of arthritis, but they all generally begin the same way. Understanding the early indications of arthritis might help you control your pain and stop its progression.

Some of the typical indications of arthritis include these:-

  1. Joint pain
  2. Joint swelling
  3. Stiffness of joints
  4. Deformity of joints
  5. Lumps and bumps around joints
  6. Joint tenderness

How chiropractic care can help arthritis pain: 

Chiropractic Treatment can delay the progression and lessen pain. It’s a safe, all-natural method of reducing the discomfort and pain that arthritis can cause. With a Chiropractic Adjustment, a chiropractor like Dr Brian Nantais at Elevation Health can assist. A chiropractic adjustment can assist in realigning the spine and the joint to lessen the pain and inflammation brought on by arthritis. You not only experience less discomfort, but you also notice an improvement in the mobility of your joints. Do not let your arthritis prevent you from engaging in your favourite activities. You can receive an effective adjustment from Nantais Family Chiropractic to help ease your arthritis pain.


Get the best Chiropractic Care from Elevation Health, Canada. Schedule an appointment with our best chiropractor at Nantais Family Chiropractic today.

Get healthy joints and treat your joint pain with the help of Chiropractic Care from Nantais Family Chiropractic at Elevation Health, Canada.

You can experience joint issues at any age. However, as you age, your joints could deteriorate naturally. It entails decreased muscle mass, cartilage, synovial fluid, and bone density. These alterations could result in tendinitis, arthritis, sprains, strains, or other joint problems or injuries. Some of these changes may impact your mobility and overall well-being, which you can help prevent by maintaining joint health. That is why it is important to maintain good joint health. If you want a treatment that can help ease joint or arthritis pain, please consider getting Chiropractic Care from Nantais Family Chiropractic at Elevation Health, Canada.

As healthy joints are crucial for everyone’s overall well-being and quality of life, Chiropractic Treatment can help you to prevent arthritis and ease joint pain. Get help from Dr Brian Nantais at Nantais Family Chiropractic to keep your joints healthy and functional.

Now let’s dive into the detailed discussion of the topic:-

  1. Mobility and Independence
  2. Pain-free Living
  3. Physical Fitness and Exercise
  4. Longevity and Aging
  5. Productivity and Work Performance
  6. Prevention of Secondary Health Issues

Mobility and Independence:

Healthy joints enable you to move freely and perform daily activities without discomfort or limitations. When joints are healthy, you can maintain independence and carry out essential tasks without assistance. If you have any joint pain, treat it with the best Chiropractic Care from Nantais Family Chiropractic. 

Pain-free Living:

If you have healthy joints, you can lead a pain-free life. They allow us to live without constant joint pain or discomfort. By maintaining joint health, you can avoid or minimize the risk of conditions like arthritis, which can cause chronic pain and significantly impact our daily lives.

Physical Fitness and Exercise:

Maintaining an active lifestyle and engaging in physical activity and fitness require healthy joints. Healthy joints enable us to participate in various activities, including sports, fitness centre routines, and simple physical activities like walking or hiking.

Longevity and Aging:

As we age, joint health becomes even more critical. Healthy joints contribute to an active and independent lifestyle as we grow older. They allow us to continue enjoying hobbies, spending time with loved ones, and pursuing our interests well into our senior years. Maintaining healthy joints can help delay the onset of age-related joint conditions, improving our quality of life.

Productivity and Work Performance:

Healthy joints are essential for maintaining productivity and performing well in the workplace. Whether it’s a physically demanding job or a sedentary desk job, healthy joints ensure that we can carry out our work efficiently and comfortably.

Prevention of Secondary Health Issues:

Joint problems can sometimes lead to secondary health issues. For example, if knee joints are affected, it can cause changes in gait, leading to posture problems and increased strain on other parts of the body. Maintaining healthy joints can reduce the risk of secondary issues, such as muscular imbalances or injuries. If you need Chiropractic Treatment for your joint or arthritis pain, contact Dr Brian Nantais at Elevation Health, Canada.

Bottom Line

In conclusion, strong joints are essential to your general health and greatly impact your daily life. Prioritizing joint health requires consistent exercise, a healthy diet, managing weight, and getting the right medical attention when necessary. If you need help treating your joint pain, please contact Nantais Family Chiropractic at Elevation Health, Canada.

If you opt for the best-fit chiro care in Canada, contact Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic at Elevation Health.

