Do You Have Arthritis?

How do you know you have arthritis? Do all joint symptoms mean arthritis? You can consult with health care professionals because they are the right persons who can tell whether you have arthritis or not. But, certain signs and symptoms force you to talk with a doctor. When it comes to arthritis treatment, chiropractic adjustment proves to be a great choice for your health. Dr Brian Nantais is an experienced chiropractor who will treat your health complications with the best adjustment techniques.

Chiropractic adjustments are commonly performed on your spines and joints to realign your musculoskeletal structure. It alleviates your different complications, including back pain, neck pain, and more. When you are suffering from arthritis, you can also consult with an experienced chiropractor. Visit Nantais Family Chiropractic to know more about your health and wellness.

Warning signs of arthritis:

There are many signs of arthritis you may notice, but the most common warning signs are mentioned below.


Pain from arthritis may come and go, or it can be constant. You may experience pain in one part of your body or the different parts of your body.


Skin swelling is another warning sign of arthritis. The skin over the affected joint area gets red and swollen. It feels warm to the touch. If you experience swelling for a longer period of time that lasts for three days or occurs more than three times a month, you need to consult with a doctor.

Without any delay, you must visit a chiropractor near you. He/she performs physical tests to identify the problematic area and plan treatments as per your health. Dr Brian Nantais is an experienced chiropractor and offers the right treatment choices to improve your health conditions.


It is a very common arthritis symptom. You may experience stiffness after waking up in the morning or after sitting for a long period in front of your desk. If your stiffness stays longer than an hour, you have a reason to call it arthritis.

Difficulty in moving a joint:

You will feel difficulty in moving your joint. Although it is not that hard, you need a chiropractor to take care of your health.

What to do:

When you experience such symptoms, you can visit an experienced, licensed chiropractor for your health. One thing you can definitely do is to track your symptoms completely for a week to explain everything to your chiropractor in a better way.

Observe which parts of your body gets swollen or stiff. Note down the time and how long the complication lasts. You can also take note of things that help you ease the pain. If you have any associated health issues, you should not ignore them also. If you experience fever with these symptoms, you need to consult with a chiropractor immediately.

A chiropractor performs physical tests for your arthritis. They will check the range of motions in your joints. With chiropractic adjustments, you can alleviate your pain. Meet Nantais Family Chiropractic to treat your health complications. You can consult with Dr Brian Nantais to help you know more about your health complications.

Arthritis is the inflammation of joints. You feel pain in one joint or multiple joints.
