Dr Brian Nantais Breaks Some Common Arthritis Myths

Little do people know that arthritis isn’t one disease; it is a group of over a hundred diseases that affect the joints. Stats say that one in five Canadians suffers from arthritis. It will not be inaccurate to say that arthritis is one of the most prevalent chronic diseases among Canadians. Dr Brian Nantais of the Nantais Family Chiropractic treats several arthritis patients at his Elevation Health clinic on a daily basis. He and his Nantais Family Chiropractic team have helped many people gain relief from arthritis symptoms through Chiropractic Care.

Dr Brian Nantais has observed that his patients have been exposed to certain misconceptions. People believe in such myths, and this causes them to have certain misunderstandings about the disorder. Until people have such wrong opinions, they will not be able to seek proper treatment.

Here is some information against those myths from the experts at Elevation Health:-

  1. “You can ignore the pain symptoms of arthritis, they are negligible”
  2. “As you age, you develop arthritis, it is a fact.”
  3. “Sufficient rest can completely cure arthritis.”
  4. “One has to bear with arthritis forever.”

“You can ignore the pain symptoms of arthritis, they are negligible”:

This is one of the dangerous myths. If you believe in this and have arthritis, then you will face serious circumstances in no time. Arthritis doesn’t take more than a few years to deteriorate the joints and make the condition worse. If you avoid proper diagnosis and treatment, then your condition will keep declining. Eventually, the pain will get intolerable, and you will lose mobility. Therefore, before it’s too late, you should get suitable treatment from arthritis experts.

“As you age, you develop arthritis, it is a fact”:

This is not true, as there are several cases of arthritis in children and young teenagers around the world. Yes, the chances of getting arthritis rise as you age due to the gradual wear and tear of the joints over the years. But this doesn’t mean that it’s unavoidable and is a part of your old age. Cases of gout and osteoarthritis are completely preventable if you take care and seek treatment at the right time.

“Sufficient rest can completely cure arthritis”:

This is another myth that often worsens the patient’s condition. Staying still all day and having zero physical activity can negatively impact your health and promote arthritis symptoms. Arthritis patients must ask a specialist to curate a physical activity routine as per their requirements that help improve their state without damaging their weak joints. Some exercises that are recommended by our experts are – Exercises for mobility, such as stretching, should be done to maintain or increase the joint’s range of motion and flexibility; strength-based activities, like those involving weights, can help the joint gain stability and improve its functioning; and aerobic activities like walking or cycling can help enhance cardiovascular fitness.

“One has to bear with arthritis forever”:

Arthritis might not be completely curable, but it’s wrong to think that there’s nothing to do against it and that one has to bear with the symptoms their whole life. If preventive measures are taken, and if you get treated by experts, then you can gain relief from arthritis symptoms. Physical activity, healthy weight, self-management education, physiotherapy, and chiropractic care can make a difference.

Final Words

In case you need more information on arthritis, or you need expert treatment, then you must visit Dr Brian Nantais of the Nantais Family Chiropractic at the Elevation Health clinic.

Arthritis is the inflammation of joints. You feel pain in one joint or multiple joints.