Arthritis is nothing but joint inflammation. It causes pain and inflammation in one or more joints. There are different types of arthritis, and treatment options are also available. Chiropractic Treatment has also become a viable option for treating arthritis. Many people got effective results by having chiro care to manage arthritis symptoms. But you must remember one thing you must take chiro care from any reputed chiro like Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic at Elevation Health. He can offer you the best-fit treatment in Canada

Look at the key points highlighting why chiropractic care is considered a viable option for arthritis:-

  1. Non-Invasive Approach
  2. Pain Relief
  3. Increased Mobility and Joint Function
  4. Individualised Treatment programmes
  5. Complementary Approach
  6. Focus on Overall Wellness

Non-Invasive Approach:

Chiropractic therapy is a non-invasive and medication-free method of controlling arthritis. Chiropractic care uses natural ways to address the underlying causes of pain and discomfort rather than depending entirely on medicine or surgery. This method makes it especially intriguing for anyone looking for alternatives or who would instead utilize fewer pharmaceutical interventions.

Pain Relief:

Patients with arthritis may get significant pain relief from chiropractic adjustments. Chiropractors work to correct joint or spinal misalignments to relieve pain and relieve strain on nerves. The modifications also encourage the body’s natural painkillers, endorphins, to be released, which can offer immediate relief and improve general well-being.

Increased Mobility and Joint Function:

Arthritis can lead to stiffness, reduced range of motion, and decreased joint function. Chiropractic Treatment seeks to increase mobility and return joints to their proper alignment. Chiropractors enhance total joint function by reducing inflammation, increasing joint flexibility, and mobilizing the spine. Improved joint mobility can result in a higher quality of life, more freedom, and the capacity to carry out regular activities without pain. Get effective Chiro care in Canada only from Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic.

He is an efficient chiropractor at Elevation Health and has years of experience in this field. He has a better understanding of chiropractic care techniques and can offer you reasonable chiropractic care per specific condition. 

Individualised Treatment programmes:

Individualized treatment programmes provided by chiropractors meet each arthritis patient’s unique demands. Chiropractors evaluate the patient’s condition, medical history, and lifestyle choices to create a thorough plan. Spinal adjustments, therapeutic exercises, soft tissue therapies, and lifestyle suggestions may all be incorporated into treatment strategies. Each patient’s specific needs and goals are considered during treatment, Using an individualized approach. 

Complementary Approach:

Chiropractors can use chiropractic care in conjunction with traditional medical therapies for arthritis. They can use it combined with medicine or other treatments to offer a comprehensive approach to pain management. Chiropractic care for arthritis patients is frequently coordinated and completed by working with other medical specialists like rheumatologists or physical therapists.

Focus on Overall Wellness:

Chiropractic professionals strongly emphasize total well-being when treating arthritis. They frequently advise on dietary approaches, exercise regimens, and lifestyle changes to support joint health and lower inflammation. With a holistic approach, chiropractic care addresses not just the symptoms of arthritis but also its underlying causes, including posture, biomechanics, and muscle imbalances. It’s crucial to speak with a chiropractor or other healthcare provider about your unique situation, get a complete evaluation, and choose the best course of action for managing your arthritis.

Final Words

If you are suffering from arthritis and willing to take Chiropractic Care as a treatment, then contact Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic to get the best-fit chiro care in Canada. He is a reputed and experienced chiropractor at Elevation Health and can offer you satisfying chiro care.

Arthritis isn’t completely curable, and thus patients often have to live with it, but Chiropractic Care from Dr Brian Nantais can make it easy for them.

Living with arthritis can be a daily struggle, with pain and discomfort affecting your quality of life. While there is no known cure for arthritis, various treatments can help manage its symptoms and improve overall well-being. One such effective approach is chiropractic treatment at the Elevation Health clinic. Dr Brian Nantais of the Nantais Family Chiropractic is our clinic’s head of the Chiropractic Treatment department.

In this blog post, we will explore how chiropractic care from Dr Brian Nantais of the Nantais Family Chiropractic can assist individuals in living well with arthritis:-

  1. Pain Management
  2. Improved Joint Function
  3. Spinal Alignment
  4. Posture Correction
  5. Non-Invasive Approach
  6. Complementary Therapies
  7. Lifestyle Guidance

Pain Management:

Dr Brian Nantais is skilled in identifying and treating musculoskeletal issues often accompanying arthritis. Chiropractic care aims to alleviate joint pain and reduce inflammation by using gentle adjustments and manipulations. These techniques can help improve joint mobility and flexibility, leading to a decrease in pain and discomfort.

Improved Joint Function:

Arthritis often restricts joint movement, leading to stiffness and limited range of motion. Our expert employs specialized techniques to restore proper joint function. Through manual adjustments, chiropractic treatment can help realign joints, reduce joint restrictions, and enhance joint mobility. This can contribute to increased flexibility and improved overall joint function, enabling individuals with arthritis to carry out daily activities more comfortably.

