How To Manage Arthritis?

Arthritis is one of the most common joint pain affecting millions of people around the globe. Arthritis means the joints are inflamed and degenerated. This is a very common disease these days. Nantais family chiropractic takes care of arthritis patients in Tecumseh,Canada. For more information online, visit Elevation Health. We offer an in-depth guide to arthritis.

There are various reasons behind muscle and joint pain these days. To understand whether you have arthritis look for these symptoms.

  1. Pain on a particular joint
  2. Redness around the joints
  3. Tenderness in the affected area
  4. Stiffness around the joints
  5. Swelling at the paining site

If you think you may have arthritis, visit a chiropractor to manage the pain. Dr Brian Nantais will ask about your symptoms and run a few tests. 

  1. The chiropractor may run some motion tests in your joints.
  2. He will check the tenderness and swelling around your joints.
  3. He will check your health.

Arthritis is not curable. Chiropractic treatments may help you manage the condition. Dr Brian Nantais develops a treatment plan for his patients. These plans relieve the unmanageable pain.The treatment plans depend on the severity of the disease. It also depends on its symptoms as well as the patient’s health condition.

Chiropractic care does not involve medicines. It focuses on Physical therapy. Rehabilitation improves strength and mobility. Chiropractic adjustments can improve the health condition of the patients to an extent.

There is no guaranteed way to prevent arthritis. The risk increases If you are a woman or have a family history with arthritis. Visit Nantais family chiropractic clinic for regular check ups and prevention of arthritis. To learn more about arthritis, visit Elevation health’s other blogs.

 These steps may help in preventing arthritis:

  1. Keep an eye for your weight: Hips and knees bear the most of our weight. If you have excess fat, that will put more pressure on the joints. Joints are more prone to have arthritis in such conditions.
  2. Blood sugar: Blood sugar makes the tissue stiff. These tissues support joints. Higher blood sugar puts stress on joints. Reduce blood sugar level with a healthy lifestyle to prevent arthritis.
  3. Work out: 30 minutes of moderate exercise regularly will improve joints’ condition. The muscles are toned with working out. These muscles support your knees and hips.
  4. Try to prevent injuries: Injuries at a joint will increase the risk of getting arthritis. If you play sports, use protective gears.
  5. Quit tobacco products: Smoking and tobacco products weaken the protective tissues at your joints. It can lead to arthritis pain.
  6. Incorporate omega 3 in your diet: Have Omega-3 in your diet. Add fish, flaxseed, walnut fish oil etc. in your diet. Omega-3s can reduce inflammation in the joints.

Chiropractors are trained individuals who perform muscle and spinal alignment. Chiropractors use an array of techniques to move restricted joints. The inflammation reduces with chiropractic care. These adjustments improve the conditions of the affected bones, muscles and nerves. Dr Brian Nantais‘s treatment plan has already helped many patients all over Canada.

Arthritis is the inflammation of joints. You feel pain in one joint or multiple joints.