Spinal Alignment:

Chiropractic care focuses on maintaining proper spinal alignment. Misalignments in the spine can place additional stress on surrounding joints, exacerbating arthritis symptoms. Dr Brian performs spinal adjustments to correct these misalignments, reducing pressure on affected joints and alleviating pain. By restoring spinal alignment, chiropractic treatment can improve nerve function and promote overall well-being in individuals with arthritis.

Posture Correction:

Arthritis pain often leads to changes in posture as individuals attempt to compensate for discomfort. These postural imbalances can further strain joints and exacerbate arthritis symptoms. Our expert assesses posture and identifies areas of misalignment. He then employs targeted adjustments and exercises to help correct postural imbalances. By improving posture, chiropractic treatment can relieve joint stress, reduce pain, and enhance overall comfort.

Non-Invasive Approach:

Chiropractic care offers a non-invasive treatment option for arthritis sufferers. Unlike medications or surgical interventions, chiropractic treatment focuses on natural and holistic methods to manage symptoms. Dr Brian Nantais uses hands-on techniques that do not involve drugs or invasive procedures. This makes chiropractic care a safe and viable choice for individuals seeking a conservative approach to arthritis management.

Complementary Therapies:

Chiropractic care can be effectively combined with other therapies to maximize benefits for arthritis patients. Dr Brian Nantais often incorporates complementary treatments such as massage therapy, physical therapy, and exercises tailored to specific needs. These additional therapies work in synergy with chiropractic adjustments to enhance joint function, reduce pain, and improve overall physical well-being.

Lifestyle Guidance:

In addition to hands-on treatments, chiropractors provide valuable lifestyle guidance to arthritis patients. He offers advice on nutrition, exercise, and ergonomic modifications that can help manage symptoms and improve overall health. Dr Brian Nantais empowers individuals with arthritis to make informed choices that support their well-being and reduce the impact of arthritis on their daily lives.

Final Words

If you have Arthritis and it has ruined your quality of life, then you must rely on Dr Brian Nantais of the Nantais Family Chiropractic for expert Chiropractic Care at the Elevation Health clinic. This will surely improve your life.

The persistent question is – why settle for Arthritis Treatment? For more on this, contact the Nantais Family Chiropractic care.

Given the rather contrasting lifestyle completely governed by stress all around, it is difficult to survive. During the earlier days, a number of people came up with all kinds of discomforts. One thing remains pretty intact that these people tended to suffer from Neck Pain, Knee Pain, and Lower Back Pain. One thing remains pretty important that Arthritis has often been subjected to a somewhat overlooked aspect. If you do end up overlooking Arthritis, it could well lead to a number of issues. For the best Arthritis Treatment, just reach out to the Elevation Health clinic located in Canada. Dr Brian Nantais is at the helm of affairs at the Nantais Family Chiropractic care.

For the best Arthritis Treatment, you can surely look up to the Elevation Health clinic. With time, Dr Brian Nantais has made rapid strides in the field of Chiropractic Adjustment. Once you associate with us, you are bound to notice the myriad ways of Chiropractic Care that will help you.

Let us now have a word with him and try to decode the subject:

  1. All you need to know about Chiropractic Treatment
  2. You need to stick to a proper Chiropractic Clinic
  3. Always a handy idea to have a word with a reputed Chiro
  4. What are the possible reasons for Arthritis?
  5. Various symptoms of Arthritis

All you need to know about Chiropractic Treatment:

A Chiro like Dr Brian Nantais will initially inspect and analyze your overall body before identifying the problem areas. Once that is identified, you will be offered various Chiropractic exercises that will leave you better prepared. Initially, you may have to visit once or twice a week, but that entirely depends on the seriousness of your condition.

You need to stick to a proper Chiropractic Clinic:

After a point, you will realize the fact that nothing comes close to your health. So, you are supposed to take proper care. Your foremost task should be to opt for a proper Chiropractic clinic. That way, you could definitely be in some sort of comfort. However, with the number of Chiropractic Care clinics operating, it is undoubtedly a difficult task.

Always a handy idea to have a word with a reputed Chiro:

No wonder you can never rely on a novice or rookie Chiro. More than anything else, experience sets Dr Brian Nantais apart from his contemporaries. He has tons of experience under his radar, so listening to him is always a handy option.

What are the possible reasons for Arthritis?

Dr Brian Nantais makes a very insightful observation. He points out that you can actually develop Arthritis which depends on a number of factors. Some of them include — a faulty immune system, pain in your joints, muscle strains, an increase in age, obesity, and relevant aspects.

Various symptoms of Arthritis:

Some of the symptoms of Arthritis include – pain in the joints, some kind of stiffness, swelling, and decreased range of motion. For the betterment of your health, connect with the Nantais Family Chiropractic care.

End Note

For the best Arthritis Treatment, simply feel free to reach out to the Elevation Health clinic in Canada. We truly believe that we can make a difference in your health.

If you are absolutely unsure where to head to for proper Arthritis Treatment, consult Dr Brian Nantais of the Nantais Family Chiropractic care. Contact at the earliest.

With stress playing a somewhat havoc role in our lives, it is indeed difficult to lead a stress-free lifestyle. All Chiropractors point out the fact that, on the one hand, you have issues back home, while on the flip side, there are professional issues as well. A number of patients tend to suffer from something like Arthritis. In order to fix Arthritis-related issues, pay attention to what Elevation Health has to say. Simply connect with an expert like Dr Brian Nantais of the Nantais Family Chiropractic care, based in Canada.

For the record – the Nantais Family Chiropractic care works and functions under the able supervision of Dr Brian Nantais, based in Canada. Over the years, Dr Brian Nantais has simply come of age in terms of proper Chiropractic Care.

Let us now try to study this given subject in a detailed manner and see how various results effectively show up:

  1. Make it a point to settle for the right Chiropractic Clinic
  2. Pretty important to seek validation from a stalwart
  3. Do not get into the intricacies of the overall treatment
  4. What are the diverse aspects of Arthritis?
  5. How can a Chiro help you out in the overall thing?

Make it a point to settle for the right Chiropractic Clinic:

Incidentally, you will require Arthritis Treatment only when you are down in terms of your health. Hence, it is a given thing that you must essentially opt for the right Chiropractic Care clinic. But, then, since there are a number of clinics making a beeline in the market, it could be a challenging proposition upfront.

Pretty important to seek validation from a stalwart:

When it comes to the notion of your health, you simply cannot treat it on a lighter note. Until and unless you have a word with a stalwart, you could be at the receiving end literally. Dr Brian Nantais has been leading the Nantais Family Chiropractic care for a decent amount of time. Henceforth, it is always a handy idea to seek validation from a stalwart like him.

Do not get into the intricacies of the overall treatment:

Keeping your perspective in mind, Dr Brian Nantais rightly asserts that you must shy away from over-experimenting. You always have the liberty to do prior study but then do not get into the detailed thing.

What are the diverse aspects of Arthritis?

If you are still wondering how Arthritis might impact you. There could be a number of factors, incidentally. You are bound to feel some sort of stiffness and muscle pain alongside cramps in the joints. Moreover, as we age, Arthritis can really leave a havoc mark on your health as well as lifestyle. With the overall swelling, it could be difficult for you to move or remain active.

How can a Chiro help you out in the overall thing?

If you have been silently suffering due to Arthritis issues, it is high time you seek professional help. Only a Walk In Chiropractor can help you out with various exercise drills.


If you have been looking to fix Arthritis-related issues, reach out to the Elevation Health clinic.

If you are absolutely unsure how to treat and seek proper Arthritis Treatment, seek immediate help from the Nantais Family Chiropractic care.

With stress becoming almost a compulsion in our lives, it is increasingly important to lead a stress-free lifestyle. But, then, it is not always that feasible an option, to be honest. Today, a lot of individuals come up with worrying signs such as muscle cramps, fatigue, nausea and other relevant issues. Yet another recurrent episode remains that of Arthritis. If you are to treat Arthritis issues in a major way, you must seek proper help from a reputed Chiropractor as well. Elevation Health suggests that do not press the panic button yet and connect with the Nantais Family Chiropractic care, based in Canada. This very clinic functions under the watchful eyes of Dr Brian Nantais.

If you get in touch with the Nantais Family Chiropractic care, you will rediscover your serene space of mind. No wonder, Dr Brian Nantais is readily available to offer you all kinds of help. Just feel free to connect with the Elevation Health clinic, based in Canada.

Let us now try to decipher the subject in a detailed manner and see how possible results emerge:

  1. Mandatory for you to choose the right sort of Chiropractic clinic
  2. Try to have a word with a reputed Chiro
  3. Do not delve into the detailed aspect of Chiropractic Treatment
  4. What are the symptoms of Arthritis?
  5. Best and diverse ways to treat Arthritis

Mandatory for you to choose the right sort of Chiropractic clinic:

Since it is a major concern of your health, you simply cannot afford to take things with a hint of casualness. The moment you let the hunger die, there could be numerous instances where you might be at the receiving end. In short, you should opt for the right sort of Chiropractic clinic to stay ahead than your mere competitors.

Try to have a word with a reputed Chiro:

Keeping your health perspective in mind, the best possible solution for you is to have a word with an experienced Chiro. The moment you see a novice Chiro, you will have to face an unending string of issues. Therefore, the best possible option is to have a word with a Chiro who is pretty experienced in the nuances of Chiropractic Treatment. That way, you will be able to beat a condition like Arthritis. For the record – Dr Brian Nantais has been leading the Nantais Family Chiropractic care for a good number of years.

Do not delve into the detailed aspect of Chiropractic Treatment:

Whatever might be the reason, just don’t immerse yourself into the detailed aspect of Chiropractic Treatment.

What are the symptoms of Arthritis?

Dr Brian Nantais points out that some of the common symptoms of Arthritis are such as pain, stiffness, decreased range of motion as well as swelling. If you have these symptoms rest assured you could have Arthritis-related issues. For a more helpful approach, connect with Dr Brian Nantais of the Nantais Family Chiropractic care, based in Canada.

Best and diverse ways to treat Arthritis:

A Chiro like Dr Brian Nantais will usually suggest that you keep a close watch on your body weight. You can get enough exercise. In addition to this, Chiropractic techniques will always work to your advantage.

Closing Words

If you are looking for a Family Chiropractic to treat your Arthritis-related issues, connect with Dr Brian Nantais today.

If you are looking for the right kind of Arthritis Pain Treatment, get in touch with the Nantais Family Chiropractic care in a jiffy!

Gone are the days when a number of people suffered from different kinds of issues. With the change in time, a lot of things have been addressed. However, certain things still continue to exist on a regular basis. If you are one of those people suffering under the cruel clutches of Arthritis pain, it is high time you seek proper Arthritis Treatment. Now, the pertinent question that lies ahead is where to seek decent enough Arthritis Treatment. You can simply get in touch with the Elevation Health clinic, where Dr Brian Nantais works at the helm of affairs.

Dr Brian Nantais of the Nantias Family Chiropractic care is someone who can offer you all kinds of profound insight. Once you associate with us at the Elevation Health clinic, you are bound to be in a special zone of comfort whatsoever.

So, what are the various facets for which you need to visit a Chiro in order to seek proper Arthritis Treatment? Let’s have a detailed look:

  1. Always a wise idea to look for the best clinic
  2. Have a word with a thorough professional
  3. Do not get into the intricate details of Chiropractic Treatment
  4. What are the various symptoms of Arthritis Pain?
  5. How can a Chiro offer you help?

Always a wise idea to look for the best clinic:

Amidst today’s testing times, it always becomes more than a necessity to opt for the best clinic. If you don’t quite decide to settle for the best, there could be an enormous amount of problems lined up for you. Look for the best Chiropractic clinic, or else be ready to face the consequences.

Have a word with a thorough professional:

After a certain point in life, you will realize the fact that if you don’t quite opt for the alternative, there could be problems galore. Dr Brian Nantais has been leading the Nantais Family Chiropractic care for a decent number of years. Hence, every time you have a word with someone of his presence of mind, it will bring you fruitful results.

Do not get into the intricate details of Chiropractic Treatment:

Certain things, if not taken proper care of, could actually pose a lot of threats during the later stages of your life. Dr Brian Nantais points out the fact that you always have the liberty to look beyond your comfort zone. But, then, never get into the intricate details of Chiropractic Treatment.

What are the various symptoms of Arthritis Pain?

Arthritis Pain could actually leave you stranded midway. It causes various kinds of muscle fatigue and pain in the joints. Overall, you tend to lose resistance and overall stability. In addition to this, you could become a tad inactive in the morning. You are bound to feel mentally exhausted due to the imminent pain. For the ensuing pain, it is always a safe option to get valuable tips from Dr Brian Nantais of the Nantais Family Chiropractic care.

How can a Chiro offer you help?

A Chiro like Elevation Health veteran Dr Brian Nantais will ideally inspect your body basics. It goes without saying that he will teach you various Chiropractic nuances that will really help you out. For obvious reasons, you are required to visit the Elevation Health clinic.

Bottom Line

If you have been making frantic searches such as a Walk In Chiropractor, seek immediate help from the Elevation Health clinic based in Canada.

Dr Brian Nantais of Elevation Health in Canada explains to us how rheumatoid arthritis can also affect your wrists. Chiropractic care treats arthritis conditions.

Dr Brian Nantais of Elevation Health in Canada explains to us how rheumatoid arthritis can also affect your wrists. Chiropractic care treats arthritis conditions.

Explaining Rheumatoid Arthritis:

Rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammation of the joints. It is a chronic autoimmune disorder that affects other parts of the body as well. It can affect the heart, lungs, eyes, skin, blood vessels, etc. If this happens, it is called rheumatic disease. It mostly affects women between the ages 25 to 50. As per Dr Brian Nantais and his licensed experts of the Nantais family chiropractic, chiropractic care can manage the issues related to rheumatoid arthritis. At Elevation Health in Canada, many patients showing signs of rheumatoid arthritis have been diagnosed correctly. Our experts have also performed the best care to reduce the progression of the disease.

Symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis:

Rheumatoid arthritis affects you more than just the joints. It affects your vital organs like kidneys, heart, lungs, eyes, etc. That’s why Dr Brian Nantais and his team discuss the symptoms of this disease. If you are facing any of these symptoms, we recommend you to contact a good chiropractor. You can also contact the Nantais family chiropractic at Elevation health in Canada.

  1. Warm, swollen and tender joints
  2. Loss of appetite
  3. Fever
  4. A tired feeling
  5. Stiff joints in the morning or when you are not active

How rheumatoid arthritis affects your wrists?

The wrist is a joint that has many other smaller joints. It consists of 8 small bones and 2 large bones. Rheumatoid arthritis attacks you first in the small joints, like the fingers and toes. Then it progresses to the slightly bigger joints, for example, the wrists. So, Dr Brian Nantais suggests that you don’t ignore the starting symptoms of this disease.

When this condition continues to progress more and more, problems with your mobility arise. Your flexibility decreases, along with your range of motion. It makes your wrists very stiff. Rheumatoid arthritis can even cause permanent damage in your bones. In fact, conditions like Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is quite common among the patients of rheumatoid arthritis.

This illness can rupture the tendons of your fingers. This prevents you from completely stretching your fingers.

You should never ignore the signs of conditions like these. So, we suggest that you regularly visit a chiropractor like the Nantais family chiropractic of Elevation Health in Canada.

The advantages of chiropractic care for rheumatoid arthritis:

The main focus of chiropractic care is treating the nervous system. It diagnoses the condition correctly and prevents the disruptions in the neuromusculoskeletal system. This therapy makes your body stronger and increases your mobility. Our expert chiropractors at Elevation Health in Canada even advise you with exercises that can reduce the progress of arthritis. Not only rheumatoid arthritis, chiropractic care heals your body from the inside.

Dr Brian Nantais conducts a full body checkup in depth that goes to the deep cause of the problem. So, the treatment is not all at the superficial level. Our experts use many techniques, such laser therapy, to enhance the healing environment in your body.


Dr Brian Nantais in Canada takes special care and attention to his patients. Patients have reported that they feel their health getting better right from the beginning. Our calm and peaceful environment at Elevation Health goes the extra mile in treating you. So, if you are searching for the best chiropractic care in Canada, contact us now!

Many people have arthritis in the fingers which is still a rare disease in this world. But if you have these symptoms, then you need immediate treatment. Let’s know it from Dr Brian Nantais.

One of the rarest arthritis diseases is having arthritis in the fingers. Therefore, Dr Brian Nantais recommend you must urgent treatment for this.

Many people suffer from different types of arthritis conditions of health. At Elevation Health, the patients can get treatment for their arthritis symptoms in their fingers.

Pain in fingers and hand:

According to Dr Brian Nantais, having continuous pain is one of the basic symptoms of arthritis in fingers. However, this pain can be burning type along with the feeling of dullness. This burning pain is one of the earliest symptoms of finger arthritis.

However, this pain can become like a burning sensation that makes the pain even worse. Along with this, the pain in the case of finger arthritis can often get worse after some activities. If these activities are repeated again, then the pain will get worse. At the center of Nantais Family Chiropractic, people will get treatment for their finger arthritis.

Swelling in fingers or hands:

Nantais Family Chiropractic patients also reported swelling in the finger joints. The joints of your fingers can face severe swelling due to overuse. However, many times, the swelling can get worse with the overuse of several activities.

Therefore, the person may face severe swelling that is another common symptom of finger arthritis. Along with this, there can be other symptoms like when the skin around your finger area or finger joints will look red. Additionally, this area can also look puffy and start hurting to your touch.

Stiffness in fingers or arms:

Many times the joints of your fingers can feel stiff due to severe arthritis in your fingers. However, this is one of the common symptoms of finger arthritis. Along with this, some people also have trouble moving their fingers randomly and freely due to finger arthritis.

Additionally, this pain can become debilitating sometimes. Whether your finger arthritis stays for long and becomes a chronic one or only acute pain, you can have stiffness. Along with this, people generally lose their motion in fingers slowly.

The stiffness over time can become more severe and the pain also becomes worse. Therefore, the patient slowly reduces his range of motion of all fingers. As a result, this may cause him to find difficulty in grasping various objects too.

Tingling and numbness in fingers:

While suffering from fingers arthritis, many people might have the sensations like tingling. In the case of finger arthritis, the person may have numb feelings too. Whether your finger arthritis is acute, while having tingling or numbness, you might get it as a sign of being worse. Because many times the finger arthritis symptoms get worse with time.

However, Nantais Family Chiropractic says that this sensation of numbness can be in particularly three fingers. The tingling and numbness can be in the first finger, second finger, and third finger.

Along with this, the person may have approached some symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome. Therefore, if you experience any of these symptoms then you must see a chiropractor at the soonest.

At Elevation Health, people who have been suffering from arthritis in their fingers for a long, can get treatment in Canada. Here the chiropractors can treat your finger arthritis symptoms with the help of various chiropractic techniques. Contact us to know more.

There are typical causes that may result in you having arthritis pain. In this blog, Dr Brian Nantais will share valuable insights on the basic arthritis pain factors.

For patients who have arthritis, typical causes can be the underlying factor for having arthritis pain. However, we will have insight into typical arthritis causes here. Dr Brian Nantais will share information.

At Elevation Health, arthritis patients can get chiropractic treatment with the most necessary therapies.

All you need to know:

Arthritis is generally a specific type of joint pain that causes the person in having swelling or inflammation. Along with this, sometimes, the person may also face a tenderness in the swelling place of his body.

Many arthritis patients in Nantais Family Chiropractic who visited for arthritis treatment reported some other symptoms. They also had some symptoms like stiffness in joints body stiffness, and that even gets worse with time.

However, arthritis can get away cured with the proper chiropractic care approach. For this purpose, your can visit us at Elevation Health and get therapies for your arthritis.

Causes for arthritis:

According to Dr Brian Nantais, if the person has been suffering from various arthritis symptoms for a long, he needs treatment soon. As it is seen from the Nantais Family Chiropractic patients that they had pain for a long.

Therefore, as a result, the arthritis symptoms got worse with passing years. They suffer from debilitating pain for most time in a day. However, there are some causes of arthritis that you can’t ignore at all.

The main cause of arthritis is having damage in your joint area’s cartilage. However, this is mainly a hard and slick coat from the place your joint forms.

This body part is responsible for the natural shock and friction as well as damage between your joints.

However, many people face a breakdown in their cartilage areas as with growing age; it gets weaker. Because over time, the cartilage area increases common friction cases.

As a result, this may cause arthritis patients to have debilitating pain. Many times, an injury in your joint areas or an infection in your joint areas can also be the real cause of having arthritis.

Some other factors for arthritis pain:

Many patients at Nantais Family Chiropractic had common wear and tore at mainly their joints. This was the main cause of their arthritis pain.

Along with this, with time, the cartilage starts damaging, and thus, the lining at the joint area faces inflammation. Although they are some common arthritis causes, however, there are some others too.

For some specific arthritis cases, the person’s body immunity power gets lessen as the whole immune system gets affected. As a result, the joint lining gets severe inflammation.

Along with this, over time, it also destroys the main cartilage area. However, there are some other factors for arthritis pain that may include:

  1. Your family history of arthritis pain
  2. Age
  3. Gender
  4. Joint Injury
  5. Obesity

Elevation Health is a popular name when it comes to seeking chiropractic clinics for arthritis treatment in Canada. Here you can get your arthritis treatment with the necessary hands-on techniques. Contact us to know more.

Many people who suffer from arthritis problems face debilitating pain. If they can take care at home, they can get relief. Dr Brian Nantais will share some tips here.

Many people who suffer from arthritis problems face debilitating pain. If they can take care at home, they can get relief. Dr Brian Nantais will share some tips here.

The problem of arthritis is a usual health problem for many of us. However, if the patients can take proper care at home, the pain can become less. Dr Brian Nantais will share some arthritis tips to follow at home.

At Elevation Health, the experts take care of their patients and their health. They also share valuable home remedies for arthritis so that the patient can feel less pain.

All you need to know:

According to Dr Brian Nantais, the problem of arthritis is mainly a disease where the patient can face pain. In this health condition, the patient generally faces a range of health complications. That may include having pain, and the pain becomes worse with time.

However, many patients also face inflammation in their joint area. Therefore, if they do not take proper care, then arthritis can become a serious health issue. Although there are many medicines, chiropractic care also helps in this.

Elevation Health offers therapies for arthritis. Along with this, the health experts provide suggestions to the patients.

The most important fact about this disease is the patient may face more pain over the passing time. Therefore, he needs to take care soon.

We will share some tips to take care of arthritis at home. Let’s dig deeper here.

Managing your weight:

One of the easiest ways for arthritis care is managing your weight. However, health experts from Nantais Family Chiropractic believe that it is a good habit for taking care of your arthritis pain in future.

It is obvious that your weight can be a major cause for having this disease of arthritis pain. Putting overweight can give extra stress to your spine.

Along with this, this will put more pressure on your knee joints and hips or feet. As a result, there may arise some arthritis symptoms in your body.

Therefore, you need to lose weight for arthritis. Losing weight will also help in taking care of your arthritis pain. An easy yet simple tip, with the help of weight loss plans, arthritis pain will reduce.

However, Nantais Family Chiropractic experts always recommend their patients this home remedy. Therefore, this will help in decreasing pain and preventing future damage in joints.

Getting enough exercise:

Chiropractors from Nantais Family Chiropractic suggest to their patients here that regular exercise will lower their pain. If a person has arthritis, then he needs to get the habit of daily exercise.

However, he can do some easy and small tasks at home. Along with this, doing some other activities will also help. These may include doing cycling, walking, swimming, running, and some other water activities.

A trainer can help you in this, and you can get arthritis relief with these easy activities. This will also help to keep your joints in a flexible state and gain more strength in muscles.

At Elevation Health, the famous health experts from Canada will help their patients to get relief. They can follow these tips at home and get relief from arthritis pain. Contact us to know more.

A chiropractor treats arthritis using the best adjustment techniques. Arthritis is a joint inflammation that causes severe pain. Read on to know more.

Arthritis is a common health condition where inflammation happens in your joints, causing pain and stiffness. Arthritis has different types, and each can be distinguishable by the cause. The common causes of arthritis are infections, wear and tear, and underlying diseases. If you suffer from arthritis, you can visit Dr Brian Nantais for pain treatment. Chiropractic adjustments are very popular for pain management. Let’s learn more about how a chiropractor treats arthritis.

How do chiropractors help you?

Chiropractors perform adjustment techniques to align your spines and improve the movements of restricted joints. Since arthritis is the inflammation in your joints, a chiropractor using the adjustment techniques reduces the inflammation. It not only improves the conditions of the affected bones but also restores the functions of the nerves around that area. Chiropractors adjust your spine and enhance the performance of your nervous systems. With chiropractic adjustments, you can improve the overall functions of your health. 

A chiropractor applies gentle adjustment therapies that also protect you from harmful opioid drugs used for reducing pain. Although the types of arthritis can be many, two primary types are well-known.

Osteoarthritis: is a degenerative disorder that affects the cartilage in your joints.

Rheumatoid Arthritis: it is a chronic inflammatory disorder occurred in your spine.

When you choose chiropractic care for treating arthritis, you will get an array of benefits for your health, including:

  1. Reduction in pain and discomforts
  2. Decreased inflammation
  3. Enhances the range of motions
  4. Improvements in flexibility
  5. Enhanced activity and lifestyle

Find the best chiropractic care for your health. You can visit Nantais Family Chiropractic to treat your complications. When you visit a chiropractor, he/she will tell you the treatment procedures. Your doctor even recommends a number of sessions you need for your treatment. A chiropractor offers a comprehensive approach to your health. They suggest you exercise and lifestyle modifications for your health. 

You need to remember that arthritis does not have a complete cure. So, a chiropractor can alleviate the condition but does not offer you complete relief from arthritis. Along with the adjustment techniques, an experienced chiropractor also relies on some other approaches for enhancing your health, and they are:

  1. Hot and cold therapy
  2. Ultrasound treatments
  3. Massage
  4. Electronic muscle stimulation
  5. Physical rehabilitation
  6. Magnet therapy

Visit Elevation Health and learn more about chiropractic care. It is one of the best chiropractic clinics in Tecumseh, Essex County. You can also meet Dr Brian Nantais for your treatment. He is an experienced chiropractor, offering treatment for several health conditions.

Arthritis decreases your joint health and causes unbearable pain. A chiropractor can treat three types of arthritis, and they are osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and psoriatic arthritis. Chiropractic care does not include medicines and surgeries for treating your health conditions. If you need any help, please contact Dr Brian Nantais or visit Elevation Health, a chiropractic clinic in Tecumseh

Arthritis is the inflammation of joints. You feel pain in one joint or multiple joints.
